
One-shots that I make. ..

Currently One shooting people

NuskuRed · Anime & Comics
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Adapting to the MCU

(1st POV)

I woke up in a room, not sure about where I am until sudden memories entered my brain. I am a teen with straight black hair and red eyes, it looked like I had been on a freezing mountain waiting for a challenger to appear while I trained on it to become stronger. In my closet, I had 10 sets of clothes that are the same, they were a black t-shirt with a red and white jacket. I had a red and white cap that went with the jacket, I also had blue jean pants that went with the whole outfit.

(Come on people if you don't know who I am describing I'm not mad, just disappointed. Also, don't look ahead if you don't know cause the name will give it away.)

I got up, went to the bathroom to wash my face, and take a shower. "Urgh, I have school today," I said, I then got ready by getting dressed in my clothes and cooking breakfast for myself. I jogged toward my school in Queens, New York, the school was called Mid-Town High. I walked into the school and was greeted by many people, I was pretty well known as the quiet kid as I rarely talked, but I am friendly once you get to know me.

"Hey Red" I guy I know too well in both of my memories said. The guy was Peter Parker and I am good friends with him as we were both kinda the quiet kids. Me being a quieter person than he is and I defend him when he gets bullied by Flash as Flash is annoying plus he is a jerk. I am quite strong I'm stronger than people think, as right now I can survive a full-powered punch from Hulk with no scratches. I would fly toward the buildings and still be able to survive also stabbing won't work as it will bend or break the material trying to stab me.

It is all thanks to my extreme adaptability, it allows me to adapt to almost anything at extreme speeds without changing my looks. Oh and I'm about 5'8 in size so I look fully grown even though I appear not to be at my peak. Anyway, Peter hasn't been bit yet and I'm just chilling, I'm very smart as well as I like to tinker with gadgets and gizmos to make some amazing items. Of course, I keep my gadgets a secret right now, but I have the best grades at this school without even trying.

I went to my class and then chilled in it because I have nothing to do here. The teachers won't do anything cause they already know the outcome as I've been doing this throughout the year. "Class next week we are going to visit a science exhibit," our teacher said handing out permission slips, Peter is now 14 which makes it a year before the Civil War that is about to happen. I walked out of class and was heading home when I saw a couple of robots fly away. I used my watch that I made into a spy watch like in cartoons. I placed a tracker on one of the bots.

Anyway, I entered my home and said silently, "So it is time" I go to my laptop which of course is modded. I tracked the bots to where they are going, right now they are in Germany.

(A day later)

I spotted them on a ship and Ultron was fighting Iron Man right now. I see that most of them were on the ship, I started getting my gear ready, and I summoned my armor and weapon. The weapon was a sword that can change the elements depending on what I needed, my armor is mainly silver, but haves some orange parts. The wings on my armor are adjustable and can be moved from my hips to my back for easy access to flying. The orange parts of my armor are nanobots that can change forms depending on what I need them to be.

(Sword and Armor)

Okay once the city flys I'm coming in, I need to get the people off and keep Ultron away from the switch. I kept watching the tracker and cameras around the place to make sure I get there in time. With my flying speed, I can get there quickly.

(2 days later)

I am flying at Mach 2 speeds right now towards the city, I should reach there in a minute. The city is already flying and I can see Ultron beating Thor, I flew in and punched him away. "Someone call the cavalry," I said. "Help is appreciated uh?" Thor said not knowing my name, "Call me Champion" I said. "A bit egoistic?" Vision said, "Nah, it was a title given to me," I said. "Well, here to help?" Thor said, "Yes," I said simply then went to get everyone to safety. "Not much of a talker," Thor said, "Guys, we have a new player on the scene," Thor said through his comms. "Who is it?" Tony asked, "Calls himself Champion," Thor said. "Seems to have an Ego," Tony said, "He said he was given the title so let's see what he got," Thor said.

I was out taking out bots left to right, "Mew, enter their comms" I said to my A.I. "You got it Red" Mew said, I entered their comms and heard what Tony said, "Stark you can't be talking" I said. To say the least, Tony was shocked I hacked into their comms. "How did you get into the comms," Tony asked, "Hacked it," I said simply while slicing many Ultron Bots in half. Ultron then said his master plan of using the Drill to drop the city. "Okay guys head back to the drill, Warmachine try to get everyone to safety," Tony said.

I'm at the drill with the Avengers and we were facing Ultron bots, I used my sword and flames to stop the bots from getting close to the drill. After a while we successfully defended it, but Ultron came, "Is This Your Best!" Thor said. I mentally faced palmed, Ultron then summoned all of his bots and said, "This is my best." Captain America of course said his line and but before they started attacking I laughed a bit. "What's so funny? Ultron said, "Oh that this is your best, let me show you mine," I said walking forward while transforming my armor from regular form to Mega Form making the orange parts black and my wings extorting blue flames making everything around me hotter.

I then held out both of my hands and did a full-powered flamethrower melting 75% of his army, the other 25% included Ultron and some bots. "Didn't see that coming?" I asked


Definitely adapting