
Online Games are coming: {start ten thousand times reward}

Ashura, who fell in the battle of the gods, awakened again and was reborn and returned to the beginning of the game’s release. Not only that, but he also found that… he actually awakened a ten thousand times reward system! Kill monsters with tens of thousands of times experience! Thousands of times the amount of dropped items! National war points ten thousand times reward! Even if you kill the boss, you can get back ten thousand times! … “Dingdong~You have selected the profession [Mage], the effect of [Ten Thousand Times Reward] is triggered, and you have successfully obtained [SSS-level Hidden Mage Profession Optional Scroll (Only)]*1.” “Ding Dong~ You have extracted the talent skills and triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] effect. You have successfully obtained the SSS-level rare and unique talent [Instant Cast (Unique)] (Effect: When the spell skill is released, the CD defaults to 0).” “Ding Dong~ You opened the [Mystery Treasure Box] and triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] effect, and you successfully obtained the supreme artifact [Eternal Staff (Artifact)].” [This Book is not written by me, I only translate it to english. If the autor reads this contact me] Every 10 Power stones there will be 1 Chapter more on the beginning of the week.

Chaos_Deity · Games
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131 Chs

=== Chapter 83 is rich and willful! ! ! ===

"You come with me."

Yongqiang agreed, and led Asura to the warehouse where the reinforcement materials were stored.

The city wall, no matter how special its material is, there will be more or less loss every year.

Repairing the city walls and strengthening defenses are basically carried out once a year, but this year is more special, so this reinforcement was carried out in advance.

Even so, when Asura saw these materials, he still shook his head helplessly.

This little material is obviously far from enough to reinforce all the city walls.

Yongqiang also saw Asura's thoughts, and immediately spoke again: "My lord... we only need to repair some worn-out walls, so we don't need too much material."

If it is under normal circumstances, it is enough to repair the worn-out city walls.

After all, the defensive ability of the city wall is amazing.

But this time is different, the opponent is a void force, just a wall of this level, I am afraid it will not be able to stop them.

After Yong Qiang answered Asura, he murmured: "This year, this material is much more than in previous years."

It can be seen that Gnar has done his best for this northern fortress.

From Gnar's perspective, the northern fortress was basically gone, but even so, he ordered people to give a lot of materials to repair the walls.

"It's worthy of an SSS-level task. To complete this task... it feels like it will cost a lot of gold." Asura frowned when he looked at the pile of materials in front of him.

Now that he is here, it is naturally impossible to let the northern fortress fall.

To prevent the northern fortress from falling, the defensive measures such as the wall of the northern fortress must be upgraded to the highest level.

Therefore, in addition to these materials, Asura has to pay for the remaining materials.

"It is estimated that the garrisons of the various city fortresses will send people to collect materials later. Duke, you only need to distribute the materials reasonably."

Just as Asura was thinking about it, Yong Qiang spoke again.

The northern fortress, just the endless Great Wall, does not know how many miles there are.

Reinforcing city defense naturally requires the cooperation of garrisons everywhere.

Just after Yong Qiang had said this, there was a neat sound of footsteps outside the warehouse.

Say that and that and that's what it is.

"The West Sea Fortress was ordered to come and collect the repair materials."

"The Nanyue Fortress was ordered to come and collect the repair materials."

"Donglin Fortress was ordered to come and collect repair materials."


The feelings of these people are still discussed, and they actually get together together.

After Yong Qiang introduced them to Asura's identity, these people took advantage of the trend and saluted Asura.

Now that Yuna has taken over the task, Asura is the person in charge of strengthening the city defense this time.

"You make a summary of the number of fortifications in your respective defense zones, and then give it to me."

Asura didn't talk too much nonsense, and went straight to the subject.

"What do statistics do?"

These soldiers who came to get the materials were a little confused at this time.

However, they didn't say much, and started to summarize.

In places like the northern fortress, there is no such thing as dry food waste.

These people know their respective defense zones very well, so in a while, what Asura wants will be done.

Looking at the collected materials, Asura sorted out all the materials needed to upgrade each defense zone in his mind.

"Okay, come with me."

After reading the materials, Asura took the lead and left the warehouse.

"Didn't you get the materials? How did you go?"

Yong Qiang and the others couldn't understand Asura more and more.

However, they didn't say anything, and directly followed Asura.


Zhenbei City, Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce.

"Ding Dong~ After enjoying the discount, you still need to pay 1.88 billion gold coins. Do you pay immediately?"

"pay immediately!"

After spending so many gold coins at once, Asura didn't care too much.

Afterwards, Asura began to allocate materials according to the needs of each defense upgrade.


At this time, everyone including Yong Qiang was dumbfounded.

"This time the orc attack is extraordinary, so all the fortifications of the northern fortress must be upgraded."

While distributing materials, Asura generally spoke.

Yong Qiang looked at Asura who was distributing materials, and said blankly: "But I think these materials were bought by the duke at your own expense!"

"It's all small money."

Asura responded casually.

These people in Yongqiang are all guards of the defense zones, so they are naturally very clear about the value of these materials.

At the moment, Asura took out his own gold coins and purchased materials to upgrade the city defense, which shows Asura's character.

"The Duke is righteous."

The next moment, I saw everyone including Yong Qiang saluting Asura.

"Ding Dong ~ Zhenbei City Duwei's favorability for you has increased by 70%."

"Ding Dong ~ You have triggered [Ten Thousand Times Reward] Zhenbei City Duwei's favorability has been increased by 100% (The favorability gain has reached the upper limit, and you can no longer get it.

"Ding Dong ~ Westwind Fortress Duwei's favorability for you has increased by 70%."

"Ding Dong~ You have triggered [Ten Thousand Times Reward] The Favorability of West Wind Fortress Duwei has been increased by 100% (The Favorability Gain has reached the upper limit, and you cannot continue to obtain it.

"Dingdong~Southwind Fortress Duwei's favorability for you has increased by 70%."

"Ding Dong ~ You have triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] The Favorability of Duwei in South Wind Fortress has increased by 100% (The Favorability Gain has reached the upper limit, and you cannot continue to obtain it.

"Reminder: Your reputation in the [Northern Fortress] is increased to [Ten Thousand People Admired (only limited)] (Effect: All the people in the Northern Fortress have increased their favorability to you to 90%, and you will not be able to kill players/NPCs here. Will be punished by the system!)."



As these people's salute ended, Asura's mind sounded a series of system prompts.

In just a few moments, Duwei in each defense zone of the Northern Fortress had increased his favorability towards Asura to 100%.

The so-called Dowei is the second in command among the defenses of the northern fortress.

Just like Yongqiang, during Yuna's absence, except for some important things, Zhenbei City was basically in charge of Yongqiang.

Moreover, as soldiers on the border, it is very difficult for these people to obtain their favorability.

Unlike other places, if you stuff some gold coins, your favorability will rise.

Suddenly, the favorability of all defense second-in-command was fully filled, which would provide great convenience for Asura to act afterwards.

This is a surprise.

Asura was full of joy in his heart, but he said very solemnly:

"These materials are enough for you to upgrade all the fortifications in your respective defense areas. I will inspect them every day. Don't think about cutting corners."

After Asura finished speaking, the materials were completely distributed.

"The Duke can rest assured and will fulfill his mission."


The distribution of materials, the next is the question of time.

Asura didn't worry about cutting corners, so he only needed to check every day to prevent the other party from embezzling.

After all, this is just a task that can be completed by burning money. If Asura's eyes were only on this task, he would not be Asura.