
one time sign in system in Harry Potter

, a boy died and met God who gave him to chances to choose from multiverse system and he ends up with one time sign in system let's see how he becomes a king from nothing ... .. .. .. . . . , English ain't my language first time writing a novel don't mind it do give your feedback please thank you and enjoy and you can take the ideas from my novel and create your own , and for description purposes Harry Potter series of novel doesn't belong to me but the original author only thing that belongs to me is the OC MC Si

GOD_OF_ENAS · Book&Literature
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sorcerer stone

after the quidditch match ended everything went back to normal other than the golden trio and obviously Malfoy all that happened in the plot of the story kept on going on as it is I didn't bother much about it my life continue as it was scoring points for Slytherin studying with Daphne and Hermione Christmas came Anna left Hogwarts to meet my family so that Hermione and Daphne I got hundreds of gifts on Christmas the entire porch of my hall in Manav filled with presents some from school friends some from Hogwarts and many from unknown people I called from my house elves I made them check every single present for black magic and it seemed none contained I sent thank you letter and a box of Swedish chocolate to everyone who sent me presents and and for my close friends I send a necklace of a snake and an emerald to Daphne and Hermione I sent a Sammelan necklace with the Dragon and Ruby attached to it to her another thing I did was to send a letter to the matriarch of Longbottom family regarding Neville s wand I celebrated Christmas with grandma and soon enough left for Hogwarts on the train I met Daphne and Hermione we talked about what we did in the holidays and both of them thanked me for their gifts and they were really happy and Hermione inquired me about Nicolas flamel and as being a scholar I told her about everything regarding him it seems the finale of the first series is here while The Sorcerer's Stone is precious I was more interested to find out what will I get if I signed up on it so we reached tour destination and classes went as normal on the day of the finale I waited for them outside the third floor corridor under invisible charm didn't took long for them to appear they went inside and soon enough I heard barking sound of the dogs I entered the room silently and cast a stupefy charm on the dog well being strong wizard has its own perks I slowly went towards dog and poke his paw out of the the way enter the Dungeon as I fell down I casted a charm on me e n i slowed down I reached the bottom still invisible and followed the golden trio slowly unnoticed they passed all the traps till the last flame one I went around Hermione who was busy running back to get dumbledore I knew from different fanfiction that all the potions contained the solution as dumbassdore won't take chance for it but as I already had fire control well I passed through it and nothing happened I stopped and heard the fight going on and waited voldyshorts and harry fought with his loss obviously and went to get the stone fast as I reached I took the stone and put it in my inventory and took some crushed red crystal embedded with magic and put it at the place of the stone I called for ravan and he appeared and in a split of a second I left the hall to back to my room.

~ a few days later~

(dumbledore pov)

as I planned metal Harry faced the dark lord and won but it seems the stone got destroyed in the process as I reached down the Dungeon an unconscious Harry face powder red crystals which seemed to me as the destroyed Sorcerer's Stone I was confused that it shouldn't have been that way this is outside of my calculation checked the Powder of the stone and it still radiated magic I corrected the Powder and took Harry with me to the infirmary and Imperio Pomfrey and obliviated any memory of her scanning she did on Mr.potter. can't let her know about my dealing now, can we?


(MC pov)

as I appeared back in my room I went to the bathroom to freshen up after some time I went to my room and locked the door. and took out the sorcerers stone I held it in my hand

"system sign-in"

*signing in successful congratulations host for getting sorcerer stone recipe, sorcerer stone*

as soon as I got the recipe I got info on how to use the stone and all I needed was lead for gold and conjured water for life serum and one more use of it as it is a alchemical substance it can be used to extract gold essence from pure gold.

well now that's new for the next few days I tried to find about cold as much as I can it took time and finally I was able to to find it in the restricted area of the library the book was named "alchemical rarities" according to which the gold essence is Alchemy product which was used to make artefact such as time turner and lot of other search items which are a rarity in the magical world now it is said that price of gold essence is immeasurable. well I can use it to get more from goblins went through the creation of gold essence according to which 1 kg of pure gold gives 2 ml of gold essence I have to melt the gold in a furnace which is heated by a fire produced by the stone for I can put the stone with the gold and fire up to gather to get much more amount of essence the stone I got from Dumbledore doesn't have that much juice and it so I will use it for the essence extraction I called for creature and gave him instructions he went to the Dragon vault and took around 1 tonne of gold and I gave another one can of cold that I previously had gotten as a reward total of 2 ton of gold and told him to create a furnace and gave him The Sorcerer's Stone with instructions on what to do the process will take one week to be exact and for 2 tonnes of gold I shall get almost around 2.7lit of gold essence from all of it but with market price I can way more than that but I must accquire the ingredients needed for the sorcerer stone creation but all of that for later has now the exams had begun it was easy for me as I already had mastery over all the subjects well not on the history but I don't like it any much as the exam ended we all came to to end of the year as usual Slytherin was highest and we also won the Quidditch cup as it was walk in the park as only Gryffindor was challenging because of twins and potter the huffelpuff seeker Cedric was good too so in the semi final match between Gryffindor and huffelpuff I gifted him a nimbus and he was over the moon but still they lost for obvious reasons. and now he was sitting in the hall waiting for the year end celebrations exam results will be posted to us or our Guardians during the summer holidays, as usual, the celebrations begin and because Dumbledore Gryffindor won the Hogwarts cup the difference between the points of Slytherin and Gryffindor was of a massive amount of 230 points which we divided 100 to Harry Potter and 50 to Ron Weasley and another 80 points to Hermione and 5 points to Neville for his handed to him and thus Gryffindor won with Slytherin in disagreement celebrations ended we went back to dormitories and slept and next day I will be left for our homes as we arrived in London Railway station Hermione and then Daphne hugged me in turn with promises to write letters to each other and then they left Charles came to pick me up as he was standing on the magical platform hermiones parents and muggle parents were shocked and all greeted him I introduced him to Daphne and hermiones families out of which harmiones mom and dad were flabbergasted while daphnes were polite as them being nobles too and I got to say daphnes mom was a milf damn I couldn't take my eyes of her arse we soon left the station for home.