
Day 4; September 6, 2019

Impressions, impressions, impressions. That's what it's all about, am I wrong? And so far, no one has seem to have gotten on my good side. Up until lunch, everything was by far terrible. For one, I met a new friend. And by friend, I mean enemy. My new enemy was Joey Vanec. Joey was one of those kids that were quiet, but incredibly rich. He was the opposite of what I was. He had perfect curly, golden blonde hair. Much less like my black hair, which were in bangs. He wore a brown madras with a white sweater. They perfectly matched with his black jeans.

I managed to bump into him in third period when we were sitting down for class. I remember plopping down my bag and suddenly, this cheeky blonde kid falls face first to the ground. The conversation went something like this:

"Hey bro, you good? I didn't mean to ma-"

"Of course you wanted to make me fall, you put your bag in the middle of the isle." When he spoke, he almost mumbled his words, but they were clear. And was also clear was that his statement was completely wrong. I made sure my bag was as close to my desk as possible. But I didn't argue. It wasn't worth it until he made a very clear statement that agitated me.

"Im sorry bro. I won't try and do it again. It was an acc-"

"Spare it. I don't want to hear another fucking word from you, you little bastard. You know what? Forget it. I'm not gonna be late because of some poor shitstain wanted to aggravate me into getting in trouble."

At this point, I stood up and was ready to swing a quick left hook right into the back of his head, but it seemed like he already knew what I was going to do before I did it.

As I readied my fist, he turned swiftly and stuck his hand straightforward right in front of my chest. He was so quick, I barely had time to react. He forced his hand into a fist and pushed hard into my chest. I had the wind knocked out of me, and even coughed up a little blood. I didn't know how, but he put a lot of force with little effort.

"Next time, don't try shit like that with me, and you'll be fine."

In that moment, I realized that it was clear that I needed to learn how to fight properly. I brushed it off and sat back down in my seat, neither of us speaking a word again for the rest of the period.

Lunch though, was a completely different story. As normal, I pulled out my list and was starting to observe when suddenly, a girl walked over. She had strawberry-blonde hair that flowed down to just past her shoulders. Her eyes were a pretty sea green. She asked a question that startled me:

"Can I sit with you? You just seem so lonely," she asked.

Shocked, I didn't know how to respond, but I went with what the first thing came to my mind.

"Sure I guess."

The classic line that was so bland, it made raw mashed potatoes look appetising. She sat down and immediately noticed the list.

"Whats with the list?" She asked.

"Oh, I'm just wondering if everyone can make it to my birthday party in a couple months," I lied, covering up the plan. "I cross off people who can't make it."

"Oh, I see," she said. "Anyways, let me introduce myself. My name is Jennifer."


"What an interesting name. I like it."

"Thanks. Wish I could say the same though."

We talked a little bit, asking questions like, 'what's your favorite show?', or 'best food ever?'. A few minutes before lunch ended though, she went to talk to her other friends.

I Looked down at the list and searched for her name. I took out the pen and put a line straight through the middle of it.

"Jennifer Wallston..." I thought. "It took me by surprise, but maybe there are good people in this world."