
chapter 1 the neighbor

I wanted to sleep it was dark out already. The tree next to the window kept bashing against it making a rustling noise that was quite annoying I would say. I always felt like they missed something going on when I was asleep. I got out of the small bed that barley fit me anymore I didn't really noticed these types of things. In fact the whole room didn't fit anymore... My parents were gone I didn't know where they were or anything like that but they just kept to they're own the neighbors didn't care. I walked out of the house ans watched as my breath dance in the wind it was so cold. 

"You shouldn't be out so late." It was the boy who lived across the street. He wasn't mean or anything but I never really talked to him just kept my distance I was like that with most people except for Logan of course but he was different he was my friend since we were kids. He had dark black shagged hair with emerald green eyes which were some what entrancing. 

"Ignoring me again I see? Come on what would it take to get a little of recognition from you?" 

"I'm not ignoring you I just don't know you." I guessed his age was around 15 just a year older then me. He wore a black hoodie and sweatpants with sneakers. A quite normal look I wasn't very different it was a simple white baggy shirt but I  was still wearing my pajama pants.

"Well then you can start getting to know me. My names Riko, and I go to the same school as you just onlin-"

"Wait how do you know what school I go to?"  Should I be a little creeped out. The air was getting icy the colder it made me start to shiver a bit. It felt like the cold was piercing my skin

"I saw you on the camera that shows me the class. You were turning in a paper." 

"Great memorie..." 

"Sorry, I'm a little odd I just can remember things super easily."

"Ah, uhm you asked me earlier why I was out. Can I ask you the same? I mean it looke like you've been out here longer than me." 

"You haven't answered my question yet." 

"What question?" 

"The one about you being outside too. On a scale of one to ten how tired are you?" 

"About a seven... But I'm not tired."

"Ah, like that's a reason to come into the cold." I shrugged at the comment I didn't really care about what happened to myself really I just lived to live no one even would know if I disappeared very few would care.  

"Alright so, it's almost like midnight I'm going back to my room you can do well whatever you do.." I didn't even realize that I was hugging myself until Riko pulled off his sweater and handed it to me.

"Just in case you need it. You seem like your cold." I was very cold but didn't want to leave him outside with just a T-Shirt.

"Don't you need this?" 

"Nah, I don't get cold." He smiled a sideways smile. I wouldn't admit it but it was adorable.

"Plus now you have to return it." 

"My house is right here I don't need it thank you though.." 

"Nah you have it my parents would bite my ear off about this if I didn't anyways your doing me a favor." He put it in my arms. 

"Thank you...." 

"Now go inside before you freeze." 

"Same to you." 

I walked into my house and when I shut the door I realized that my heart was racing. I didn't know why it was just some guy who I barely knew who recognized I was cold and gave me his sweater. I could now hear how it sounded. I went back to my room. I could feel goosebumps coming off my skin from the cold, out of laziness I put it on then climbed into her bed snuggling into they're blanket looking down at the sweater. I sat there in thought and couldn't help but start to feel my eyes shut where I fell asleep snuggled up in the blanket and sweater they drifted off into nothingness.

Who's idea was it to make Mondays a thing they felt like the death to all humanity anyone who liked Mondays were crazy. Or just morning people. I started playing music off my phone just like every morning listening to music. I didn't have the best phone but it worked it had music and did texting that was it but it worked for me. I looked at the time on the phone. 

"Oh shoot!" I rushed brushing through my hair with my fingers. I started tossing all my books on the table into the backpack trying to hurry not carrying if I accidentally spilled something.

"First day of the week and it's already horrible..." I looked down at my clothes and realized I was still wearing the sweater from Riko and the pajama pants. I brushed it off there was no time to worry about clothes I needed to get to school. The first period teacher was ruthless to where it was scary. I started cramming more books into my backpack. Usually people are laid back about missing school but not me. Detention was scary the dragons are cranky in the mornings.

"Dang it.... Come on get in the bag!" It stared to zip up but surprise surprise the zipper got stuck. I sighed in frustration trying to get it open again to where I could move stuff around to make it fit better. As I struggled my phone buzzed of a call from one of my only friends Logan. I picked up the phone tucking in my shoulder continually trying to get stuff in the backpack. 

"Hey your late." 

"Thanks Captain obvious..." I couldn't see it but I knew he was trying to suppress a laugh on the other side. 

"Alright alright, where are you?"

"Still at home..."

"Yeah your screwed." 

"Says you..." 

"Yeah but I'm at school and I'm not late after break. Your putting yourself in a bad position my friend."

"Wow thanks..." 

"You see this is why you have no friends."

"I have you." I finally got the backpack resorted and zipped up. 

"Yeah only because are parents were best friends." 

"Yeah yeah.." I pulled my hair back with the hair tye on my wrist with a couple other hair ties and bracelets 

"Anyways I'm just reminding you that your late like the amazing friend I am."

"Yeah your great thank you soooo much." 

"Where would you be without me." 

"Uhm sleeping." 

"Eh anyways get over here and don't wear PJs to school again." 

"Oh screw you..." I ran to her room and got out of my pajama pants and got into normal lose pants. 

"You were in your pj's weren't you?" 

"No..." I pulled on my shoes.

"Your a horrible liar." 

"Ha. Ha. Ha... Look I'm leaving the house now go to positions class I'll be there soon." I rushed out the door not bothering to tye my shoes at this point. It was a thing I did. It was for good luck.

"Alright see you soon then don't get eaten by a dragon." 

"Okay bye.." I hung up the phone then realized I left her backpack inside. "Dang it!" I went back into the house grabbed the backpack slug it on then finally officially left. 

I finally made it to the school but the school grounds were empty. I was late. I walked into the classroom it felt like the room was looking at her. I looked down hurrying to get to my desk, 

"Glad to see that you've chosen to join us Miss Lynn. Late again I see." 

"Yeah... Only the eighth in a row..." I sat down and noticed the once empty desk next to her had Riko sitting in it.

"What are you doing here." I hissed at him.

"I told you I went here for school." 

"I thought you did online." 

"I can come public school too." I couldn't help but sigh. When I looked back at him he was smiling.


"Nothing your just wearing my sweater, it looks good on you." I could feel my face start to get hot I looked down at the cauldron in front of me and tried to focus. This day was gonna be a long day.