
Online Games are coming: {start ten thousand times reward}

Ashura, who fell in the battle of the gods, awakened again and was reborn and returned to the beginning of the game’s release. Not only that, but he also found that… he actually awakened a ten thousand times reward system! Kill monsters with tens of thousands of times experience! Thousands of times the amount of dropped items! National war points ten thousand times reward! Even if you kill the boss, you can get back ten thousand times! … “Dingdong~You have selected the profession [Mage], the effect of [Ten Thousand Times Reward] is triggered, and you have successfully obtained [SSS-level Hidden Mage Profession Optional Scroll (Only)]*1.” “Ding Dong~ You have extracted the talent skills and triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] effect. You have successfully obtained the SSS-level rare and unique talent [Instant Cast (Unique)] (Effect: When the spell skill is released, the CD defaults to 0).” “Ding Dong~ You opened the [Mystery Treasure Box] and triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] effect, and you successfully obtained the supreme artifact [Eternal Staff (Artifact)].” [This Book is not written by me, I only translate it to english. If the autor reads this contact me] Every 10 Power stones there will be 1 Chapter more on the beginning of the week.

Chaos_Deity · Games
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131 Chs

=== Chapter 58 Guards Reward! ! Up to 40 levels in seconds! ! ===

Asura didn't care about Helena, he directly drove the undead bone dragon to fly towards the palace.

As for the high priest? He was directly left in place by Asura.

Next, it only took three minutes before Asura came to the gate of the imperial palace.

After arriving here, Asura directly led Helena off the back of the undead bone dragon.

But the moment they landed, the high priest also appeared in front of them.

After Asura saw this, he was a little bit strange.

How could a powerful person like the high priest fail to catch up with a level 30 ~ Undead Bone Dragon?

At this time, after Asura thought of this, several guards in the distance stepped forward and shouted to the high priest and Helena: "See Your Royal Highness, Your High Priest, Shura Pavilion-Next."

"Get up." Helena said calmly.

In the next moment, these people all got up from the ground one after another.

Afterwards, the guard Wang Xiaohu said to the three with a straight face: "Your Majesty has ordered that if your Royal Highness comes back, you don't need to inform you, please let the three adults come with me."

"Yeah." Asura nodded, and soon followed the guard into the palace.

At this time, the guards around saw the three people in front of them, and they only felt a little weird.

Because... the high priest in front of him has been following Asura.

You know, in the Stormwind Empire, there is a difference between inferiority and inferiority.

It exists like a high priest, unless King Nar is here, otherwise... it must be standing at the forefront.

Even the princess and even the prince can walk side by side.

But... at this moment, he is like a position guard, following behind Asura, as if Asura's position is higher than him.

Of course, these thoughts just flashed through the minds of these guards, and before they had time to study them carefully, Asura and others disappeared from their vision.

A few minutes passed.

Asura and others successfully arrived in the hall of the imperial palace.

At this time, above the palace hall, King Nar was reading a book.

"See Your Majesty." Asura shouted directly at Gnar in front of him.

After hearing Asura's words, he raised his head and immediately cast his gaze on Helena next to Asura.

"Helena, do you still know to come back?" Gnar said in a flat tone. Obviously, his Majesty Gnar was a little angry.

He was angry that his daughter sneaked out of the palace when the new undead plague was raging, and worried himself.

But seeing Helena return safely, he couldn't bear to blame Helena in front of him.

After all, Helena had lost her mother since she was a child, and she was busy with cultivation and state affairs, and neglected to care about Helena's growth.

When he thought of this, Gnar couldn't have a temper with his daughter.

At this time, after hearing what Gnar said, Helena suddenly stuck her tongue out, her eyes were a little dodging and said, "Should I just ran out to play..."

"Your Majesty, it is a good thing for Your Majesty Princess Helena to return safely. Don't punish your Majesty." Asura said to Gnar with a smile: "In addition, the tasks that Your Majesty has given you have already been completed. Take a look at these two things first."

After speaking, Asura took out the potion and production drawings he had obtained.

After being transferred by Asura to change the subject, Gnar also found the next step.

He just glared at Helena, then looked at the medicine and the production map in Asura's hand.

At this moment, he waved his hand directly, and the medicine and production map in Asura's hand disappeared instantly.

At the next moment, the potion and the production plan turned out to appear in Gnar's hand.

After seeing the potion and the production map in his hand, Gnar asked directly to Asura: "This is the potion and production map you obtained from Norton?"

"Yes." Asura nodded and said.

After hearing Asura's words, Gnar cast his sights directly on the production drawings in his hands.

After a few seconds, Gnar closed his gaze back.

The next moment, I saw him smiling at Asura and saying, "Very good, this is what I want, Shura stranger, you have completed my task, so... you should get the corresponding reward!"

After finishing speaking, he saw Gnar wave his hand in an instant, and several golden rays of light instantly fell on Asura's body.

In an instant, a series of system prompts sounded in Asura's ear.

"Dingdong~Congratulations on completing the task [Smash the Conspiracy of the Lich King (1/1)]! You have obtained the task reward gold coins +10000, prestige +10000, experience +10000, [random item treasure chest]*1, [Ancient Refining Pharmacy Secret Code]*1."


"Ding Dong~ You have triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward]! Successfully obtained 100 million gold coins, 100 million reputation points, 100 million experience points, [Random Item Treasure Box (Holy Level 1)], [Ancient Alchemy Secret Code (Holy Level 1)]!"

"Ding Dong~ Your level has increased! The current level is: Lv31! (You have gained 5 free attribute points and 1 potential point)."

"Ding Dong~ Your level has increased! The current level is: Lv32! (You have gained 5 free attribute points and 1 potential point)."


"Ding Dong~ Your level has increased! The current level is: Lv40! (You have gained 5 free attribute points and 1 potential point)."

"Reminder: You are currently at the level bottleneck, please complete four job transfer tasks to continue to level up!"

"Ding Dong~ You have obtained the [Exclusive Quest for Battle Mage Transfer (IV)]."


After hearing this series of system prompts, Asura said directly to Gnar: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

After Asura said these words, Gnar slowly stared at Asura and said, "With the antidote to the new plague and the production map, my Stormwind Empire's chances of winning against the evil forces will be much higher. Thank you for your help. The contribution made by the Stormwind Empire, your name...will be engraved in the annals of the Stormwind Empire."