
One Shot Is All It Takes

For most problems, Mercer can solve it in one shot, and if that doesn't work two. Yet when a Mortal god falls from the crack in the sky, its gonna take a lot more than a bullet to solve. A plot to revive the giant god in the sky, a butchered god, a mortal god. Who knew a small job in the middle of nowhere would lead to one Mercers most important moments.

Abyzmull · Fantasy
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18 Chs

A God Called Hubris

Kleo - Day of the incident

"System? What is a 'System'?" Artemis contemplated as she dragged the manticore's lifeless body from the forest to the town. The arduous process had already spanned three days.

She couldn't help but worry about the strange words outlined in white against a pale blue background. Was it the influence of a Native god? Was 'it' the reason she was here? She was starting to wonder if her arrival in this world wasn't so sudden but engineered instead. She shuddered as she took out some beef jerky and snacked on it. She was now starting to realize why all those mortals whined to her in their prayers.

Artemis was used to hunting without her powers, but a god was inherently a god, like a mortal was a mortal. She never had to deal with the issues of food, scent, or clothes. Hades, she just learned about how to use a bathroom.

It was a novel and unpleasant experience for someone of her stature, but she could adapt. She was Artemis the mighty daughter of Zeus. No matter how meek her situation looked she was born from the heavens, born to be a god. Her actions were already written in the annals of history, everything she had done and accomplished was as immortal as she was. Even in the modern era where they had faded back into obscurity, her legends were still known.

Even when she could no longer descend, and cultivate followers, even when her temple finally fell to the passage of time, they still taught about her in school. They spoke about her in museums, they had countless books written about her.

Her pride was ingrained in her blood, and she was worthy of it. The loss of her powers was merely a setback, one so small that it would be like a blip in history. She could already feel her power returning, she could already imagine the look of her Mother when she returned. Her mother would no longer have to stay on the island of Delos, she would be a new God-King. Her lips unconsciously curled as a smile appeared on her lips as she fantasized.

Regardless all she had to do was wait three days, and she would find out what the system was. If it was a Native god, what could she currently do about it? She knew no one, she didn't even know if gods existed here. All she could do was accept her fate, bide her tongue, and wait for her prey.

Hopefully, with the gold and horse, she'd be exploring a larger town, perhaps a city, and get some much-needed answers.

The relentless, vast expanse of red sand and dirt seemed endless, with only a semblance of a town visible on the horizon. The sweltering heat weighed on her, it seeped into the very core of her being, it was times like these that she remembered her distaste of Apollo's domain, but she was grateful for the forethought that led her to bring plenty of water from the forest. Otherwise, she might have become just another lifeless body, like the Manticore she was dragging.

She stopped for a moment and clapped her hands together "YOU CAN DO THIS" she shouted her arms and legs killing her. This had been one of the most excruciating experiences she had ever gone through.

A soft rage ignited in her heart, it stemmed from her pride as a god, an anger that made her unrelenting. "I'll be back in no time," she promised herself, her resolve hardening. She envisioned visiting her sibling and mother before finally taking a well-deserved break. However, she knew the prospect of avoiding hunting for the next thousand years was too optimistic.

It wasn't that she was homesick, it was the journey from the forest to the town, that almost made her re-think her ambitions. At the end of the day, she was the daughter of a King. It was almost insulting if she had no ambition. When she became King she could simply carve out a piece of this world and give it to her family.

Artemis grabbed the Manticore from its scruff and continued to pull it to town. Its body rotted under the Heat of the two suns, luckily it was the body of a 'magic' creature, or else it would have been just bones by now.


"You!" Leon said shakily as his anger reached an all-time high, YEARS of planning, every detail to the minute manipulation, all gone. His perfect face scrunched up, his eyelids dangerously close to meeting as they continued to twitch. His mouth started to foam a bit as he tried to reel in his anger.

One would think he belonged to the House of Wrath or the House of Fire.

His left foot stomped on the red sands of Kleo, the air around him started to get hotter, and sparks and embers seemed to come and go around his very being. His purple eyes shined with a flame as ancient as time.

His status as an Earl allowed the use of Hellfire that could at least kill a Saint. A truly fortunate perk of being a Demon.

An unexpected variable. His mouth twisted into a sneer. One he should not have allowed participation.

All because of one human, his plan to ascension was foiled, if he didn't kill her here and now, he was no Demon. His hands closed as he began to conjure a dark and ancient magic.


Artemis could feel the laws around her being manipulated, albeit at the level that a toddler can do. It was reminiscent of an Ancient species from the very depths of Hell. Her nose scrunched up in disgust at the thought of a Demon. Yet she couldn't automatically come to a conclusion. She had hunted Demons, she knows Demons, but he did not feel like one. Ancient Demonic Magic could be learned by a Human, it was quite unfortunate that she couldn't form a clear answer.

"Me?" She asked in mock confusion, she knew she was playing a dangerous game, a single misstep could lead to her death, but she could not help herself. It was the duty of the Divine to eliminate Demons. Anyone with the semblance of a Divine bloodline would have a natural disdain for Demons, the only exception being Evil or Demon Gods.

She inwardly sneered at the antics of the Man. Regardless of whether it was a Demon or a Demonic worshiper, her dagger firmly locked on her waist was a Divine weapon. She didn't know where her brother got it from, but the mere touch of it melted through Demons like a hot knife.


"Liege" Kelk's hand was shaking as he placed it on his master's shoulder, hoping to calm him down.

"Take it off before I take it off from you" He growled as he snapped his head in his direction. His eyes emphasized his threat, and Kelk knew his Master would not lie about this.

He leaned in and whispered into his master's ear.

The once radiant flames and magic halted, disappearing as if they were never there.

Meanwhile, Artemis was perplexed, had she misunderstood how demons acted? She was sure he would have launched an assault immediately. Was this world more lawless than she had imagined? How is a demon so freely, using his aura out in public? Did the Native gods forsake this land? Perhaps there really were no gods in this world. But she knew she was being naive, where there were Demons there were gods, and vice versa.

"My liege" He calmly whispered reigning in his nerves. "As the master's plan has failed, I suggest an amendment." He tensed and waited for his master's refusal and tantrum. Seeing that there was no interruption he took that as silent approval to continue.

"While it may be impossible to complete the ritual, without the Manticore, we could at least try to have some slight gains." He swallowed some spit as he continued.

"The Lady that killed the Manticore has an abundance of Lifeforce, just her alone can supply enough energy for one advancement."

"If we combine her with the most populated place in this town, we can secure enough energy for two Advancements, or at least the peak of Marquis." He took in a deep breath knowing the next part, could potentially get him killed.

"So I humbly suggest, to take her to the saloon, and fill her with negative emotions such as wrath, or whatever my lord wishes."

"Then I suggest we kill and sacrifice everyone there and escape. AND I suggest we do this now, as I've heard news that the Hunter the Duke hired should be arriving shortly, we should hastily make the most of this misfortune and get some gains or my lord will be a laughing stock in hell" Kelk respectfully gave his plan with short breath.

Leon smiled and then turned to Kelk placing his hand respectfully on the shoulder of his familiar. His warm smile startled Kelk, as he only saw that smile before his Lord tortured someone.

"Who is the Master here Kelk?" He asked calmly as he spoke with his soothing voice. "Hold your tongue before I hold it for you" He spoke softly as he whispered with a smile.

Leon turned towards Kelk, and as he stood face to face the once dormant flames and oppressive aura was focused on Kelk.

Kelk audibly gulped, tensing as his legs threatened to buckle under the pressure and collapse. Kelk felt the physical embodiment of death, as he stared into his master's eyes he felt as if a thousand flames surrounded him and burned his life from existence, Kelk quickly lowered his head. The pressure from his intent firmly cemented his feet on the ground, not a cell dared to obey his very wishes to run.

"But" Leon continued to smile as he leaned into the familiar's ear. The flames and aura once again disappearing into the shifting sands of Kleo.

"I will take your plan into consideration, the Sheriff has informed me that the hunter is a human, with no powers" He fixed up his vest patting it to prevent wrinkles, "He sent him to hunt the Archbishop, of the Chruch of Slaughter." he adjusted his tie, "I granted that bug, the power of Beelzebub in exchange for some wanton massacres in my name." His rage had dissipated, and all that remained was his unshakeable pride as a confident smile was plastered on his lips.

"If you say that you have heard news of him returning he is no simple man, but that does not worry me, my flames could kill anything that is mortal, and the unpleasant stench of the Divine is nowhere near. Therefore even if he somehow arrives, he is not a problem." He took out a golden pocket watch.

"Even if the hunter was able to kill the Archbishop, a Demon is at its weakest when it is transforming, not to mention that the Divinity of Slaughter is inherently weaker than my practiced path."

"A newly born Demon Earl is not a match for me, and even an Archknight or Archmage would have trouble killing one, therefore he should be hurt and weakened." He looked up at the sun.

Unfortunately for Leon, he was unaware Jonah had perfected the Art of slaughter practicing it daily and directly transforming into a Demon Duke instead of an Earl.

"Judging from when the Sheriff told me he departed, and the length from here to the forest" He silently calculated.

"That should be plenty of time" he whispered.

Leon really should have set some time during the day to pray to the goddess of Luck, because Mercer was closer than Leon could ever imagine.

Leon chuckled to himself. "It seems that the duke has greatly underestimated me" He chalked up this experience as his win.

"But alas a hunter is a hunter, give her half right now and I will tell her to meet us in the bar for the other half and the horse" Leon turned away from his familiar, sporting an arrogant grin.

"Yes my lord" Kelk bowed frightened for his life, swearing an eternal oath to never interfere again.


"So?" Artemis asked, her patience now running thin. Since the 'Demon' as Artemis decided to refer to him now, was not attacking her. It was quite obvious he had a greater plan. Her plan was now simple since she couldn't outright attack him and kill him After all she didn't know if Demons ruled this world.

A just inference, concluded by the fact no one came and slew the 'Demon' as soon as his aura flared.

She would simply observe and watch, if he stepped out of line she would grant him a swift death, and if he gave her the reward she would simply inform the closest city that a 'Demon' inhabited this town. It would be pathetic if she the Moon, died after killing a 'Demon' because she was unaware they were the ruling majority.

Although she foiled said 'Demon's' plan, she had a semblance that she would get her reward. In her world, a 'Demon's' word was absolute, a shocking contradiction from how malevolent they are. Artemis hoped that the similarities didn't just stop at Manticores.

"In an hour when the clock reaches noon, we shall meet in the bar and I will give you the full reward" His voice was laced with excitement, at the prospect of becoming a Duke.

Clearly, the 'Demon' planned something, Artemis concluded.

Kelk handed her a bag of coins he got from his ring.

"Why not now?" Artemis frowned, playing the fool. It seemed that a 'Demon's' word was not as absolute as she thought. Or she was simply dealing with a Demonic Worshiper.

Leon's, smile twitched, He turned around and gazed at the town's Hotel, before turning towards her scrunching his nose in disgust.

"Look at yourself darling", he chastised, his eyes trailing from her feet to her face

Artemis flinched at Leon's gaze.

The corners of his mouth threatened to break into a shit-eating grin. He spoke while moving towards the Manticore's corpse.

"If I get caught making a deal with such a barbaric figure such as yourself, my noble status would plummet" He mimicked a boat sinking with his hands "Besides" He looked at the Manticore's corpse "I have yet to verify if this is actually THE Manticore, and not some knockoff, in an attempt to snatch my hard-earned money." He morphed into a look of pity as he looked at her like some lost lamb.

"A commoner such as yourself understands. yes?" He spoke while nodding earnestly.

'Calm yourself don't attack DON'T ATTACK.' Artemis's unshakeable pride was threatened, and her rage was at an all-time high. The last time she was this mad was when Apollo stole her favorite bow. Her blood was itching for a fight, the once dormant golden Ichor that flowed through her vein was threatening to burst out as it convulsed violently inside of her.


[Forced awakening Detected!]




[New Estimated arrival of the System detected!]

[12 Hours!]

A placating effect washed over Artemis, as she forced her best smile and nodded at the man. She turned to leave for a private bathhouse, but not before snatching the bag of gold coins from the burly man.


After cleaning herself, and changing into her spare set of clothes, she waited at a table in the bar, her thoughts in disarray, wondering what the system was. For one it managed to control her emotions and calm her bloodlust, the more she thought about it the more she frowned.

In her 'old' world she had never come into contact with 'this' system, so it was easy for her to assume that this was something perhaps essential to living in this world. Yet she could never be sure, as all this is inferred by little information.

If the system was mutually exclusive to her, and she revealed this to an untrustworthy person, it could bring unforeseen consequences to her.

And as much as she hated to admit it, her current self was pathetically weak.

So with a heavy heart, she waited for the Violet-Eyed Demon to make his appearance.