
One Punch Man: The Ultimate Gacha System

Quiet, reserved, and relatively enjoying his life. Kane wasn't really happy when he woke up with a new name, a new face, and to a whole new world. A world with one big continent, a place where cities are named A through Z, and also where bizarre things happen so often he has no idea how the world hasn’t completely fallen into ruin yet. Also, things like monsters, evil scientists, giants, zombies, undead lichs, psychics, superheroes, supervillains, cyborgs, and anything else he could think of are a common sight. And unfortunately as well, most of those things seem to be trying their best to kill him outright or cause mass destruction. Annoyingly, since he now lives here, he doesn't really have much of a choice but to intervene in hopes of ensuring that he and everyone else in this crazy world can maybe live to see tomorrow. Thankfully, though much to his utter confusion, he has awakened something called The Ultimate Gacha System. And although it might be a big help to him in his coming battles, it is rather perplexing that the things his system gives him are from animes, TV shows, video games, or movies he has next to no knowledge of… Despite this, Kane—now Kanagawa—hopes he can achieve some semblance of control while becoming someone he can be proud of in this perilous world. To start, the Hero Association doesn't sound too bad, because honestly, Kanagawa could easily assume a place where heroes gather couldn’t be completely full of insane people right? Right? Great. [Warning! Small harem of two(who they are is pretty obvious), and also Saitama is not in this world because without him, the story in my opinion as a writer would be way more interesting action wise since well, things wont go down in one punch. And like all my fanfics, updates are not guaranteed, read at your own risk!!!]

STJSociety · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


[A/N: Hello everyone and welcome to my fanfic. This is going to be about a man who doesn't know anything about anime, TV shows, movies, video games, and mangas being booted to the One Punch Man world with a Gacha System. 

The reason I decided to make the MC not a man of culture is because there will be items, powers, and bloodlines from anime, video games, or TV shows that I am sure some, or a lot of you guys, won't know of. Me being a fan of gacha system novels, I get frustrated when the MC is given an item or power from a show I don't know and the author never goes on to explain what it can do and I am forced to guess, look at comments, or wiki it. With the MC not knowing much, you will also be able to discover these items or powers and their capabilities with him, although I am sure you guys will have some idea for most of them as they come from popular properties like Naruto, Jujutsu Kaisen, Halo, League of Legends, Valorant, RWBY, My hero Academia, and so on.

Also, this will be a small harem of two(The love interests are quite obvious), but it will not be the focus at all and is a background slow burn type. This is mostly going to be heavy on action, and since Saitama is not present, canon will change. I know some people might not like that Saitama is not here, but if he was, most problems would be solved with… well one punch.

Also, the world will be taken more seriously, there will be heavy topics and very few gags; but make no mistake there will be some comedy since it is the One Punch Man world after all. 

Lastly, the MC is chaotic good, as a result don't expect someone who will kill at every inconvenience but who won't go "If i kill them I will be no better' bs.

That's pretty much it, if you actually read this part then thank you, happy reading.]





















"I would definitely want the looks of Gojo."

A slight nod was all the voice got in response.

"Oh oh, I could maybe get a system too."

Another nod in return, this one accompanied by a monotone "Okay" and the flip of a book's page.

"And of course, a harem of beautiful heroines. Wait, first I need badass power, but wouldn't the system count as one?"

Kane yawned before he glanced up from his book about a harrowing knight who didn't know if his loyalty was in the right place. Then, once figuring out how corrupt his employers were, was now on a path as a recently turned assassin trying to cleanse the world of its filth.

In his opinion, the story was okay, but due to the fact he was waiting for some of his favorite authors to publish their masterpieces, he was stuck to stew among the not so great ones for the moment.

Yawning again, Kane brushed a hand through his curly black hair, turning in his cheap office chair to look across his slightly messy dorm room to see who had been roommate for the last six months.

The heavier set blonde and freckled avid gamer, Jordan, continued on his current rambling sessions about whatever piece of entertainment he was hooked on for the week.

"Did you hear me Kane?"

Kane blinked, raising a single brow and finally focusing on the one way conversation they usually delved into this late at night.

"Come again?"

Jordan pushed up his glasses, "Bro, what would be your golden finger if you got isekai'd?"

Kane steadied his gaze at the boy, then rummaged through his always racing mind to figure out what the hell a 'golden finger' was or even a 'isekai'd'.

He found nothing, or at least nothing he cared to remember.

"Not a single clue."

Jordan snorted, leaning forward in his chair and animatedly moving his hands, "What about a devil fruit, or since you're kind of the smart quiet type something like a Geass could work, or maybe you could get the Sage Force?"

Kane just nodded along, per usual, understanding maybe every other word and the rest just being some type of word vomit he refused to spend his time figuring out.

He was never a fan of games, anime, mangas, movies and pretty much anything else that wasn't books or sports related.

It was just the way he was coded, because the latter seemed all so predictable in his eyes. 

The hero always wins, the villain loses, and perhaps somewhere in between is this holy 'beach episode' that Jordan kept going on about.

Kane had tried, really he did, or well was goaded to try by the blonde before him. He had done the unthinkable and sat down for a moment to watch the anime called…

His mind blanked.

He had honestly forgotten, but despite resonating with the green haired protagonist being picked on for being powerless and remembering his obsession for villains, he had actually fallen asleep sometime during the first episode.

'Or was it an obsession with heroes?' Kane thought, but then dropped it immediately because he refused to think in the same realm as Jordan.

So, with a mental 'whatever', Kane readily focused back on his book.

"Oh, maybe the One Punch Man world," Jordan started. "God the things I would do to Fubuki—er, with consent of course."

"That's crazy," Kane said in a bored voice, hoping Jordan would finally stop talking about his fantasies and start actually studying for his mid terms.

One could only hope though, and Kane always had that annoying habit of wanting to better people. Because of it, the first time he saw just how bad Jordan's grades were for his basic college classes, he genuinely tried to tutor the idiot.

To no one's surprise, it didn't work, and he resolutely never tried again.

Actually, now that he was thinking of it, he tried a lot of things and failed, and funnily enough the ex-knight currently in the book he was reading just so happened to also fail as well. This time the protagonist was unsuccessful in saving the supposed main love interest, and Kane's eyes readily skimmed over the part where the protagonist could only watch as the 'villains' defiled her corpse in front of him.

Yeah, this story was complete garbage.

"Ugh, it's already two am," Jordan started. "Guess it's time for bed."

'Finally,' Kane thought. 'Some peace and quiet.'

He seemed to have spoken too soon, because once Jordan got ready to hop into his bed, he suddenly turned around.

"Yo, can I sleep next to the heater tonight, it's fucking freezing man."

Kane exhaled, "We agreed since the overhead vents broke we would switch every night, it's my turn today."

Jordan pouted, and Kane found it amusing to see a twenty two year old acting like a child, but after remembering his friend's general personality he sighed again in defeat.

"Fine, sleep in my bed, but did you at least wash your sheets?"

Jordan nervously laughed, and Kane just rolled his eyes, focusing back on the book in his hands. 

He soon became slightly annoyed when the story started going into a torture chapter for the protagonist for some ungodly reason.

Why the main antagonist didn't just kill him right now when he had the chance was beyond Kane.

Reading on, and halfway through the part where the MC was planning his escape, he heard the whisper of his roommate due to the quietness of the room.

"Please ROB, even a Gacha system would do, actually maybe a…"

Kane subsequently tuned him out and kept reading, like usual, and after digesting the part about the protagonist fleeing the barracks where he was being held and swearing revenge while glaring at a glistening moon, he shut the book and decided he was not going to finish it.

Glancing at his smartphone, Kane saw it was three am, which meant he had read for another hour after Jordan fell asleep. He barely felt the time slip by.

Yawning for the last time, Kane went about getting everything ready for tomorrow, and once that was finished, he begrudgingly laid within sheets and blankets that smelt of sweat, potato chips and a weird cologne he didn't like.

'Damnit Jordan.' He mentally cursed.

Kane turned over to lay on his back and crossed his arms, shutting his eyes and listening quietly to the soft hum of the heater that he should be enjoying right now. 

However, once again the slight pin prick in his heart to help the less fortunate had landed him doing his best to sleep while freezing his ass off.

Thankfully, he did eventually drift into unconsciousness, yet begrudgingly in the next moment he could feel the familiar warmth of sunlight on his face.

He didn't have classes till the afternoon, and he had called in to work to enjoy reading the book he had bought—the waste of paid time off that it was—so he could stay in bed for the morning.

Since he was still sleepy, Kane grumbled and rolled over, but he wouldn't lie and say he expected to fall off what he was laying on.

And, instead of cheap plastic tile, he was met with stiff hardness.

He opened his eyes, and for the life of him his heart nearly leapt out of his chest as his gaze settled on a man who was wearing a white dog costume and currently staring at him with no emotion.

Kane stared right back for a good few seconds, then slowly reached for the bed behind him to help himself up and get ready to fight or run. 

However, his hand instead met a cold rigid surface, and after turning around he was faced with a metal bench.

One inside a park with green trees, with parents watching their kids play from a distance, couples walking hand and hand, scattered joggers running at different paces, and schools of cyclists that weaved through winding long paths.


That was the only word he could manage to say, and he immediately realized the voice he heard was not his own.

It was then that he noticed that everything had a blue tint, and slowly but surely he reached a hand up to pull away circular blue sunglasses from his face.

Kane just gazed at them, then at the fingers holding them that should be tan but were pale, and finally down at the dark blue outfit he was wearing that he definitely didn't have on when he fell asleep.

'Okay Kane.' He set the blue sunglasses down on the grass and brought the same hand up to rub his temples. 'Stay calm.'

He started to assess his situation, and after still feeling the throbbing pain in his elbow from falling, he was thinking maybe he was going insane.

However, he knew that having the thought of being insane proved one's sanity, the previously mentioned pain, and also the scents carried by a slight breeze he just noticed made his current ordeal very hard to pin as a lucid dream.

So, with little left to hold on to, he turned to the man still sitting five feet away in a white dog costume.

"Hello, do you happen to know where I am?"

The dog man cocked his head at him before speaking.

"City Q," the voice sounded so done with life.

Kane frowned, 'I'm safe at least, or safe enough that I don't feel threatened. A park is good, it is a public place, but if I stick out too much it could be one of the worst places to be. The… dog costume guy seems docile, though 'City Q' isn't ringing any bells.'

Kane's mind was churning, and as he was slowly sifting through each thought that surfaced he finally stood up, making doubly sure to grab the blue glasses that he had woken up with just in case they could clue him in to what was going on.

However, standing didn't seem to help his situation anymore, because now that he could see farther, he soon realized he recognized absolutely nothing.

This was not his dorm room obviously, this was not his campus, this was not how winter time looked, and this was not the city he grew up in.

Towering skyscrapers making up a concrete jungle did not speak western Texas, and as he watched and listened to people passing by, he discovered they didn't even speak English.

Yet despite knowing it wasn't his original language, it was one he still knew well because his roommate practically had it playing constantly.


Kane swallowed hard, mind grasping onto the small drop of poise he had left that was still calculating his situation, and once he did; he got a general idea.

First, he needed to confirm it, and to do so he needed to leave the spot he had been at for the last two or so minutes.

Steadfast, his first step was awkward, the second was barely better, but by the third and fourth steps they felt natural as if his own. 

Glancing back, he saw that the man in the dog costume was gone, and if he had been in his right mind he might have questioned why the man was wearing something so odd in the first place.

Currently though, Kane had a purpose, and the little goal kept him grounded as he walked out of the park, across a street, and lastly standing before the window to a cafe that let him see his reflection.

The face before him was familiar, he had seen it as Jordan's computer wallpaper for the last month, so despite the absurdity of it, he could rightfully guess he was in the body of an anime character.

Yuji maybe, there was also something about being honored, or was it Sukuna? He really should have at least remembered a character Jordan talked about so much.

'Now what?'

Kane was lost, and with a glance at the crowd of civilians that walked behind him, he already knew there would be no one he could possibly be familiar with.


He hated cursing, it in his opinion it was a sign of not being able to get your words across in an intelligent fashion, but right now the word was all he could think of.



Thankfully, something pulled him from his small panic, although he was going to have to double check if he was really sane once he looked at it.

(The Ultimate Gacha System is online)

(Tutorial mode is toggled on until the player choses otherwise)

(Welcome, please familiarize yourself with the system player KANAGAWA.)

(You have been given one free class package.)

(The system's menus are below)



Status* - Skills*- Abilities*- Inventory*-Shop*- Info*


The golden square screen with white and black lettering floated in Kane's vision, and he continued to focus on it as he read the words it held possibly a dozen times over.

Then, he turned to his reflection, seeing spiky white hair, beautiful blue eyes with small white clouds within them, and a handsome face that should be 2D now oddly 3D.

He also noticed how the golden screen did not show up in his reflection, and once he swung around toward the mass of bodies, he watched as people's heads phased through it without issue.

No one else could see it, obviously, and funnily enough that gave Kane's mind the reprieve it needed.

Logically, him waking up in a body that wasn't his in a city he didn't recognize was impossible. That, or was simply too difficult or uncommon to waste on a Graphic Arts student from Texas who was only nineteen.

With the screen only able to be seen by him, it opened up the possibility of supernatural elements, and that made Kane both relieved and slightly worried.

He could blame his current problems on some magic nonsense, yes, but now he needed to use actual logic to figure out his next step.

Firstly, where and what time he was in was paramount.

Secondly, he needed to find good help since he had not a single ounce of stupid pride to try and figure this out himself.

Thirdly, if it was possible, to get back home.

"Alright-" he started but immediately stopped once he heard the unfamiliar melodic voice that wasn't his, speak Japanese. Instead, he opted for talking in his own head.

'Alright, someone here should be normal and willing to help.'

He swallowed his discomfort and social anxiety, reaching out to tap the shoulder of a middle aged lady as gently as possible.

She stopped on a dime, turning to Kane with furrowed brows, or well furrowed until they shot up in surprise.

She had black hair, a thin layer of makeup, and a business collared shirt and pencil skirt with a red purse around her skinny arms.

Her cheeks had turned red, more so than what Kane thought would be possible, and her eyes went anywhere else but the general area of his face.

She seemed out of breath as she spoke to him as well,"I uh, um, hi young man, how can I help you?"

Kane brushed her weird attitude off, nodding politely as he asked for the information he needed, "What city am I in, and what year is it? I needed the information for something but I don't have my phone on me.'

The office lady nodded along with a dreamy look, and only after ten seconds of them standing there staring at one another did she snap back to reality and clear her throat.

"Oh uh, City Q, and the year is 2998." She brushed her shoulder off as if there was dirt on it. "Say sir, would you like to go out some time?"

Kane leveled his gaze at the woman, who only seemed to swoon more at his glare, before deciding he needed to talk to anyone else at the moment.

One long reality shattering hour later, he was sitting outside at a table by himself in the dining area of an Italian restaurant that didn't call it that, yet still had the right names for the foods.

His arms were crossed across his chest, and currently his eyes were closed, mind thinking of the thing he placed on his lap that he knee was a bi-fold wallet that had his ID, some Yen, and a rolled up gum wrapper.

Ignoring the constant chatter of the crowd around him, and especially the occasional sound of a camera shutter from somewhere he knew was due to some random girl, he mentally went over everything he had learned so far.

A new body, one that was an anime character and was stupidly handsome.

A new name, which he didn't have much of an opinion on.

A new world, a huge problem, if there ever was one to have.

He thought back to his ID saying his body's apparent name Kanagawa, his sex being male, his height 6 '3, and with an exact picture of his new face plastered on it.

Exhaling in slight frustration, Kane opened his eyes he knew were bizarrely glowing blue with stupid clouds in them, looking over to see the golden screen he had put off for so long.

There was nothing else to his situation he could find or think about. 

Other than the clothes he wore, the wallet he found in his pocket, and the blue sunglasses he had resting on the table, there was nothing else of note on him.

He could only ask so many questions before running out, and his mind was getting mentally tired from all the hurdles it needed to do to fit as many of the puzzle pieces he had together.

After dropping his usual racing thoughts, there came a somber wave at the fact he was stuck here by himself with no one he knew.

No family, no Jordan, and no chance at going home to see his orange cat Jacob.

All that was left was the floating screen before him with a name Kane really didn't know could mean.

What exactly was a Gacha System?

Kane deeply frowned and read over the menu options one more time.

Status* - Skills*- Abilities*- Inventory*-Shop*- Info*


Nodding solemnly, he resolutely lifted a finger, one which belonged to a body that wasn't supposed to be his, and tapped the word 'Status*'. He would go to the 'Info*' tab after getting a general idea of what he was working with.

With that, a new screen appeared before him and banished the previous one into particles.