
Online Games are coming: {start ten thousand times reward}

Ashura, who fell in the battle of the gods, awakened again and was reborn and returned to the beginning of the game’s release. Not only that, but he also found that… he actually awakened a ten thousand times reward system! Kill monsters with tens of thousands of times experience! Thousands of times the amount of dropped items! National war points ten thousand times reward! Even if you kill the boss, you can get back ten thousand times! … “Dingdong~You have selected the profession [Mage], the effect of [Ten Thousand Times Reward] is triggered, and you have successfully obtained [SSS-level Hidden Mage Profession Optional Scroll (Only)]*1.” “Ding Dong~ You have extracted the talent skills and triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] effect. You have successfully obtained the SSS-level rare and unique talent [Instant Cast (Unique)] (Effect: When the spell skill is released, the CD defaults to 0).” “Ding Dong~ You opened the [Mystery Treasure Box] and triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] effect, and you successfully obtained the supreme artifact [Eternal Staff (Artifact)].” [This Book is not written by me, I only translate it to english. If the autor reads this contact me] Every 10 Power stones there will be 1 Chapter more on the beginning of the week.

Chaos_Deity · Games
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131 Chs

=== Chapter 88 Death Swamp! ! ! ===

After taking a break for a while, Asura informed Yuna and was about to leave.

As for Yuna's proposal to send some people to Asura, Asura directly refused.

After all, this was an unexpected sneak attack, and it was easy to expose if there were too many people.

Everything was ready, Asura summoned his mount and flew quickly to the west of the northern fortress.

It is obviously impossible from the front to sneak into the camp where the orcs are stationed.

Therefore, Asura chose to detour from the side.

I have fought a lot of battles in the northern fortress in my previous life, and I still know the terrain here very well.

In the westernmost part of the northern fortress, there is a death marsh hundreds of kilometers long ~ Ze.

The swamp exudes a breath of death for many years, so it is affectionately called the death swamp.

It is said that there are no less than ten super-behemoths hidden in the death swamp.

Of course, these are legends, and Asura hasn't really seen them.

Passing through this swamp, you can just reach the side and rear of the orc camp.

The death swamp is a natural danger, and no one can cross it. This is the consensus of humans and orcs.

Therefore, by sneaking through the swamp into the orc camp, even if Asura is not a top-level assassin, he can easily enter.

The swamp may be difficult for others, but Asura is strong, and his mount can fly.

It shouldn't be a big problem to go through.

And if there are any monsters in this swamp, it just conforms to Asura's wishes.

I have just passed a new professional skill before, and I haven't had time to try it.

Needless to say, the speed of Asura's mount, I saw Asura drew a long arc in the air, and it didn't take long before he had reached the sky of Death Swamp.

Unlike the void swamp of the previous grid demon wizard, after entering the sky above the death swamp, Asura did not receive any negative effects.

Of course, this was all because Asura was flying in the sky.

If the orc army wants to enter the belly of the northern fortress through the swamp, it is almost impossible.

This swamp, if you step on it in the last second, it is estimated that it will be swallowed directly in the next second.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

And the next moment, in the swamp, three extremely huge tentacles flew out of the swamp quickly and pointed directly at Asura.

These tentacles, all black, are dotted with blue light spots during the period.

The thickness is not much different from that of an adult thigh. As for the length, it has a posture of infinite extension.

"Sure enough, there is something."

Asura murmured, and immediately threw an exploration technique at these tentacles.

[Swamp Tentacles]

Level: 40

Class: Epic

HP: 10w/10w

Attack power: 6921-7123

Defense: 3323

Skills: [Entangling] [Spreading Poisonous Fog] [Death Methane]

Introduction: Strange creatures that only exist in the swamp...


"Finally encountered a normal one."

After reading the attributes of these tentacles, Asura commented in his heart.

Most of the monsters encountered during this period were monsters of higher level than him, and it was rare to encounter a monster of the same level.

[Flame of Extinguishing World]!

In the next moment, facing the shot that quickly flew towards him, Asura directly threw a forbidden curse without any hesitation.


Flames instantly burned on these tentacles, but these tentacles were like dead objects.

Even if he was burned by the raging flames, he still quickly flew towards Asura.

If it were an ordinary monster, it would have been screaming after being burned by Asura, but the tentacles didn't seem to feel anything.

The front part of the tentacles was quickly burned to ashes, and then these tentacles seemed to extend infinitely.

The front part of the tentacles was burned, which seemed to have no effect on him at all.

"This is not the body of the tentacle."

Seeing this, Asura quickly reacted.

Even if these tentacles are not afraid of burning, somehow they will lose some blood?

If he didn't even lose his blood, it meant that his attack didn't fall on him at all.

Thinking of this, Asura no longer paid attention to the tentacles that quickly shot at him.

Instead, a set of skills shot directly towards the roots of these tentacles.

That is the part hidden under the swamp.




Sure enough, the tentacles that were still flying towards Asura stiffened in the air at the next moment.

Subsequently, these tentacles fell weakly.

"Dingdong~You have gained experience*500 by killing [Swamp Tentacle]."

"Ding Dong~ You have triggered [Ten Thousand Times Reward] to gain experience*500w."


"Ding Dong ~ You killed [Swamp Tentacle] to get gold coins*10."

"Dingdong~You have triggered [Ten Thousand Times Reward] to gain experience*10w."


Asura killed four tentacles at once, gaining a total of 2000w of experience.

"Ding Dong~ Your level has been raised, your current level is 41."

"Ding Dong~ Your level has been improved, and your current level is 42."


As the rewards were obtained, Asura's level directly increased by two levels.

"If you don't see through the nature of these tentacles, it would be really troublesome to deal with."

Asura muttered casually, and then moved on.

These tentacles are indeed a bit abnormal.

Ordinary people, seeing this kind of tentacles, would never launch an attack on this stretched out section desperately.

The final result was naturally that the body was hollowed out, but the tentacles were not harmed, and the result was naturally that they were slowly worn to death by the tentacles.


Huh! Huh! Huh!

At this time, Asura has gradually entered the hinterland of the death swamp, so the number of tentacles extending from the swamp is also increasing.

However, Asura could easily solve these tentacles, and he also had an air-to-ground advantage.

Therefore, these tentacles are nothing more than coming here to give Asura experience.

According to the current upgrade speed, Asura was sure that after he got out of this swamp that stretched for hundreds of miles, his level was estimated to be 50.

Of course, due to the appearance of these swamps, Asura's travel speed has also slowed down.

After all, if you have to spend some time to clean up the monsters, you will naturally not be able to hurry at full speed.

Over the swamp. A figure quickly threw the skills towards the swamp below.

On the swamp side, countless tentacles that were originally strong and shot straight at Asura also dropped down quickly one by one.

In this way, Asura happily raised his rank in the death swamp.

I have to say that there are probably more tentacles in this dead swamp than there are monsters in any copy.

However, Asura hadn't been fast on this side, and those tentacles that were still crazy at first didn't even attack him anymore.


And as these tentacles stopped attacking, in the swamp, a monster that was not inferior to the flame dragon, turned out to be like a cannonball, quickly flying towards Asura.

At the same time, a roar that shook the world quickly reached Asura's ears.

Asura knew only the movement of this appearance, this monster that appeared suddenly, I am afraid there was something.