
One Step at a Time.

A death, a wish, two perks, no system, and a really weird mission. Off you go. This is the story of Azuma Fūrinji, a boy that wasn`t supposed to exist. Life is a series of steps, let`s see where Azuma´s story will take us. ~~~~~~~ As you see in the tags this will be a harem and multiverse story. Some of the worlds I know, others I have a couple of ideas. The first world is quite obvious if you know the MC’s last name. Let me warn you, this will be slow, no jumping worlds five chapters into the story, or popping in get the girl and out. If this is not for you, I’m sorry, and hope you find something for your taste, I know the pain, that’s why I’m writing. Thanks for checking my story

FluffiestEmperor · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs


While Azuma was having fun in a Yami base, Kenichi was struggling, finally meeting, and fighting against the rest of Ragnarök, mainly Hermit, Sōgetsu's disciple, and Siegfried.

Ignoring the struggle things were proceeding quite well, Hermit, Natsu Tanimoto, became a frenemy, and Siegfried developed an unnatural relation with Niijima.

Kisara became the eighth fist of Ragnarök, solidifying her position at the top of the gang, that was until her various meetings with Kenichi and Miu, noticing that in Ragnarök, people gathered through fear and violence, while in the Shinpaku Alliance, the newly formed team to fight against Ragnarök, everyone were friends, protected and cared for each other.

One of the three strongest members of the gang, Freya or Kaname Kugatachi, receives hints that Kisara might be thinking about deflecting from the gang, much like Hermit and Siegfried did, she resolves herself to 'teach' Kisara a lesson for her betrayal.

One night, after Kisara became somewhat friends with Miu, mainly due to both of them loving cats, Freya and her group, named The Valkyries, a group of weapon female users like Freya, attacked the girls.

Deciding that Miu would take care of the Valkyries, and Kisara of Freya, Miu was having a hard time against the girls, not for a lack of strength, but mainly due to their superior numbers, the blond quickly calls Kenichi for help.

And oh boy did Kenichi run to help, like a bullet he speeded to Miu's location, finally arriving and help, regretfully, the boy wasn't that far on his anti-weapon training, meaning he was having an equally hard time against the girls.

What Kenichi didn't notice was that he had a companion, since Azuma had, for lack of a better term, run away, Shigure, being the worrywart she is, tasked Tōchūmaru, with following her disciple, and notifying her in case of an emergency.

The mouse believed this was an emergency, launching a flare-up in the sky, god knows how. He notified Shigure her disciple was in trouble, making the prodigy of swords rush to his aid.

After Shigure's arrival, Kenichi was horrified, running to hug her, he screamed at the Valkyries, to run away while he distracted Shigure, fearing for the life of his enemies.

Shigure with her expressionless face only said, "Relax….I will only use…. my sword."

Kenichi rapidly shacked his head, indicating to Shigure that a sword was out of the question. Nodding Shigure took a pair of knives, Kenichi hurriedly yelling, "No, no, don't you have anything non-lethal, that's not metal, sharp, or has an edge?"

Shigure searched for something fitting Kenichi's description, after throwing an army's worth of different weapons, Shigure finally found what she was looking for….. a spoon, more specifically a wooden spoon.

With a relief expression on his face, Kenichi gave Shigure a thump up, approving of her desired weapon, while all of this was happening, the Valkyries were confused, then angry when Shigure took a spoon to deal with them.

To Kenichi's horror, when the armed girls attacked his master, Shigure easily destroyed their weapons and still believing in her philosophy that, destroying a woman's clothes is the best option, she also ripped all of their clothes apart.

Astonished the Valkyries quickly dropped their stance, first all of their metal weapons have been destroyed by a spoon, and second, they need to cover themselves, probing once and for all that Shigure's strategy is on point, small fact she will enjoy telling her boyfriend.

What Shigure didn't know was that this day she would receive a new nickname, besides The Prodigy of Swords or Mistress of all Weaponry, Shigure will also be known as The wooden spoon monster.

With the Valkyries taken care of only Kisara's fight against Freya was left, Kenichi, Shigure, Miu, and the Valkyries, trying really hard to cover themselves, went to spectate the fight.

Kisara was receiving a beatdown, after being launched near the recently arrived public, they heard her whisper, "No, I will not acknowledge what he said to be true, I will become stronger and show him…"

Rapidly getting up and continuing her fight Kisara managed to defeat Freya by breaking her polearm in half with a double dropkick.

Freya, gave up the fight, saying that the moment her weapon was destroyed, meant she lost. Congratulating Kisara for her win, she signaled the Valkyries to leave with her, asking what happened to their clothes, the group only shivered, remembering the wooden spoon monster.

After they left, Miu along with the others went to Kisara, asking if she was okay, Kenichi asking her who did she mean before? Who did she want to show her strength?

Answering his question, Kisara told them, "When I was attacking Takeda, an unknown man came and rescued him, after easily dealing with us, I noticed he was pointing the mistakes I made during my 'fight' against him, I tried looking for him, but I never found him."

Kenichi and Miu looked at Shigure, who was wondering who this man could be. Noticing Shigure was absolutely lost, Kenichi and Miu, glanced at each other and nodded, Miu starting, "We know him."

Kisara's eyes lit up hearing this, asking, "Who is it?"

Kenichi followed, "You should ask Shigure, she's his girlfriend after all."

Shigure was confused, pointing at herself as if asking if she really knew. Sighing Miu told her, "Azuma Shigure-san, Kisara is talking about Azuma."

As if having a revelation Shigure quickly nodded, remembering that she has asked him to save Kenichi's friend, rapidly nodding she told Kisara, "Yes….I know him….he is Azuma…..my boyfriend." Tōchūmaru, Miu, and Kenichi facepalmed.

Happily, Kisara asked her, "Do you know where he is? Do you know if he could teach me?"

Miu was astonished, trying to imagine her uncle being a sensei, while Shigure at first wanted to refuse, but remembering what he said about thinking on getting a disciple, she started considering, "Attack… me."

Confused, Kisara asked, "What?"

Shigure repeated, "You want…. Azuma….to teach…. you?.... Attack… me."

Kisara looked at Kenichi, who only shrugged his shoulders, prompting Kisara to look at Miu, who gave her a doubtful but encouraging smile, prompting her to start attacking Shigure.

Noticing all the flaws in her style, Shigure had the same opinion as Azuma although not an actual taekwondo practitioner, Shigure had fought against one for years, allowing her to compare Kisara to Azuma.

Smiling in her mind, Shigure thought that finally, her hubby would get a disciple, telling Kisara, "Stop….You'll do….fine."

Out of breath, Kisara smiled happily, getting the chance to meet Azuma, and maybe become his disciple. When Shigure's voice continued. "From now you are his disciple."

Words that surprised not only Kisara but Miu and Kenichi. Did she just accept Kisara as Azuma's disciple, without him even knowing about it.

Starting to think about what her uncle's reaction might be, Miu smiled wryly, imagining the drama that would ensue after this.

Shigure did not care about this, she told Azuma she would find him a disciple; besides, she was his girlfriend, of course, she could accept for him, right?

Shigure told Kisara that Azuma was out of town, but she would notify Kenichi or Miu when he returned, so either of them could inform her about his return.

Shigure left, with a cute smile on her face, happy to have gotten her hubby a disciple.