
Online Chat Group (Rewrite)

I'm going to write completely absurd fanfic full of loopholes. An Online Chat Group, members will be revealed later in the story but one thing I want to make clear is that there are only women in the chat group. It's a fanfic and I don't own any characters except Mc. The MC has traveled to a parallel Earth, a world mixed with anime characters, while still retaining the same face as in his previous life. Prior to the Chat Group System, he will get another system because, let's face it, he can't be weaker than the other chat group members, right? And the last thing, I'll say that in advance that the chapters are edited using Chatgpt so, it might really be absurd.. The cover is not mine, and if the original owner wishes for it to be removed, I will gladly do so. Enjoy!!

Revered_Sovereign · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

What the??

Kyoto, Japan.

A 15 year old boy was cuddling with a cute little kitten on his bed.

That boy can be said to be extremely handsome

(yep, extreme means literally women would swoon over his looks)

with white hair and blue eyes(The usual anime color)

And yeah! That handsome boy is none other than yours truly!

That's right, I'm talking about me, the epitome of dashing charm and undeniable good looks.

Some may accuse me of being a tad narcissistic, but hey, can you blame me?

When you're as devilishly handsome as I am, it's hard not to acknowledge your own greatness.

Now, before you roll your eyes and label me as an egotistical teenager, hear me out.

Even if I tried to be humble, I'd still have to admit that I'm a real catch. I mean, who can resist this irresistible combination of charm, wit, and of course, devastatingly good looks?

It's like I was crafted by the gods of handsomeness themselves.

My name is Yuichi Kageyama, and let me tell you, I wasn't from this world.

I'm a traveler who journeyed here from a parallel Earth.

My previous life was nothing short of absurd.

At the tender age of five, my parents tragically perished in a car accident.

They were loving and kind, like any parents should be. Despite their strictness, they taught me valuable lessons, like reading and respecting my elders. Although we were wealthy, I never demanded material things from them.

Unfortunately, fate dealt me a cruel blow when they passed away, just as they were planning a surprise for my birthday.

When I turned six, individuals clad in black suits arrived at our home, claiming that my parents had left behind a massive debt.

They coldly announced that our house would be seized since my parents were no longer alive.

Now, let me tell you, I may have been a sprout-sized human at the time, but I knew those black-suited villains were spewing lies like a malfunctioning water fountain. Seriously, who tries to fool a six-year-old genius-in-the-making?

But even though, I knew they were spouting nonsense, but seriously, who would believe a mere six-year-old kid?

With no relatives to turn to, my only option was an orphanage— my parents had once mentioned it before so I knew what it was.

So off I went, wandering the streets in search of this so-called orphanage.

And guess what?

I bump into this dude who looks like he walked straight out of a spy movie. Intimidating much?

Yeah, but he had this weird smirk plastered on his face. Go figure.

He led me to a grand building that resembled a super cool military base from my beloved anime shows. Inside, he ushered me into a stark white room.

To my surprise, I discovered numerous children of my age already present.

And just when we're starting to settle in, in walks this big shot named Ayanokoji.

He introduces himself as if he's some kind of super important person and calls us "experiments."

Like, what?!

Apparently, we're the fourth generation of these experiments, so that means there were three generations before us.

And he's all like, "You ain't leaving this joint until you complete all the courses."

Talk about a life sentence in kiddie prison.

It seemed like the man who brought me here had made a mistake.

However, there was no use complaining about him since the outside world would never believe me anyway.

In that place, the children endured grueling physical and mental training, surpassing their limits in every way.

We were pushed to fight adults, facing death-defying challenges in freezing temperatures.

It was like survival of the fittest, except it felt more like a twisted reality show gone wrong.

Many days passed, and numerous children succumbed to the brutal training, meeting their demise.

Those who survived became either fearful or desensitized, losing touch with their humanity.

But guess what? Yours truly didn't give a single care

Here, I gained skills and knowledge beyond what I could have acquired elsewhere.

It might sound narcissistic, but I was undeniably a prodigy, surpassing my peers from the moment training commenced. I didn't bother mourning those who perished, nor did I bother remembering their names.

Sure, it might sound a tad self-absorbed, but hey, I was in a league of my own.

And let's be real, I didn't have time to mourn the fallen or remember their names

Just like that man didn't care he just saw them as tools and increased their training again.

The intensity of the training only grew with time, and the death toll continued to rise. Eventually, only two of us remained—the brown-haired boy and myself.

I knew he was the man's son, a chilling revelation.

If a father could subject his own son to such torment, I'd rather be an orphan.

Observing the emotionless demeanor of the boy, he seemed nothing more than an empty shell, a mere machine engineered for victory.

While I couldn't claim moral superiority, I had learned to suppress my emotions, becoming someone driven by a purpose: survival.

Despite my involvement in deaths within the facility, it didn't mean I was indifferent to the value of life.

I simply desired to live, willing to go to extreme lengths to ensure my own existence.

The records of the two of us were almost on par. In some aspects, he excelled, while in others, I surpassed him.

Reflecting on my time within these walls, I realized that the deeds I had undertaken were beyond the capabilities of an ordinary human.

Although I had no baseline for comparison, I knew that out of the thousands who entered this place, only the two of us remained.

And, I was not in the mood to stay there any longer,

I wanted to escape, and for that I needed a Plan..

First and foremost, I knew that he needed to exploit the weaknesses of those who held him captive.

I knew that the man named Ayanokoji, the mastermind behind the experiments, has a immeasurable hunger for power and control, and he would never willingly let them go, as he intended to mold one of us into a tool to help him achieve his ambitions of ruling Japan.

And now enters the brown haired boy "Ayanokoji Kiyotaka"

As we were the only people left in the white room, the two of use became acquaintances.

But the brown-haired boy would've probably viewed me as a tool not like I was any better.

And for this escape plan, he was crucial,

Even though I didn't want to admit it, but I had to accept that I could not do it alone, and needed his help in order to safely escape from this place.

The people in the facility possessed comprehensive data on our abilities, and despite my attempts to conceal certain aspects, they were well aware of most of my capabilities.

They had numerous means to prevent me from leaving, making his involvement crucial and also if I were to escape on my own, the brown-haired boy, who happened to be Ayanokoji's son, would remain trapped in the clutches of the White Room, in much more strict control, and such that, he wouldn't be inclined to assist me; in fact, he would likely obstruct my path.

Hence, I had to devise a plan that would ensure our freedom.

Knowing that the people closely monitored our every move, the two of us had to act with utmost caution, and wait for the time..

One day, the man entered our room and disclosed his desire for us to assassinate someone, and that was the time I saw it as an opportunity to leave that place.

The two of us went on a few assassination missions before albeit under surveillance.

But it was a chance,

In the White room that man held absolute authority and the two of us were under the strict control, and as such, it was nearly impossible to leave, and this was the only time, when 'That man's' control on us was much less,

So, during those missions, the two of us discreetly established connections with the outside world, using our superior intellect to bypass the surveillance and communicate covertly.

My escaping plan involved faking my death during the mission, using a body double, then establishing myself in China for a period.

Once settled, I would return to rescue the brown-haired boy. If I managed to escape, reveal the existence of human experiments happening within the White Room to the Chinese government, and garner support from other countries, the political pressure would force the man to shut down the facility.

In turn, the chances of the brown-haired boy's escape would increase significantly.

The plan was flawless.

However, since the two of us weren't even friends, how could he trust that I would really return to help him escape?

So, I could only provide him with some leverage, such as the place I would go to and so on.

It wasn't that he didn't know that I could give him false information and not help, or that I didn't know that he could betray me.

But the thought never crossed my mind. The two of us were the only survivors in this place out of thousands of children.

We had known each other for nine long years, yet we were merely acquaintances.

It was only natural for there to be mistrust, and the word "trust" couldn't even be associated with that place.

However, this mistrust was the very reason both of us had managed to survive. And it was also the reason why we trusted that the other would do as they said.

After all, the plan involved both of us, and we needed each other. The failure of this plan meant that both of us would lose.

This understanding was the primary reason why I knew that the boy would not betray me, and vice versa.

So, I through careful research and manipulation, I found a contact who could provide me with a body double—a convincing decoy to stage his own death during a mission.

As the assassination mission approached, I coordinated with his accomplices outside the facility, orchestrating the necessary arrangements for my escape.

The timing and precision were paramount to success so, every minute detail, from travel routes to safe houses, needed to be meticulously planned, leaving no room for error.

On the day of the mission, as me and the brown-haired boy pursued their target deep into the treacherous mountains, with the assistance of our accomplices, I ensured that the body double was seamlessly integrated into the operation, creating a scenario where my demise would be confirmed without raising suspicion.

As the two of us reached the cliff's edge, prepared to make the daring escape, I calculated the trajectory and impact of the bullet carefully, allowing it to strike my leg, inflicting a non-lethal wound that would simulate a fall from the precipice.

Doing so, it would seem that I plummeted to my death, as no one could survive such a perilous drop.

With lightning-fast reflexes and acrobatic prowess, I leaped from the cliff, disappearing from sight.

However, fate had other ideas.

During my descent, an unforeseen event occurred—an enormous lightning strike obliterated me in an instant.

The next moment, I awoke in an entirely different place.

As I opened my eyes, memories of what transpired flooded back, and with the utmost expression of bewilderment, I could only say,

"What the Fuckk?"