
Only Guy In A All Female Dimensional Chat Group

A relatively normal guy dies and gets transmigrated in the body of someone else in another world.

The_Great_Sage69 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 12: Cosplay 2

"You didn't get that? The title is pretty long." She said while putting emphasis on the 'is'. "No, I got it but from its name it seems like a hentai or ero-game" I asked in confusion. I didn't actually read the manga she is in all that much.

"You are totes correct about that Akira-Kun. 'Saint♡Slimy Girls Highschool: Madame's Shameless Miracle Life In The Disgraceful Club 2' or 'Moist Girls 2' is a super popular ero-game from last year that sold really well. Plus the anime they released recently is LIT!" She explained with her usual enthusiasm.

"Now onto the details-" Eh? She isn't gonna stop? "The protagonist is the grandson of a principal of an All-Girls Highschool and he is forced to enroll there. Well Y'know, the usual harem trope. Its also quite unexplained a tear jerker. Wait, Akira-Kun do you not like the disgraceful type? Like sex slaves? Mmm~ but 'Moist Girls 2' is fundamentally a love formed circumstance sex slave. That should make it alright." She explained with a thoughtful expression.

'No, it's not alright at all! At the end of the day she's still a sex slave!' I thought with a deadpan expression. "The protagonist was ordered by the principal to join the 'Disgraceful Club' though--" She continued to explain me about the game thoroughly. Is she ever gonna stop? Plus with that dead serious look in her eyes I can't even interrupt her.

"To be honest, when Moist Girls 2 came out, I already saw the previous one as a perfect game so I just bought it with the "I'll just get it, I guess" mindset." She isn't gonna stop anytime soon, isn't she.

"I also thought Shizuku-Tan's face was pretty cute so... Now that I think bout' it, she never really smiled before. She was a super cold character. She was on a "What's with her?" level. But~ The moment you reach the events where she makes expressions like these, doesn't that make it all the better?" I noticed that the smile never left her face the whole time she talked about this character. She really loves this character huh.

"Before I knew it, I fell in love with Shizuku-Tan. Like, I got soo into her. Just like her.... I also want to be a 'Sex Slave Shizuku-Tan'. Do you understand it? Akira-Kun?" I do understand what she means but who talks about becoming a sex slave with such enthusiasm and excitement?! If I didn't know her before this I would've definitely thought that she was a wierdo.

-----3rd Person POV-----

"Yeah, I got all that but I have a question" I told her sincerely. "What is it?" She asked.

"This is an ero-game right? So there is an age restriction, isn't there...?" Aaaand she's not listening. She has this one-ear-out-the-other kind of expression.

"Well, anyways is there something I can use to start making the costume?" I

Akira asked. She went to her bag and pulled out a book and handed it to him. It was a beginner's cosplay guide book. It showed all that you needed to know about making cosplay at its basics but it was enough to make an atleast good enough cosplay.

"Woah this thing is super detailed. It even goes far into detail on how to use a sewing machine and more." Akira marveled at the really well written book.

Suddenly his face darkened a little and he thought, 'She had a book that made things so easy yet, she still couldn't do it.....'

On the other hand, Marin was blushing in embarassment because of his face and thought, ' He has a face that looks like he is thinking "She had a book that made things so easy yet, she still couldn't do it...." '

"So we need to start off with measurements. Right." Akira said after understanding the book. "So lets start right now!" Marin said. "Nah, not now. Its already a bit late. So lets do this on Monday."

-----1st Person POV-----

"Okay. Also, Thanks Akira-Kun! See you this Monday!" She said with her usual cheerfulness.

"Alright. See you on Monday." I said to her with a smile as I walked out the door.

When I reached home I quickly changed clothes and freshened up. I relaxed for a while before getting up and making dinner. After finishing dinner I went to bed and fell asleep quickly.


I woke up and followed my routine. I already ate my breakfast and was now working on the last few arcs of Demon Slayer. After about an hour the doorbell rang so I went to open the door.


Just who the hell is it?! When I opened the door I saw someone I wasn't expecting. "Heyo! I'm here~" she said. Weren't we supposed to meet on Monday? Why us Marin here now?

"Marin? Whay are you here? More importantly, how do you know where I live?" I asked with confusion clear on my face.

"Why, you ask? Its pretty much impossible for me to wait till monday for Shizuku-Tan, right? So I asked Kaorin for your address~" She said with a smile.

I mentally sighed as I thought, '*sigh* This girl is just too excited. Well its okay as I didn't have any plans today. I was just gonna laze around the house anyway.'

"Is that so. Well, come inside first." I said as I let her in. She gave me a bag of something that I am guessing is a present or a sweet.

"Pardon my intrusion~! Akira-Kun's room is on the second floor?" She said as she walked up the stairs. I followed her up and she stopped in front of a room and went inside. "Its totes this one~! This room really radiates a Akira-Kun feeling!!"

How the hell? How did she know where my room is? There are many rooms on this floor so how? Is this the legendary 'Women's Intuition'?

"Whoa! Your room is huge! And surprisingly clean too! I heard that a boy's room is messy!" She exclaimed as she looked around the room with sparkling eyes.

"Not every boy's room is messy and dirty you know" I said in amusement as I watched her. "Hmm? Whats this? Is this manga?" She said when she looked at the Demon Slayer's manga manuscripts on my table. Shit, I forgot to hide it. But would that be any useful? I mean someday people are going to know about who's the writer of these manga.

Suddenly her eyes got cover in a shadow by her hair, "Akira-Kun....." she said in a quiet tone but the suddenly she jumped right in front of me with a huge dumb smile and started freaking out, "Kyaaa!! Akira-Kun you can write manga!!! Why didn't you tell me!!! This is so awesome!!!"

"Haaaaah... I didn't tell you because no bady know that I write manga" I sighed as I told her. "So does this mean this is your first time showing someone your work!!! Fufufu~ I took your first time!" She said mischievously. If you say it like that...

"Don't say it like that!" I complained. I can already feel a little heat on my face. I am blushing a little, aren't I?

"Its okay Its okay!" She said not paying attention. How short is her attention span?

"By the way, its not my first time showing it to others as I have published a few before." Just as I said that she looked up from the manga and stared into my eyes with seriousness and asked, "What the name of those?"

What's with the sudden seriousness? " 'Naruto' and 'Attack On Titan' " I answered. "WHAT?!!!!! YOU'RE THE WRITER OF 'NARUTO'?!" She shouted in total shock. "Yes, I am!" I proudly declared while doing a JoJo reference. What? I wouldn't miss such an opportunity.

She dashed to her bag and took out a pen and a note pad. She handed them to me and said, "Give me your autograph" Seeing no reason to deny I signed her notepad.

She looked at it with starts in her eyes and said, "Now I have the autograph of the writer of Naruto before than anyone else!! This is totes awesome!!"

"Anyway, let's get back to business." I said before she went on another tangent. "Right! Right! I forgot for a second" She said.

I walked towards my desk and picked up the book so that we can go over this systematically. "So, have to start with measurements right? Did you bring them with you?" I said looking at the notes I made in my spare time. I looked back at her at saw her unbuttoning her shirt.

"The hell are you doing?!" I asked, a little flustered. She did not respond but completely unbuttoned her shirt and exclaimed with excitement and pride, "I wore a swimsuit! When it comes down to it I can be quite a genius~~"

She removed her hotpants and gave a cutesy pose. "Tada~~ What do you think? With this its fine right?" she asked.

"Oi! You shouldn't undress in front of a guy like that you know!" I shouted. "Its fine~ Its fine~ I know you aren't the type of guy who would do something bad~" She said, completely not minding what I just said.

Does this girl not understand her own charm?

"Haaaa..... Anyway lets start the measurements alright? Also don't do this in front of just anyone okay?" I sighed as I said that. "Of course!! You're the only guy I'll do this in front of! You're the guy that I trust the most after all!"

I could feel the heat rushing to my face as she said that. I think she also understood what that sounded like because even her face was bright red.

"I-I'll start by measuring your head first alright?" I said while trying to change the subject.

I walked up to her really close and wrapped the measuring tape around her head.

Whoa! She's even prettier upclose. I noted down her head measurements as I went to do the shoulder width. Now enough with the distractions, its time to go serious mode.

-----3rd Person POV-----

When Akira was taking her head measurements, what he didn't know was that she was really holding herself back alot from turning into a tomato. When she saw his extremely handsome face so upclose her heart was beating a million times per second.

But when Akira was quickly getting the measurements without feeling embarrassed or flustered she felt a little sad in her heart. She didn't know why but when he stopped blushing after a point while looking at her like this she felt some tightness in her heart.

-----30 mins Later-----

Akira was now done with most of the measurements. The next one was... Bust Size.

"Like, I should raise my hair right? Up we go." She said as she put her hair up. "Umm, Shouldn't you do this on your own?" He asked.

"Me?! Why!? When it comes to bust size, I have to bend forward if I have to do it myself, y'see? I don't get it but, like, everytime the size is different. And its kinda difficult!" Marin explained.

Akira came towards her and bent down a little as his face was right in front of her boobs. He put his arms around her and wrapped the measuring tape around her boobs. By now, he was also blushing.

Marin, who saw his blushing face felt that he looked really cute like that. This is bad. 'This is baaaaaddddd~~~!! Why does he look so cute~~!!! I'm totally crushing on Akira-Kunnnnn~~!!' She thought as her face became bright red. 'Huh!? Eh!? No Way? Love? More like, I like him alot!? Is this real? I only know him for a few months though! But he always treated me better that how other boys did and always went along with whatever I wanted to do. I had so much fun with him as well!!' As she thought that Akira finished with taking the measurements.

He went towards the book to write it down. His face still had a small blush. 'Either way, he's sooo handsome and cute at the same time~~!! Eh, wait, impossible. Wait, wait, wait, wait a bit, he's sooo handsome and cute~~~~!!! I wike Akira-Kun~~~~!!!' She thought as she looked at him from behind with both her hands on her face. "Wike, wike, wike, wike! I'm dying ~~~~!! More like, what will I do!? What should I do? I don't know~~! Because I-" She was suddenly interrupted mid-thought by Akira saying something.

"Well, the bust size is done." He said. She came back from her dreamland and said, "We should do the underbust and the bust point space".

"Do it yourself." He said with a deadpan expression and threw the tape to her. "Eh~~ Why!! For reals, I don't get it!!" She said innocently. "You know exactly why." He said as he turned around.

"Eh~~~ You're no fun~~ Loosen up a little~!" She said from behind him. Around a minute later she said, "Its 20cm!"

His mind went blank for a second but he didn't dwell on it and quickly noted down the number.

"So now the leg length's the last, huh. Its simple stuff but took alot of time, didn't it?" she said. "You're right about that" he said agreeing with her.


All of a sudden he heard this sound and looked towards Marin and saw her blushing. "Well, its already time for lunch so why do we eat after finishing this" he said with a smile. "Ahaha..... Sure....." she said on the outside but on the inside she was thinking, 'Just kill me~~!!' in embarassment.


This is it for this chapter. This was a long ass chapter. I'll try to write more longer chapters like this.

See you in the next chapter 👋