
Introduction 1

My name is Yui, I'm 15 years old and I'm in 9th grade. Class started as usual, the year was 2003, Mrs. O' Donnell was taking attendance. Then suddenly, a student barged in the room, covered in sweat and panting. The student had black messy hair, that was covering his eyes.

Everyones attention landed on the student. The person went to the front of the class and introduced himself, "Hello, my name is Yuto, I am 15 years old and I just transferred here." Everyone was quiet, as his entrance made everyone confused. Once, Mrs. O' Donnell, understood the situation, she said "Okay Yuto, please sit in the empty seat right next to Yui." As she was pointing in my direction.

He followed her instructions, and headed to the desk right next to mines. Once he was seated, he didn't talk to me at all. I ignored his presence and put my head down.