
Only My Girl

This is my life. Very flat and empty, until Pelita illuminates my life. Pelita is, "Pelita Nafisa". One of the millions of women with mysterious characteristics, one of the many women who can make my feelings interested in her, and one of hundreds of women on campus, who are not interested in my good looks. I'm Devana Clano, stupid but handsome students and also rich, said the love war will begin soon after this. Pelita, wait for me. I will definitely win your heart, even though you don't love me. I will make you the first, even though you make my last mention. I will make you one, even though I became one of them for you. Wait and then just get it until it arrived. I will keep trying to fight for you until I get your heart. Until that time arrived, I would continue to hope for Goddess of Luck who sided with my side. Whatever happens, I will continue to pay attention to you, until you melt your cold heart. I hope I'm lucky, and hope you love me back.

AurasylaXliniara · Urban
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37 Chs

'Sometimes being in the limelight is the best way to train your mind in the future. '-Deva

[Break Time]

Break time is Deva's most awaited time. Not without cause, but Deva wants to get out of her own class soon. Deva hated being the center of attention because of his Father's position in the British state, when he was far different from his own Father's torment.

"If only they knew my true nature.." Mumbled Deva.

After mumbling those words, Deva realized that she was being noticed by someone. Deva glanced left and right, but still didn't find the person. Deva quickly moved on to the school cafeteria to get some snacks, then ate them on the roof top himself. Yeah, roof top! Deva roof top is the most comfortable place to have kept her company 4 years ago. No matter how many students are in the school, it is still a place where people seldom visit.

Deva is the one who spreads smiles like he's the happiest person in the world. That was Deva's way of making others happy.

Grandpa once messaged in the last seconds of his life to Deva and it was about the happiness of others.

'By spreading a smile of happiness, you will always feel safe. Not safe because protected, but safe because you succeeded in keeping their happiness when you failed by something.'

So he wrote, and after saying it, he did exhale his last in front of Frandma and Deva.

Where was his Father at the time? Don't ask, it was definitely the time that John left to finish his work overseas.

'Tsk. Forget it!' Deva's words in his heart.

Before Deva knew it, he had arrived in the very crowded and noisy cafeteria. Deva started squinting to look for the vending here, but he couldn't find her at all.

Deva sighed, "Very noisy." She muttered.


Suddenly there was an arm patting Deva on the back.

"Yo!" Greet the person.

Deva ignored the man's greeting and returned to get the proper food for him to eat later.

".. You're such a snob now, Dev!".

Deva raised one of his eyebrows, but still did not reply to the person's words.

The man embraced Deva's shoulders, "Huahh, really! It's me, Jefri! Don't you remember me?".


The man who calls himself Jefri is nodding his head.

"Jefri..." Deva tried to recall the name last time,

"...My childhood friend?!". Deva said by raising his voice.

Jefri just grabbed Deva without cause and whispered, "I've found you at last, Dev!"

Deva smiled very thin, yet so sincere. He hugged Jefri back, and then wiped his back.

Deva shut her eyes, "It's been 7 years since then, huh?" Ask Deva.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to find you at this school. My mother was an amazing soothsayer!"

Deva took off her embrace, then justifies where the tie was slightly tilted.


"....Been looking for me all along?".

"Of course! I want to tell you so many things because you are the only one who understands me." Jefri said by lowering his voice.

Deva nodded her head, "Hm, hm, I get it! Then you should buy me snacks now!". Deva said excitedly.

Jefri laughed at Deva's words, "Ahahah! All right, all right, follow me!".

Jefri pulled Deva to a store that was outside the canteen, or rather was next to the school's kitchen. There were very few visitors, but Deva believed that the bars were delicious.



Deva pointed to a chocolate cake, "Buy me that, yaaaa." Said Deva by showing his puppy eyes.

Jefri wiped Deva's hair and ruffled her, "Yes, take it however you like. Think of it as a form of letting go after 7 years of not seeing each other."

Deva nodded her head and then ran over to the chocolate cake seller excitedly.

"Uncle, pack me your brownies."

"All right, young man. But I think I just saw your face. are you new? What's your name?".

Deva is trying to find an excuse to avoid this question, but nothing Deva can think of.

Whereas Jefri who was standing right behind Deva was only showing his immunity.

"It's like someone's confused with the answer.. By the way, that uncle's been waiting for your answer the whole time." Whispered Jefri.

Deva grunts annoyed, 'Jefri is as annoying as Lewis!' Deva's words in his heart.

"Young man? Are you listening to me?"

"Ah... My name is — "

Jefri cuts Deva, "Thanks Uncle, take this."

'Didn't he tell me to answer? Ugh, you're not clear!'. Deva's protest in his heart.

"Jef! Are you a friend of his?".

Jefri nodded, "Yes, Uncle. He just went back to school."

"I thought he was a transfer student. By the way, what's his name?"

Jefri took hold of his chin, "His name is..

...Just call him Dev, Uncle. Ahk yes! No more cash. I gave it to uncle." Jefri said by closing his eyes.

Deva, who is in the middle of these talks, can only breathe his many times, 'Jefri is very similar with Lewis!'


"Are you talking about me again?"

'I hear Lewis sound now!'. Deva said in his heart by hugging his own arm.

"Dev, take it."

Deva didn't answer, he took the cake right away and then ran away from Jefri without saying a word. It's not impolite, but he really can't wait to eat it on the roof top even if it's meant to be kept company by Jefri.

Jefri looked at Deva and shook his head, "Huh ~ that boy loves chocolate so much, he forgot to thank me. How childish is he!".Jefri murmured.

Jefri bowed a little, "Thanks again Uncle, then I'll go after Dev first, see you later!".

Trak. Tak. Tak.

Deva drove up every ladder to roof top by running so fast, it even produced a pretty loud sound.

Kriiet~ Tang!.

Deva pushed the door over roof top so hard that it tripped her.

"Aw~ ... My precious cake didn't break, did it?". Deva said by examining the bundle of cakes.

Deva smiled in relief, "Thank god."


All of a sudden Deva hears the laughter in the voice of someone who is currently missing.


The name came to Deva's mind all of a sudden, and Deva turned her head around and looked for Vina's whereabouts. Just nothing. Deva hasn't found anyone here.

"Do I miss him too much? So that I can hear laughter in my head?". Mumbled Deva.

"Hummm! You are evil! It's me!".

Hap, Tap!.

Vina jumped from Deva's back all of a sudden.

"Vina!!! ".

Vina smiled as she straightened her hair on the wind and said, "Deva, how are you?".

Deva didn't say anything, but he gave Vina a big hug. Vina returned Deva's embrace, then chuckled softly with Deva's chin on his shoulders.

Deva shut her eyes, "Since when have you moved to my school?".

"Ever since you passed out in the hospital, I've been to school here." Vina answered in a sullen tone.

"Shouldn't you be...", Deva took off her arms, "...Going out of town for a month?". Said Deva by tilting his head in a sign he was curious.

Vina surprised a moment, 'No! Deva can never find out about my illness.' Says Vina in her heart.

Then Vina changed her expression back to the way she looked, "That's true, but... I'm leaving for the race in two days." Said Vina by lying to Deva.

Deva, instead of suspecting Vina's words, she invited him to sit down and eat chocolate cake with her.

Deva feeds Vina by insisting while Vina eats the cake against her will. What a romantic atmosphere.

But the atmosphere didn't last long because it came a bully, that person was Jefri - the one who always came at the wrong time.

"Come on, Vin! Just have one more, okay? Open your mouth... aaaa..."


The one who ate the cake in Deva's hand was Jefri.

'What a pleasant atmosphere!' Deva's words in his heart.

Vina shuts her mouth using her hands trying like hell not to laugh at Deva, but failed. Vina teelaughter with such satisfaction that Deva's slightly blushing.

Jefri sat between Vina and Deva, "This is punishment for leaving a friend for a girlfriend!". Said Jefri with a cynical eye.

"I'm not leaving you! I just want to eat this cake alone, and... about Vina". Deva glanced at Vina.

Vina understood the meaning of the glance and then continued Deva's unfinished sentence, "I came here with the first intention of enjoying the cold air. Anyway I came earlier than Deva, so this is purely a coincidence". Said Vina with a shrug, a sign she knew nothing.

Jefri turns a blind eye, "I don't care what you're explaining, but what I'm asking is, do you have a special relationship?". Jefri's words enabled Deva and Vina to be silent at the same time, perhaps because they were ata loss as to what to answer.

Jefri glanced at Deva and Vina simultaneously, sighed and returned to eat a chip in his hand. He didn't expect anything from Deva and Vina's answers, yet he was very much expecting an honesty from his old friend - Deva's mouth.

"Hwei, ywou guys arwents reawlly statues, are ywou? (Hey, you guys aren't really statues, are you?)". Said Jefri with a mouth full of potato chips.

Deva is a bit distancing his body from Jefri, he thinks Jefri is so slovenly and shameless. Vina does the same thing with Deva, but Vina's different puts out a wet tissue for Jefri.

Jefri smiled, "Thank you."

"Jef, really? You've been in high school and your behaviour is so childish, did I leave you advice as a friend for that long?". Ask Deva with a little scolding Jefri.

Jefri chuckled softly, "Seven years is a long time, Dev!" He answered.

Vina laughed at a small argument between Deva and Jefri, but suddenly he was distracted

"So dizzy..." Murmured Vina.


Vina fell unconscious right at Deva. Deva was so freaked out by Vina just dropping down on her left foot, he tried to stir Vina up, but it didn't work because it was like Vina was totally out.


Jefri nodded her head.

sorry sorry; ( I'm really busy so I can't up this story yesterday ;( I hope you all always enjoy and reading my stories.. REALLY SORRY FOR LATE UPDATE T-T

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