
One Thousand and One Nights

As in every night of fantasy, love and history 

It is said that the young Pharaoh, who grew up with pride, love, and kingship, decided to become king over all parts of the earth. The Pharaoh Anaton had a friend named Raad, who was the genie who had been with him since childhood. Anaton told Raad that he wanted a beautiful girl.She must be from the Middle East and be Arab. Raad, the genie of the lamp, was fulfilling the desires of his friend the Pharaoh. He told him that he had visited the Arab countries and found there a princess named Kufi. He told him that Kufi was beautiful, rode horses, and had a large white eagle،He always stays with her, so Anaton said to Raad, "Take me to her and introduce me to her. I want her to be my beloved." So Raad took him in a flash to the princess's palace. Anaton and Raad entered the palace in disguise, pretending that they were servants of the palace. When the morning came, Princess Kufi held a party, in which she announced that she would choose a man to marry him. She surprised everyone. Kufi announced that the man she would choose must bring her the Pharaoh's crown from Egypt. Everyone was disappointed, so they rejoiced Anaton and Raad, and Anaton said, "Princess, I can bring it to you before you blink your eyes." Kofi was surprised and accepted the challenge. Anaton ordered Raad to go in a heartbeat and bring a crown. Raad moved at the speed of light and brought the crown from Anaton's kingdom. Anaton presented the crown to Kofi, and married her in a large and joyful wedding, with music, games, and food. After that, they went to Princess Kofi's palace, and Kofi said to Anaton, "How did you get a crown?" Anaton said to her, "Do you want to...You enter the Pharaonic palace and rule with me my kingdom. Kofi was astonished, and here Anaton thundered, and the story of Anaton and Kofi in the land of wonders began.