
Day 1; September 3, 2019

Today had a bad start. First day and right off the bat, there is (no need for a drumroll), you guessed it, drama. D-r-a-m-a. There was this guy named Jack who spread the worst rumor ever. Apparently, someone had put cartons of milk from the cafeteria on the stalls boys' bathroom. If it was exposed to be some sort of joke, then it wasn't very funny. Besides, it was only a rumor. Some people are just really, really immature.

Then there were the girls, who just did the normal drama like "Omg Tyler is so cute" or "Have you seen what (so and so) looks like now? She looks like a total slut!" You know. The normal drama. I mean, of course everyone was going to be chatty. It was the first day back to school. Why wouldn't they talk about summer and drama with their reunited friends?

So I sat by myself during lunch today, observing carefully, quietly. I had the list next to my tray, pen in hand. I didn't expect to cross off any names. No one would be the same. People change, either for the good or bad. I definitely changed for the worse.

On my way back home, I stopped by the gas station and picked up some treats for my brothers, that is if they were good for mom and dad. Obviously, they probably weren't. My parents won't do shit about them. I basically was taking care of them. I decided to get them some miniature donuts, each the size of a doorknob. When I returned home, nothing was changed. The living room was messy. My parents were at the counter chatting, not even glancing a single time at me. I slowly strolled up the stairs, my legs were sore. Incredibly sore. My brothers were taking a nap, so I just sat the donuts on the table and left the room. I flopped down on my bed, tired as hell from the rules and guidelines we had to follow this year.

So today was peaceful. It was neither good nor bad, but it was leaning towards the side of the bad.

I really hope this week will be better than today was.