
One Two Trigger

A 16-year-old boy Name Zukkei who use to have a job where he delivers newspaper. Unfortunately, the business needs to be closed and that's when he finds out about The Four Association. The Association Who fights for Peace and To Protect the Humans. As Zukkei is joining the Association, he went into a lot of trouble. He also get to meet his new friends. Join Zukkei's Adventure in The Webnovel Called "One Two Trigger" Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Martial Arts

JustDanial · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 14: Band VS Band

Counting off right from the last chapter

Fargo: I see

Fargo & Ake goes towards Zukkei & The Lady & ambush them but they evades

Zukkei In His Head: I've never fought besides an old lady before, This is so odd

Ake then throws the Threads towards Zukkei but misses but the Threads can still swerve around to hit Zukkei meanwhile...

Fargo: Oi Old Hag! You better get outta here unless you want to spend the rest of your remaining time to live sufferin-

The Lady shook Fargo by unleashing an extraordinary Aura, Very Dark Aura

Fargo: Damn, this lady is trying to kill me or what is she trying?

The Lady then just walks as Fargo was keeping his eyes on her but the Lady then vanishes in a flash.

Fargo then looked at his surroundings carefully but...


The Lady Strikes Fargo's Balls SHOCKINGLY!

Fargo: W-Why the- Why there...

Lady: Hehehehe, Sorry not sorry

As that was happening...

Zukkei In His Head: Her threads are too strong. Even if i put my Aura on defence, she can still stabs me with those threads even if it requires a lot of time

Ake: You'll get exhausted eventually. Just give up

Zukkei then rushed towards Ake & it looks like he was about to kiss her. Ake then blushes for a second until Zukkei whispers to her ears

Zukkei: Fool

Zukkei then headbutt Ake with 200% Aura placed on his head.

Both of them got knocked out...


Kurumiyo: It seems like this girl right here is the Strongest

Niyo: Calibur Pot!

Kurumiyo & Hira then jumps away as far as they can

Hira: She was using that against you. Can you sense on whom she'll use certain techniques on

Kurumiyo: No

Kurumiyo In His Head: Because i haven't fought someone using The Calibur technique in a while

Niyo: Calibur Death Rope!

Kurumiyo: Look out!

Kurumiyo then tries to land some punches on Niyo but she evades

Kurumiyo In His Head: *chuckles* Well then

Kurumiyo then lands his feet against the wall & jumped towards Niyo but as she avoids...

Hira then takes her chance to kick Niyo's back but Niyo caugh her foot & blocked it with her arms

Hira In Her Head: Too swift for comfort!

Kurumiyo: Stay alert, damn it!

Hira couldn't react to Niyo's attack which led her to ramp against the wall

Kurumiyo: Stay there for now!

Niyo: Now it's your turn!

Niyo then swings her Death Rope around but Kurumiyo just keep dodging

Niyo: Fool, I'm not gonna stay & let you think while you're dodging!

Niyo then rushes towards Kurumiyo & tries to swing her rope towards Kurumiyo's back but Kurumiyo was quick enough to react & evades

Kurumiyo In His Head: I can't just keep dodging without attackin-

Niyo: What did I just say?!

Niyo swings her Death Rope even more

Kurumiyo In His Head: I can't touch these, there's only one thing-

Niyo then rushes towards Kurumiyo again but Kurumiyo evades again

Kurumiyo In His Head: Give me a space to breathe Damn it!

Kurumiyo then rushes towards Niyo & was about to punch her but he didn't land it

Niyo In Her Head: Why-What is he trying to do?

Kurumiyo then backs away & stood still for a few seconds & ambushes Niyo again but Niyo evades.

They then just keeps punching & dodging

Kurumiyo: Double Senetsu Katana!

Kurumiyo then throws one of the Katana towards Niyo & as she evades, Kurumiyo stands right in front of her ready put her into a submission but

Niyo: Calibur Pot!

Hira then comes in & pushes Kurumiyo away which led to her getting captured & thrown away by Niyo

Kurumiyo In His Head: That's quite an enduring move she decided to make

Niyo: Now you're mine!

Kurumiyo then take a few steps away from Niyo

Niyo: Calibur Spiders!

Niyo then throws a bunch of spiders towards Kurumiyo but he evades

Kurumiyo In His Head: If i didn't dodge that-

Niyo In Her Head: Yes, just a bite is enough to kill you even if it only kills you slowly

Kurumiyo then took both of his Katana & rushes Niyo & tries to slice Niyo even if it would kill her

Kurumiyo In His Head: I'm not sure if this trick would work but a try wouldn't hurt

Kurumiyo: Senetsu Gun!

Niyo was still throwing spiders towards Kurumiyo but he summons the Senetsu Gun while dodging.

Kurumiyo then tries to shoot her 5 times. Missed 5 times because of Niyo's technique

Niyo: Calibur Umbrella!

Kurumiyo: *sighs*

Kurumiyo In His Head: I think this would work if i see it correctly

Kurumiyo then shoots Niyo again but this time

Niyo In Her Head: What?! How can he be that fas-

Kurumiyo then kicked Niyo right at her face without an intention to kill

Kurumiyo: Phew, that worked

Zukkei: Hey Lady, can you identify what he did just now?

Lady: Yes. It's a simple technique

After The Lady explained the basics

Lady: He puts himself inside that Bullet that's made of Aura & as he saw that umbrella only deflects the bullet a bit. He pops out of his bullet to return to his original body to attack his opponent by suprise

Zukkei then goes to Hira to check if she's okay

Hira: Yeah I'm fine, don't worry. Zukkei, go ask that guy about teaching us & stuff

Zukkei: Wait here just a minut-


Zukkei: HUUHHH?!

Kurumiyo was apparently standing behind them while they were talking

Kurumiyo: These guys are dangerous

As Kurumiyo was talking

Zukkei In His Head: *laughs nervously* I mean we beat like two of them. We could've possibly defeat that Niyo girl but it would've took a little longer


Zukkei & Hira: Hai!

Zukkei: Ummm Mrrrrr-

Kurumiyo: Kurumiyo. Just call me that

Zukkei: Yeah okay, Kurumiyo. Can you train our Aura & Skills & such because we're looking for a coach to become stronger


Hira: *nervously laughs* well ummm can you at least let us know someone who's willing to train us? *nervously laughs*

Kurumiyo: Hmmm i see. So you two go to a location where there would be crime without reporting so that you can ask one of the 4A to be your teacher?

Zukkei: Yeah-

Kurumiyo: Are you guys even a part of 4A?

Hira: No because we got some punishment & we're not allowed but President Hutono said that we can still fight crimes even if we're not part of the 4A

Kurumiyo: I see i see. Well there's this one guy, he's among one of the best patrols out there but it would be hard to ask him to train a bunch of kids.

Zukkei: Wait, so he's one of world's strongest?

Kurumiyo: No, he's far from it. Just like me, we patrols are the more subtle side of the 4A which means of course we can't be the strongest. If you're one of the world's strongest. Either Fighting-wise, Aura-wise or whatever, you would lean more towards concealing your presence

Hira: Let me guess. It's because you don't want bad guys come & attack you when you want to stay safe

Kurumiyo: Yes, that's why most of them don't have normal families because it's too risky. They mostly do their own business & don't mind people in the cities & such unless something Super Big is happening around the cities

Zukkei: I see I see, so where's that really strong Patrol?

Kurumiyo: Idiot! Like i would know! All i know is that he would only come when the mission is put on high-risk. He's the only Top Patrols i got to know just because of that one really difficult mission. You guys will have to take not ONLY a big risk But also a big gamble

Hira: Why is that?

Kurumiyo: Simple. If he can't see you having a bright future or a strong potential, he will straight up refuse to teach you. Plus, he doesn't even like teaching people-

Zukkei: Don't worry, we'll force him to


They then went on playing chase for...a while

But next chapter will cover up what Zuoni & His Rival Waruwi is up to!

To be continued...