
Online Games are coming: {start ten thousand times reward}

Ashura, who fell in the battle of the gods, awakened again and was reborn and returned to the beginning of the game’s release. Not only that, but he also found that… he actually awakened a ten thousand times reward system! Kill monsters with tens of thousands of times experience! Thousands of times the amount of dropped items! National war points ten thousand times reward! Even if you kill the boss, you can get back ten thousand times! … “Dingdong~You have selected the profession [Mage], the effect of [Ten Thousand Times Reward] is triggered, and you have successfully obtained [SSS-level Hidden Mage Profession Optional Scroll (Only)]*1.” “Ding Dong~ You have extracted the talent skills and triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] effect. You have successfully obtained the SSS-level rare and unique talent [Instant Cast (Unique)] (Effect: When the spell skill is released, the CD defaults to 0).” “Ding Dong~ You opened the [Mystery Treasure Box] and triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] effect, and you successfully obtained the supreme artifact [Eternal Staff (Artifact)].” [This Book is not written by me, I only translate it to english. If the autor reads this contact me] Every 10 Power stones there will be 1 Chapter more on the beginning of the week.

Chaos_Deity · Games
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131 Chs

===Chapter 75 New Holy Forbidden Curse Magic! ! ! ===

After Asura briefly checked the career information, he quickly walked towards a copy outside the city.

Although Asura opened the second main profession, it was not enough for Asura to just open the second main profession.

Only a Forbidden Magic Mage who has acquired professional skills can be regarded as a true Forbidden Magic Mage.

Therefore, Asura's first task now is to spawn monsters to complete the Forbidden Spell Master's turn, then turn two, turn three...

For Asura, the task of killing monsters was naturally simple and couldn't be simpler.

Entering a copy casually, Asura began his massacre.

Compared with the dark trials, these copies are simply rubbish.

Therefore, Asura basically pushed it all the way.

"Ding Dong~ Congratulations for creating the [Exclusive Quest for Forbidden Spell Mage Transfer]!"

"Ding Dong~ You have triggered [Ten Thousand Times Reward] to obtain potential points *10W."

"Ding Dong ~ Congratulations on acquiring the class characteristic skill [Forbidden Spell Amplification (Passive)]!"

[Forbidden Curse Amplification (Passive)]: When the Forbidden Curse magic is used, the damage is increased by an additional 20%

After Asura brushed it for a while, a system prompt rang in Asura's ear.

No more than five hundred monsters. For Asura, it was just an extremely simple thing.


Asura glanced at the introduction of the professional characteristics and skills, muttered in his heart, and immediately checked the new advanced tasks again.

[Exclusive Quest for Forbidden Magic Mage Transfer (Ⅱ)]

Grade: S

Task introduction: As a combat mage, you must experience tempering to make your career advance!

Task content:

1. Kill 10,000 monsters greater than your own level (0/10000).

2. Players are asked to learn two high-level curse-forbidden skills, and the skill level reaches level 10 (1/2).

Mission limit: None

Mission success reward:

1. 20 potential points.

2. Unlock the upper limit of the level.

3. Occupational characteristic skill rewards.

Mission failure penalty: none

Task reminder: Do you want to be a strong one? Go kill the monster boy!

At this time, Asura's second main profession has successfully advanced to become a Tier 2 Forbidden Magic Mage, starting the second phase of the task.

After continuing to brush in the dungeon for a while, after completing the number of monsters killed, Asura set his eyes on the treasure chest he was rewarded before.

This task of spawning monsters is naturally very easy.

"Open [Random Forbidden Curse Treasure Box (Holy Level)] now!"

"Ding Dong~ Congratulations on obtaining the [Dark Judgment Skill Book]*1!"

"Learn now!"

"Ding Dong ~ You learned the new Forbidden Curse [Lv1 Dark Judgment]!"

[Lv1 Dark Judgment]

Grade 1

Effect: After the skill is released, a dark ruling can be performed within the specified 1×1 area, causing 500% dark attribute damage to the target, and applying the [ruling] effect for 10 seconds.

[Judgment]: The damage the target receives is increased by 50%.

Cooling time: 300 seconds (talent reduction is 0)

Mana consumption: 100 points.

Proficiency: (0/100)

Introduction: The ancient and mysterious dark forbidden curse, once released, has great power.


This forbidden curse is undoubtedly a single-point explosive skill. Although it is wasteful to fight mobs, it is definitely a magical skill to deal with boss-level monsters!

Thinking of this, Asura felt ecstatic in his heart, and at the same time, Asura was also directly preparing to upgrade the forbidden curse of the newly learned.

"Ding Dong~ Does it consume 1000 potential points to strengthen skills [Lv1 Dark Judgment]?"

"Yes!" Asura agreed without hesitation.

At the next moment, a golden light flashed, and Asura's Dark Judgment skill suddenly rose to Lv2.

"Reminder: Your skill [Lv1 Dark Judgment] level has been increased. The current skill effect is that after the skill is released, dark judgment can be performed within the specified 1×1 range, causing 500% (+50%) dark attribute damage to the target, and Apply the [Judgment] effect for 11 seconds."

An increase of one level, an increase of 50% of the output, and the duration of the adjudication effect has also been increased by one second. Overall, it is not bad.

At this time, after Asura casually scanned the skill amplification effect, he continued to strengthen his skills.

"Hint: Your skill [Lv2 Dark Judgment] level has been improved, and the current level is: Lv3."

"Reminder: Your skill [Lv3 Dark Judgment] level has been improved, and the current level is: Lv4. The "

"Reminder: Your skill [Lv9 Dark Judgment] level has been increased, and the current level is: Lv10 (The current skill effect is: After the skill is released, you can make a dark judgment within a specified 1×1 area, causing 500% (+500) to the target %) Dark attribute damage, and apply the [Judgment] effect for 10 (+10) seconds.)."

"Hint: Your skill level has been upgraded to the full level, and you cannot continue to increase it."

Seeing that the skills had been upgraded, Asura's heart was immediately happy.

If you use this skill to deal with Glent, I am afraid you can solve him in a few tens of seconds.

"Ding Dong ~ You have completed the task [Exclusive Quest for Forbidden Magic Mage Transfer (Ⅱ)]!"

"Ding Dong~ You have triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] to obtain potential points *20W!"

"Ding Dong ~ You have acquired the Forbidden Curse Mage class characteristic skill [Forbidden Curse Star Pattern (Passive)]!"

"[Forbidden Curse Star Pattern (Passive)]: When the Forbidden Curse magic is released, the Forbidden Curse comes with a [Star Pattern] effect, which increases the power of the Forbidden Curse by 10%, and causes 100% splash damage to surrounding enemies within a 100×100 range. "

"Ding Dong~ Your exclusive mission has been updated."

With a series of 190 beeps, Master Asura Forbidden Curse successfully completed two job transfer tasks.

As for the task that was just updated, Asura just glanced at it, and didn't continue to look at it.

For Asura, mission goals such as killing monsters are naturally not difficult.

However, the new task required Asura to learn two forbidden spells.

Forbidden spell magic skill book can not burst out casually.

So now Asura did not continue to do the job transfer task, but instead focused on another matter.

It was only the early stage of the invasion of the void forces, and the current Asura's strength was more than enough for him.

Thinking of this, Asura quickly walked towards the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce.

After all, the northern fortress belongs to the extremely dangerous area of ​​the high-level map, and Asura has to make some tricks to pass it.

It's also time to go to the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce to prepare something.

Asura had obtained a blueprint for a large-scale engineering weapon before, but it has been useless because he has been busy recently.

Right now, it was time to take out the Italian cannon of the second battalion commander.

Thinking of this, Asura's pace accelerated a little.

When he came to the alchemy puppet of the Zijin Flower Chamber of Commerce, Asura directly spent 500 million gold coins to buy all the things he wanted to buy.

After renting a relatively large space, Asura was ready to start his next plan.