
One With The Beast

"Would I ever be free from the curse?" She asked with shaky breath. "Can I make peace with it?" She wanted to know. She didn't want to believe that nothing could be done. There had to be some way to free herself of the pain, the guilt and... The Beast. She was willing to do anything, even if it meant going after the gods themselves! ***** Carnage! Love! Bloodlust! To the gods, humans are just entertainment. They do as they please but someone dares to stand up to them. She brings upon herself a punishment that makes her life nothing but a game to the celetials. She's a rare beauty. A slave to the gods and bound by a curse. With no one to love, it seems all hope is lost... Or maybe not?

Mercy_Oghenekome · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 6

Roderick had thought of what to do with the dresses he had bought. He wasn't sure Freya would like them because they were made so simple. It wasn't something a princess would like to wear and he was certain that his mother would light them up in flames so instead of having that happen, he decided to give them out.

He gave the dresses to some poor looking women who were standing idly at a corner. He guessed that they were beggars seeing how shabbily they were dressed. He also gave them some money and the women were filled with gratitude.

He didn't know why, but he could tell that someone was watching him. He turned and found the beautiful woman staring at him. His lips parted as if he was going to call out to her, but she hastily walked away, causing him to smile. Was she avoiding him?

Annalise didn't understand why she walked away like that. She was calling herself stupid for making it so obvious that she had been watching him. She could have just turned away and looked in another direction.

She shrugged her shoulders, pushing the thoughts aside, not wanting to think about it. All she needed to do was catch two fishes and dinner would be all set.

When she finally got to the river, she looked into it and saw the fishes swimming leisurely. She thought these fishes had no problems. They looked so much at ease and she wished she could have such a life. Lately, she had been so bothered. It wasn't just the fact that she was still mourning her father. She had the nightmares to worry about and if she was being honest with herself, she was afraid that there was something inside her. Something restless that was just waiting to come out the day she allowed it.

Annalise shook her head and sharpened the wood she was going to use. Her father had thought her different methods of fishing. Since these fishes were not even trying to hide, this would be too easy. She didn't need a net. Now that she had a sharpened a wood to look like an arrow, all she had to do was aim and strike. She had always been good at this.

Before long, she got the two fishes needed to make dinner. She then killed and tied them together with ropes. She was ready to go home but she then heard the neighing of a horse close by. She looked in the direction of where the sound had come from and her eyes caught sight of the most beautiful steed.

Though it was black, the color appealed to her and Annalise felt drawn to it. She found herself walking towards the horse that was slowly drinking from the river and she wondered whose horse it was. Not just anyone could ride a horse in Dexteria, at least not commoners.

Annalise found herself stroking the horse's mane and her own actions surprised her.

"It likes you". She quickly drew her hands back, startled by the voice that had just spoken. She turned to see the young handsome man that had bought the remaining dresses earlier. Of course, this was his horse. She should have known. But why was he here?

"Are you following me, my Lord?" She had to ask.

Roderick was surprised at the sound of her voice. It wasn't like he expected to be. It was loud, confident, she didn't sound like an illiterate and she had this accent. It was something he had never heard before, but he liked it.

"Of course not, my lady" he answered her question and he watched her brows crease into a frown. He smiled, thinking that her annoyed face was quite adorable. Besides, what was she so angry about? She was the one who had been touching his horse without permission.

"Meeting you three times in one day is certainly not a coincidence" she said again.

"My teacher says that once is chance, twice is a coincidence but a third meeting, now that's called fate" he told her. "My name Roderick", he introduced himself.

Annalise took the cue to introduce herself as well.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful maiden" Roderick complimented. Anna gave a small smile. She wasn't sure she wanted to keep talking to this stranger. She knew where this conversation could go and she just didn't want it. They were obviously not of the same class.

"You caught that yourself?" Roderick tried to keep the conversation going.

"Yes, My Lord. My father thought me" she answered.

"Please, just call me Roderick".

"Roderick" she repeated.

The man smiled, amused by the woman in front of him. Not many would dare to call his name without honorifics even if he asked them to. He wondered how this young woman would react if she found out that he was a prince.

He took the chance to stare at her fully in the face, allowing the silent breeze whistle in their ears.

This young woman was an epitome of true beauty. She was mesmerizing. Her hair was all over her head, full and long. The colour was so bright and he wondered how she maintained it. And then there were her eyes. They were magical, captivating, having the colour of the deepest green forest. Her lips were full, luscious and Roderick couldn't believe that he added kissable to the list.

Her face was small yet it was so pretty. Roderick told himself that for the first time, he had seen someone with more alluring lashes than his older brother. Then there was her body. She wasn't short, neither was she tall and he could just imagine the figure those clothes were hiding. She was of the average height with milky white skin that he thought he could run his tongue over.

Roderick shook his head. He didn't think he should be having such thoughts but he couldn't help himself. She was so desirable. How could someone like her be a commoner? How did she maintain herself to look this good?

Anna could see how Roderick was looking at her and for some reason, she didn't hate it. She cleared her throat only when the silence was becoming uncomfortable and awkward. Roderick offered to see her off home and Anna decided not to refuse.

On the way, he asked her so many questions. He wanted to know everything about her and Anna just found herself answering his questions. She wasn't the type to talk so much but she was just comfortable with Roderick.

He found out that the other woman was her mother and they had just moved to the central town from a village. He also found out how her father died and how pained she was. He could tell from that bitterness in her voice, that she blamed the royal family. So he decided that it was best to not tell her who he really was.