


As this question would be important, I'll put it here. I left the sword style empty since I could not think anything for myself, leave your suggestions in this paragraph comment.

But please make sure the style or at least the sword techniques have enough information so that I could do some research on them.

It does not matter if they are from a game, anime/manga, or novel.

Just that there is enough information on them, what they do, and maybe how.

Early thanks for your suggestions.


After returning from his fruitful training, Azuma decided, it was time, a little over two and a half years ago he had saved Shizuha Fūrinji, his sister-in-law, from death.

It was time to tell his brother about her.

Calling his brother, hoping he would pick up this time, after the incident he had disappeared from everyone's lives, even Azuma's. No matter what he did, he could never find Saiga. Calling, searching, looking for rumors, nothing worked.

Hoping today would be different he called, slowly the telephone beeps started sounding, for the first time in years a call had entered.

"Hello?" A voice is heard over the phone.

Azuma taking his time to answer, too surprised, able to hear his brother's voice, it sounded different, broken, disillusioned.

"Hello?" Saiga asks once again, not knowing who was calling him.

Finally, Azuma reacts, "Saiga!"

Surprised by the voice over the phone Saiga does not know what to do, his brother, who he has avoided for years called him, and regretfully, he answered.

"Azuma" His voice cold, thinking to himself, if this would be his brother asking about Shizuha, and if he did it.

"We need to talk." He hears, already believing where this was going, dreading it.

"I'm busy." He tries to find an excuse.

"WE.NEED.TO.TALK." Azuma repeats himself, not willing to take no for an answer.

Hearing the seriousness in his voice Saiga relents. "About what?" His mind already creating all scenarios where this could go.

Azuma decides to cut to the chase. Knowing exactly how to get his brother's attention. "I have news about Shizuha."

Saiga almost drops the phone, his face shocked beyond belief, not believing what he heard. News, Azuma said he has news, his wife's body was never found. What news could he have? Does he know who did it? Does he know where is she?

"Saiga?" His brother's voice waking him up.

Hurriedly, excited, something he hasn't been since the news about his wife hit him. "What news brother, what news?"

"We need to talk face-to-face, meet me at…."


Saiga was nervous, excited, worried, so many emotions that hadn't appeared in years, filling his soul. What did Azuma want? What was the news? Why did his silly, usually easygoing brother sound so serious? Questions filled his mind, as he approaches the direction his brother gave him. A house starts to appear in his view, his heart about to burst out of his chest.

Once he parks his car, he sees Azuma, sited on the sidewalk, head low, arms on his knees, he was not able to see his expression.

Azuma, seeing a car parking at the entrance steels himself, the next conversation may make his brother hate him, never to talk to him again, this might ruin their relationship. However, it was time for him to know, enough time has passed, and Shizuha was not getting any better or anywhere for the matter.

Seeing Saiga walk towards him, he raises his head.

Saiga's face astounded, Azuma's face one of deep regret and shame. Seeing his face, he does not know what to do, why does Azuma look like this. What happened?

The brothers meet, Azuma slowly getting up from his position, "Follow me." He starts walking toward the house's entrance.

Saiga only nods and follows Azuma, whatever conversation will happen inside the house, it would be serious.

What once was a living room filled with medical equipment is now a living room again, Azuma sits on the couch and signals Saiga to do the same. Once both brothers are seated, Saiga asks his brother, again.

"What happened? What is the news you talked about?" He was worried, was Shizuha actually dead, if so, he would prefer to never know, at least if he didn't there was hope, hope she was out there, somewhere.

Looking at his brother's face, imagining what he may be thinking Azuma starts, "Shizuha is alive."

All of Saiga's fear disappear, his face morphing onto surprise, happiness, and relief. His body as if a rock were lifted from his back.

The relief that washed over him, was overwhelming, his wife was alive, she was alive.

"How do you know this? How? Where is she? Is she safe? Is she here? Tell me, Azuma, tell me!..... please." Desperation was all that was in his voice, the desperation to know.

Azuma takes a deep breath, preparing himself, and begins "Yes she is here..." At this moment Saiga jumps from his seat, loudly shouting "WHERE?"

"Calm yourself brother, let me finish."

Calm himself? How dare he tell him to calm himself, his wife was here, the love of his life, the mother of her daughter, how dare he.

"How dare you tell me to…" He is angry, how couldn't he be.

Before he can continue Azuma interrupts him. "Let me finish!"

Taking a deep breath, Saiga notices Azuma's gaze, it was hurtful, Why? He sits in the chair, waiting impatiently for his explanation.

"I saved her." Azuma starts.

At this point, Saiga was too speechless to have any expression.

Azuma proceeds to tell the story of that night.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" Anger cursing to his veins, Saiga jumps from his seat at Azuma, punching him in the face. Sending him flying across the room, cracks appearing on the wall from the impact.

Showing that, as angry as he was, he still controlled himself, or Azuma, who did not defend, would have gone through the wall, and the next one, and the next one, and the next one….

Running at him Saiga grabs him by the collar, shaking him while screaming "TWO YEARS! YOU WAITED TWO YEARS! "

His anger understandable, his life was bleak, colorless, the only brightness in it; when he sneaked to look at his baby daughter, Miu, the main reason for him to keep going.

Slowly the anger starts to leave, he stops shaking Azuma and hangs his head, tears threatening to fall, whispering, "...Thank you…. thank you…...thank you…"

Azuma supports his brother, his own face starting to swollen. He could have evaded the punch; he chose not to. He sits his brother back on his previous seat.

Saiga weakly asks him, "How is she?"

Sighing, hating how Shizuha's progress has been, "She is still sleeping, she has slept for all this time, not waking up."

They really didn't get what happened to her, at first believing it was due to blood loss causing brain damage. Later, after a year it became clear something else was going on, according to Ilona, for all intents and purposes she was healed, her body in perfect condition, definitely not in a coma, according to her brain readings.

Ilona said that the readings resemble the ones of a sleeping person. Reaching the current conclusion, after two years, they simply let it go, Azuma or Ilona visiting her regularly, specially Azuma, Ilona only substituting him when he was unavailable, like the previous six months.

By this point, they simply believed Shizuha would wake up when she's ready.

After explaining her current situation Saiga only softly says, "I see..."

Getting up Azuma directs Saiga to the room, slightly opening the door, and leaving Saiga alone.

Saiga prepares himself, trying to stay strong for her, fully opening the door he starts walking inside, and there he sees her, his, happy, gentle, caring wife, laying in a bed, sleeping, a peaceful look on her face, not at all one of someone who hasn't waken up in years, as if simply dreaming. Like she could wake up any moment now.

He believed himself too strong, only reaching the edge of the bed, he falls on his knees, gently grabbing her hand, and kisses it. Starting to weep, whispering to her, "Hello beloved…. you cannot imagine how happy I am seeing you…. Miu is fine, she is an adorable baby, her second birthday was not long ago, you would not believe how happy she looked...


Meanwhile, Azuma, left the house, not wanting to interrupt or eavesdrop his brother's reunion. Lighting up a cigarette, he simply stays there, looking at the house, wondering if this was the correct decision. He could have not said anything, simply wait until Shizuha woke up, but at that point, his brother would not only punch him in the face, once.

To compassionate for his own good.

Soon minutes pass, almost reaching an hour, Saiga is seen slowly walking out of the house.

"Aren't you way too young to be smoking? Little brother. That stuff will kill you."

Still, looking at the sky, "You know what else kills you? Life, life will also kill you." By this point, he had had some cravings, and as he was nineteen, he simply said 'fuck it'.

Saiga starts walking back inside, "Follow me, we have to talk."

Throwing what was left of his third cigarette, he follows. They sit back again on the couch, looking at Saiga he sees a man relieved beyond comprehension, the brother he remembered starting to come out. His face looking upwards, eyes close, thinking.

Starting to get bothered by the silence Azuma questions, "What will you do?"

Saiga, in the same position, takes a few more seconds to answer. "Nothing." Another pause. "I gave Senzui control of OSNF and allowed him to use my face to keep the belief that I was still in charge, while I traveled." Mentioning his 'friend' Saiga's face takes a sour look.

"I'll keep traveling, then return to OSNF, it seems my "friend" has merged it with Yami, his thoughts starting to become dangerous, I'll need to keep an eye on him and his plans."

"What about Shizuha…. and Miu."

Mentioning his wife and daughter, a caring smile appears on his face. "What about them, my wife is alive, and dad is taking care of Miu."

"Will, you not return to Miu?"

"I can't, the evidence the bastard made is as solid as it can be, besides, I really don't care if the world believes I killed Shizuha, you know the truth, dad someday will learn it too, if anything I want to ask you to slowly start, as Miu gets older, telling her the truth, I don't want her to believe her dad is a monster who killed his own wife and her mother."

"Still why though?" Azuma still does not understand his brother's direction.

"I do still want to travel, and Miu is as protected as she can be, with father. I cannot confront Senzui in the open, and besides as I told you before, I fear the direction OSNF is taking, I need to keep an eye on them. I can slowly relay information to you and you to father."

"Do you want me to tell my mother? It seems she joined OSNF, around 8 months ago. She stills believe you killed Shizuha, even if she couldn't care less. Sorry about that."

"It's okay, that's just how your mother is, but no, Mrs. Kushinada is strong, but against Silkwat Jenazad, Senzui, and the other members that would be joining, she would not stand a chance. This is a Fūrinji family problem, and until things escalate beyond control, it will remain that way."

Azuma was surprised, not really knowing that Jenazad would join this early, with Senzui and his sword teacher in the mix, it made sense that his mom would be at a disadvantage, but also believing if things escalated, he would intervene, either telling his mother or father the truth, for now, seeing how things would develop.

"Fine. Your decision as stupid as it sounds, I'll respect it, but do not expect me to stay silent if things seem bad, I will not allow my brother to miss his daughter's life for his stupid pride and compassion. The instant Shizuha wakes up I'll reveal the truth to father."

Saiga smiled wryly hearing this, his brother did kind of insult him, but it also showed his care for him.

"I would not expect less little brother, this is also part of why I need to travel, I refuse to believe Shizuha would not wake up, but one of the strongest bloodlines of the Kuremisago clan, believed to be dead, suddenly reappearing, will cause ripples, either with what little remains of the Kuremisago clan or in the underground groups."

Huh, it seems Azuma's brother was not as hardheaded as he believed, having a plan for Shizuha's reintroduction to the world.

"Good, at least that plan does not sound stupid."

Once again, Saiga smiled wryly, once again his brother insulting him.

"Thank you, I guess, but once again I ask you, please do not let Miu believe I killed her mother, even if you have to do it behind dad's back."

Now, it was turn for Azuma to feel offended.

"Ha, do you think I would let my cute niece believe that? You are lucky I don't steal her from you, such an adorable little angel…."

By this point, the conversation had rerailed, into a discussion, almost fight on Miu. Showing the love both brothers have for their daughter/niece.

Poor Kenichi, it seems his dream for dating Miu, just tripled in difficulty.


A/N: I hope you liked the chapter.

I tried to give an explanation of why Saiga never told the truth to Miu or his father. I never understood why he didn't. I hope it made sense.

Give your thoughts on my explanation, the chapter or... lets see… your favorite cultivation novel.



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