
Online Games are coming: {start ten thousand times reward}

Ashura, who fell in the battle of the gods, awakened again and was reborn and returned to the beginning of the game’s release. Not only that, but he also found that… he actually awakened a ten thousand times reward system! Kill monsters with tens of thousands of times experience! Thousands of times the amount of dropped items! National war points ten thousand times reward! Even if you kill the boss, you can get back ten thousand times! … “Dingdong~You have selected the profession [Mage], the effect of [Ten Thousand Times Reward] is triggered, and you have successfully obtained [SSS-level Hidden Mage Profession Optional Scroll (Only)]*1.” “Ding Dong~ You have extracted the talent skills and triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] effect. You have successfully obtained the SSS-level rare and unique talent [Instant Cast (Unique)] (Effect: When the spell skill is released, the CD defaults to 0).” “Ding Dong~ You opened the [Mystery Treasure Box] and triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] effect, and you successfully obtained the supreme artifact [Eternal Staff (Artifact)].” [This Book is not written by me, I only translate it to english. If the autor reads this contact me] Every 10 Power stones there will be 1 Chapter more on the beginning of the week.

Chaos_Deity · Games
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131 Chs

=== Chapter 86, complete four turns! ! ! ===

"Ding Dong ~ You have completed the task [Exclusive Task for Battle Mage Transfer (IV)]."

"Ding Dong~ Your level limit has increased, of course the level limit: 50."

"Ding Dong ~ You have acquired the class characteristic skill [War Zeal]."

"[Enthusiasm for War]: When the skill hits an enemy, the effect of [Enthusiasm] will be triggered, increasing its damage by 2%, and stacking up to 10 times."

"[World Announcement]: Congratulations to the player [Shura] for completing the four ranks of the battle mage and becoming the first player to complete the four ranks."

"Ding Dong~ You have triggered [Ten Thousand Times Reward] to get gold coins *1000w."

"Ding Dong ~ You have triggered [Ten Thousand Times Reward] to obtain [Holy Rank Random Skill Treasure Box]*1."

"Ding Dong~ You have triggered [Ten Thousand Times Reward] to obtain Strengthening Stone (Holy Level)*500."


Not long ago, Asura triggered the world announcement because of destroying the teleportation array. It only took a few minutes to make another one.

The other players whose emotions hadn't calmed down originally didn't know what to say at this time.

"???? This special is going to turn four?"

"I can't beat all the blames of the three-revolution mission. Are you four-revolution now?"

"Brother, you have a Rank 3 mission anyway, so I can't even fight a Rank 2 monster."


This world announcement, the world channel that hadn't calmed down originally, was completely exploded.

Right now, some players are already searching for Asura's coordinates.

After all, only by understanding Asura's footsteps along the way can he slowly catch up with him.

Asura naturally ignored these, and checked the attributes after four turns.

Except for some rewards, the data on the panel has not changed.

Of course, this is also because Asura hasn't gone to upgrade the monsters, if he upgrades the monsters, his attributes will improve a lot.

Three birds with one stone.

All this was in Asura's calculations, so after checking his attributes, Asura moved in the direction where the teleportation array was.

What Asura didn't know was that because of his two consecutive world announcements, a large number of players would flood into the northern fortress in the near future.

This also led to the strength of the players in the Huaxia region, far surpassing other regions.

Of course, these are not what Asura wants to think about now.

Before arriving at the teleportation array, the previous gluttonous army, which was less than a thousand people, had been completely burned into slag.

At this time, Asura looked at the teleportation fragments randomly scattered on the ground, feeling happy.

"Dingdong~You have triggered [Ten Thousand Times Reward] and obtained [Transportation Array Fragment (Holy Level)]*7~〃."

"Ding Dong~ You have triggered [Ten Thousand Times Reward] and obtained [Void Core (Holy Level)]*1."

"Ding Dong~ You have triggered [Ten Thousand Times Reward] and obtained [Void Energy (God Level)]*10w."


Picking up all the fragments of the teleportation array scattered on the ground, Asura once again showed a smile on his face.

Naturally, this teleportation array fragment does not need to be said much, it means literally. If you get enough data for the teleportation array fragment, you can form a teleportation array yourself. Of course, it is also very valuable to sell.

As for the void core, it can be used to inlay on the equipment, and the equipment inlaid with the void core will gain an additional boost attribute.

It was originally the same weapon, but you can directly crush the opponent if you have an inlaid void core and gain additional attributes.

Regardless of being just an extra attribute, the increase in this thing can be huge.

And this is a holy void core.

Even if this thing is placed in the later stage, it is a rare treasure.

As for Void Energy, it is easier to understand.

As the special energy of the void, to put it bluntly, you can understand it as nuclear energy.

In short, it is much more advanced than the energy used by human beings at this stage.

This thing is not of much use to Asura, but it is definitely a popular item to sell.

Collecting all these things, Asura went to the gluttonous army that had been burned to slag.

Although the harvest this time was huge, Asura would still not let go of this kind of mob.

After several millions of gold coins and hundreds of strengthening stones were found, Asura nodded in satisfaction.

"knock off."

Even though Asura didn't spend too much time on mobs, but it took Asura a lot of effort to search for rewards.

Asura came out in the afternoon, and it was already night time.

Destroying the teleportation array, most of the hidden dangers of gluttony have been solved.

Even if there are some gluttonous foods scattered out in advance, they can't make any waves without support.

Thinking of this, Asura was ready to go back. By the way, on the way back, he could also see the progress of strengthening the city defense.

Anyway, there are mounts, flying back and forth, it doesn't take much effort.

Now here, Asura is not delaying, but directly summoning the dragon to take off.


On the other side, the work of strengthening the city defense is proceeding rapidly, even if it is night, there is no intention to stop work.

In recent years, the northern fortress has not resisted orc invasion once or twice.

But no matter that time, the orcs did not understand like this time outside the Great Wall.

Orcs, it would be great if they had that kind of brain.

Therefore, these soldiers can naturally see the unusualness of this war.

The city defense was their most advantageous defense, but Asura provided so many materials that they would naturally not waste it.

At this time, many soldiers looked at the latest Norder rune cannon arranged on the wall.

This thing, from the appearance alone, was far worse than the magic tower.

So these soldiers are very curious about the power of this stuff.

Of course, they will be able to see it soon.


At this moment, a flash of fire flashed across the dark sky.

Obviously, Asura is inspecting the city defense reinforcement work in various defense areas.

At this rate, if nothing happens, within three days, the entire northern fortifications can be strengthened and upgraded successfully.

On the side of the orc army, it is still stationed far away, facing the dragon from the northern fortress.

There was no movement, and it was a little weird calmly.

And in this calm, it seems that another huge conspiracy is constantly brewing.

Asura glanced at the orc army over there, thinking slightly in his heart.

On the other side, batches of players, who didn't know where they heard the news, were rushing towards the northern fortress in a group.

Invisibly, Asura has already accelerated the entire game process.

After a round of inspections, Asura returned to Zhenbei City when he saw that everything was proceeding normally.

After tossing for so long, Asura could also take a rest.

Unexpectedly, Asura had just returned to Zhenbei City, and Yuna came to the door.