
Twenty Four.

They do say your wedding day goes fast. It really does, I was afraid to blink in case it went quicker. Even though we were married we barely saw each other, we were too busy saying hello to all our guests, I just couldn't wait for time together this evening, My mum kindly offered to have Alfie and Arthur for the night. The speeches were beautiful. Everything was perfect. It was time to say goodbye to everyone before heading up to the honeymoon beach house. "Mrs. Stevens, may I?" He beams a smile as we arrive. "Please do" He scoops me up into a bridal carry and enters the house, it was decorated beautifully. "Can i say how beautiful you look today, When i saw you walk up the aisle, it took my breath away, knowing you were becoming my wife, the mother to my children, i didn't think i could love you any more than i do now" He cradled me in his arms as we sat in front of the outdoor fire pit watching it crackle quietly. "I love you more than you know, Mr stevens, I am honoured to have your last name, and mother your children ... here's to us, our children, our future!"

We made love that night, Once twice, four times. It was more passionate the more we done it. He made me feel alive, He was everything. We woke up to breakfast outside on the patio, and the view was outstanding, dolphins in the distance, i look at my hand and see the rings, it still felt surreal. I was a wife. "Good Morning, wife" "Morning Husband. sleep well?" "I did ... did you?" "splendid. I dont want to leave" i sighed taking in the views, before my eyes. "we will be back soon, dont worry"

Our flight was in an hour, it was a delightful holiday, and a remembering wedding, Although sad because my family leaves today, I never know when i will see them again. We had lunch together before we all had to leave, Maggie was flying back with us. Mum, Jennie and dad have a different flight. "We will meet again soon, my love. I promise" mum smiled. "I know, and i know you are not far away, it just feels like it!" i sighed. as we said our goodbyes. "Safe flight, Ill call you tomorrow! i love you"

Arriving home was nice but sad, we had to leave a beautiful island to come back home, but i guess there is nothing better than your own home comforts. Jane unpacked the suitcases and done the laundry, whilst I and Leyton sorted Alfie and Aubrey out, getting them bathed and play with their toys for a while before bedtime. "Would you want any more children?" I ask as we sit with them. "I haven't thought about it, I have always wanted children, as you know. Being blessed with two was a blessing in its self, right now I'm content with the twins, however, if we happened to have any more, then I wouldn't be unhappy about it" he smiles. "I was just asking, Im enjoying these two, but when they grow up whos to say, we won't want any more" I wanted his opinion, I've skipped a period.

"Good night my loves, mummy loves you" I whisper kissing both their heads as they settle down in their beds. I couldn't believe they were going to be one-year-olds, in a matter of months. You never realize how fast children grow, until you have your own. "Now they are asleep, why dont we have some time?" Leyton asks biting his lip, i knew what he meant. "Hmm, and what did you have in mind, Mr stevens?" "Let me show you" he winks, taking me to the bedroom laying me upon the bed, as we continue to kiss each other. His hands wandering around my body, his soft touch makes my skin tingle, my arms draped around his neck, our clothes slowly coming off. His lips moving to my jawline, then my neck. Light moans left my mouth as he caresses my body. It got heated, He arched over me before entering me, a fill of love filled my entire body at his touch. His hips thrusting forward and back in slow motion, arching my back at his movements. It was energizing, the thrill of him moving, As he reaches my sex, moans escape my mouth, his name escapes my mouth. He throws us over so im on top of him. We make love, more than once. It was always so passionate, i never wanted it to end;

*Gone to work, won't be late, i love you ... round five tonight! ;)* I woke up to his text on my phone, i smiled instantly. It was 730am, the twins were still asleep, i managed to grab a shower before they woke up, and wash my hair. I felt fresh. I planned on going for a walk to the park this morning with Alfie and Aubrey, I never head out by myself, but i knew i would have to one day.

I decided to meet Megs for a coffee after our walk in the park, which went smoothly, so much so they both fell asleep, So we could drink our coffee before the feeds. "So, hows life since the wedding?" she smiles sipping her hot beverage. "great. I mean it really is no different to before, I just have a ring and a new surname. Its all complete, Although we still have our party to attend at the weekend with everyone!" i beamed a smile, who doesn't love a party. "Of course! my outfit is already chosen, Whos got the twins?" "Jane, she isnt much of a party animal so offered to baby sit for us, so we can party with everyone" It was nice that Meg only lived round the corner, I could see her whenever i wanted, and it was more human contact for me. We walked back together, i was home in time for the next feed, before dinner, I gave Jane the night off, i wanted to cook for Leyton, show him how much i appreciated him, and well it would give me an insight to life as a mum on my own, juggling everything without help.

I decided on a steak dinner, his favourite, I managed to bath both the children and settle them down in front of the tv, for the bedtime channel, whilst i got on with our dinner. "April?" a soft voice says as he walks into the kitchen. "oh hey, babe, how was work?" i smile, "fine. whats all this?" "Well, i gave Jane the night off, i wanted to cook for you, for us, to show you how much i appreciate you and everything you do ..." he smiles softly. "I should be the one treating you ... and you managed ok?" i knew what he meant. "I did, they are both bathed and fed. and well i want to treat my husband, is that a crime?!" i chuckled as i poured the wine. "No, but i insist on treating you after weve eaten" he winked. "deal ... right you relax i am going to put these two to bed, and then I will dish up!" i kissed him softly, as he untied his tie and unbuttons his top buttons, damn. "ok baby," he whispers.


"That was delicious. Now, you can relax, and let me treat you" he clears the plates. "and what exactly do you have in mind?" I say finishing my glass. "well ... a bubble bath, candles, and then if i am correct, it will be round five?" he winked. "Hmm ... well, lets get this bath ran then" i winked back heading up the stairs. Leyton entered the bathroom, running a hot bubble bath, candles lit all around it was like you see in the movies, only real life. I got in and slouched down, if this is what heaven feels like, I am all for this.

"Mr Stevens? I believe i may have lost my towel" i said softly, biting my lip as he looked up from the bed. "Oh, well ... Mrs Stevens, best we get you all dry and warm .."

It was a night of heavy, passion.