
Online Cram School

She thought it would be a place to study during the epidemic.

Bisa · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Noelle Endo has entered the lobby

Online Class Room

Lobby 1:

Classroom 3A:


Player [Noelle Endo] has entered the lobby*

Player [Noelle Endo] is creating her avatar…

[Character description: A cute bespectacled girl with light ash brown hair and almond-shaped honey brown eyes, she wears a preppy ivy green tunic underneath a khaki blazer. ]

Player [Noelle Endo] has completed creating her avatar.

[System:]Welcome to Online Class Room Noelle Endo, before we begin please answer. What kind of student are you?

Noelle: Oh wow, is this virtual reality? There's even floating text… Hmm? I'm fairly average. I'm not a good student but I'm not a bad one either. I mostly get A's and B's on my report card.

[System:] What are your hobbies?

Noelle: Well, I mostly read, I like drinking tea… I also like cooking, I watch cartoons and read comics on my phone and sometimes I do yoga in my room-

[System:] Noelle Endo has been given the "boring" personality trait

Noelle: Wha- I'm not boring! . . .okay, maybe you're right I am. I've tried making friends but no one is interested in the same things as me. Still, I didn't think-

[System:] Noelle Endo has been given the title of 'Model Student' with the boring personality trait. Students with the 'boring' personality type are typically introverts that find all things interesting-

Noelle: That's not true! There are still subjects I find boring!

[System:] Their high resistance against boredom allows them to read all texts and perform all sorts of tasks even if it's one outside of their area of expertise.

Noelle: Well thanks, I guess I'll take that as a compliment. (TT * TT)

Player [Noelle Endo ] has finished undertaking the [What Kind of Student Are You?: Student Class Quiz]

Noelle: *blinks*

(She finds herself sitting down at a desk in a classroom that was mostly empty, there wasn't even a teacher's desk or any bookshelves. The only piece of furniture was her own desk. In which on top of it sat a schoolhouse pin and a notepad. Both of which were blank.)

Noelle: Hmmm? Does this class require an ID # to unlock?

[Noelle Endo] has acquired a notebook.

[Noelle Endo] has acquired a student badge.

Noelle: What am I supposed to do with these? There's no pencil… unless they want me to write in my own blood. Hehe…

[Noelle] has acquired 'tablet'

(A tablet nearly the size of her desk appeared before her. The tablet turned on by itself. Revealing the scene of camera footage of different parts of the school)

[System: ] Drag and drop the students about to die into the white boxes.

Noelle Endo: H-huh? Did you just say di-

(Footage of strange black shadows seemed to be chasing the students. One slashed at a student's arm off. Noelle jolted at the violent scene and quickly used the stylus to drag and drop the injured student into a white box. On all screens some sort of a horror movie seemed to be taking place inside the school.)


(The sound came from within the tablet. The crazed laughter of a pale girl in red. The air in the room changed with her presence on screen and one by one Noelle's cameras began to blackout.)


(Noelle dragged and dropped students like her life depended on it.

Even if a person had been completely severed, she made sure to drag and drop them in along with the dismembered pieces of their bodies to clear the way for other students running so that they didn't trip.

Unfortunately, some ended up slipping and sliding on the blood that bathed the halls. Noelle moved as fast as she could, trembling throughout it all, when all the screens of her table turned black she just sat there shivering, stylus still positioned above the screen, her shoulders hunched up to her ears. In the end… she wasn't able to rescue them all. It may have been a game but she still felt guilty. After blinking a while, her shoulders relaxed and she snapped out of it.)

Noelle Endo: What is this? I thought this was an online classroom simulator. You know… like an online cram school?

[System :] Calculating the score of [Model Student: Noelle Endo]…

Score [Rescued students]:

Decapitated: 25

Living: 33

Unconscious: 2

Students isolated from the Everdeath School Grounds in total: 60/ 75

Final Grade: B-

[Model Student: Noelle Endo] has acquired the new character description "Hardworking doormat" and the skill "Super focus".

Because [Noelle Endo] is a hardworking [Model Student] she will become "focused" when entrusted with a task. Despite her own fear and reservations about a certain project so long as she is asked, she'll persevere and perform according to the assignment's instructions to the best of her ability.

The skill "Superfocus" increases the Student's thinking speed but in turn, shuts off the other's senses that can be distracting unconsciously.

Noelle Endo: Well, I can get like that when I get sucked into a good show or manga…but what exactly is this? Is this not an alternative site for online cram school?

[System:] You have completed your first assignment. In the future, log into your tablet to check and complete the assignments available for your class. It isn't mandatory to accept all assignments, but skipping too many will affect your overall grade. Extra credit assignments will be readily available. If the 'Model Student' Noelle Endo fails all her assignments she will be demoted to that of a 'Normal Student.'


(The sound of a bell tolling made Noelle look up and around the classroom, her expression wary as she readjusted her glasses. Did the color of the classroom change just now? The door to the classroom flew open. Four students rushed in and slammed the door shut behind them. Student 1, a student wearing a navy blue sweater over her white blouse, and black pleated skirt, shouted loudly, "Barricade the door!" Student 2 and 3, both males quickly got to piling the desks in front of the door, when Student 4 reached to grab the desk, Noelle was sitting at she screamed.

"G-Ghost! It's another one!"

Everyone turned.

Student 2, a male relaxed.

"The white ghosts are docile. Just ignore it. It'll fade and disappear."

Student 4 just stared at her, and Noelle at her. She? A ghost? Noelle readjusted her glasses, only to realize how transparent her hand had become. The tablet on the desk had disappeared in its place becoming a notebook.

[System :] Inside the notebook were the following words "This notebook belongs to Noelle Endo, a student of Class [ ]. To name your class 1. Pick a color. 2. Pick a plant.

Noelle Endo: Chartreuse. Ivy.

[System :] Model Student, Noelle Endo has created the class Chartreuse Ivy, as creator, Noelle Endo has been appointed the Class's President.

(As the room glowed with light, the students looked t

o the white ghost who seemed to be the source of it.

Student 1: What's going on? Futaka I thought you said the white ghosts were harmless!)