
One Punch Man: The Strongest Man on Earth

[Name: King Alias: The strongest man on Earth (Maybe the one giving you such alias has only two brain cells remaining, and those two cells are also fighting with each other for finding who is strongest.) Trait: Superior Luck (Impressive) Master Gamer (Maybe you should just be a professional gamer) Intimidating Aura (Due to the lies spread around ‘sigh’) Abilities: King Engine (Level 0) Your Heartbeat is just loud enough for other to hear, I suggest going for proper checkup. Heart problems may lead to early death. ??? (Don’t think too much about question marks, it just means there are none.) Fighting style: King Style {Three part style} (Never heard of it) 1. King face (Bruhhh…) 2. King hand (Everyone knows what they are good for... I am talking about gaming.) 3. King Brain (Unable to determine the number of usable brain cells…Upgrade required)] Note: Cover doesn't belong to me. It belongs to KING. If you want me to take it down... DUM...DUM....DUM....

justimagine · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Waking up again for a show

A body was resting on the bed, with a leg below the knee hanging by it. Well, a body that has completely lost its bodily function, not breathing, no blood flow, from afar it was King resting peacefully. But from near *Sigh*, it's practically a dead body.

During the entire month, no one came to look form. Else the final picture of dying position before death would have been another sensation in the media.

The left leg was hanging down from the bed. With the right leg folded, buttocks were over the right foot. He cupped both hands over his crotch.

Someone was responsible for putting King in such a position. But, who would be brave enough to pull such pranks on King?


[Kick starting the body in 1,2,3.]

[Rebuilding the brain: Progress 1%...2%...5%... Estimated time for completion: 197 days]

[Refurbishing the muscles fibers: Progress 5%...10%...25%... Estimated time for Completion: 103 days]

[Patching up the internal blood vessels and capillaries: 20%...30%...50%...Estimated time for Completion: 7 days.]

[Stitching up organs: 25%...50%...75%... Estimated completion time: 22 hours.]

[The body needs a refill of blood to return to its original state.]

[Your body can now survive without sustenance. But if you drink, you need to pee as well. Likewise, eating will result in *Ahm* Shitting.]

[Merging consciousness with the brain has begun. Completion time: 1 hour 59 minutes.]

With the series of notifications ringing, King's consciousness returned to his body in the next two hours.

After the process ended, he got hold of his body and movements. King sat up in the bed. Without noticing his previous body position; he glanced at his white hands, void of blood.

King could feel the emotions and rationality both returning to him. Not returning, but more like forcefully sticking them to his brain.

"Becoming a god, who would have thought a god, represented nothing more than a... If not for the system pulling me to the body..." King recollected some fragments of memories before entering his eternal sleep state.

"So, system, how can I not perceive your existence even after going through that," King asked.

[As long as you are bound to this body, I am superior. And after leaving the body, you will enter the state of eternal sleep again. You could only sleep, barred from everything happening around you. It is a common concept of being in sleep.] A voice identical to his own echoed in his head.

"Then, what about you?"

[I choose a different method from yours to enter the so-called god state.]

King didn't continue the conversation after seeing the half-hearted answer. Everyone has their answer. He was glad to get help from the system to reach such a state.

King rested till his emotions were stabilized to perfect condition and ready to continue his daily life.

First thing, he cleaned his body. Unsettled by the color of his body, "How are you going to insert blood into my body?"

[You can ingest it directly, or I can lend a hand.]

"And what type of hand are you going to lend me? Care to elaborate it to me?"

Due to the silence from the system, King guessed it had some bad intentions.

Keeping the blood matter to the side, for the time being, King checked his mobile. A bunch of emails from Hero Association covered his inbox.

The most recent one was information about the declaration of war from the Monster Association. The Monster association abducted the son of a high-ranking executive and sponsor of Hero Association.

The Hero Association is formulating a plan to raid the Monster Association layer, and he was part of the raid team.

After finding nothing interesting in other mails, he decided to head to the blood bank for some refill.


Ready to head-out, but stopped by the ring of 'Emergency Transmitter.' It was still in the testing phase but surprisingly working at the moment.

It was a backup request from Z-city. Genos and Bang were going against a Dragon-level threat monster named 'Elder Centipede.'

"A Dragon-level, I might be able to flex a muscle or two." King sent, 'Understood.' message back to the hero association and left the apartment.

King decided to hit a blood bank on the way.


Bang and Genos tried their best to pull the monster out of the residential area and fight it. Bomb, the big brother of Bang, also accompanied them to the fight.

King spotted the monster from the outer skirt of the city, spanning twice the length of the entire Z-city. His senses could detect monstrous energy present in it.

"It will be an underestimation to take it as a normal dragon-level threat monster." King swiftly moved towards the monster.

Genos, Bang, and Bomb facing the Elder centipede seemed to be struggling to break through its outer shell.

The condition of Genos was not optimistic, and Bomb was ensuring the safety of A-rank heroes. Only Bang was free to face the monster.

"Let me take care of this monster." King arrived on the scene.

Bang, ready to go all out, turned to find King coming towards him.

King removed his mask and cap and turned his attention to the monster. King chucked in a few blood bags, and his complexion had already returned to normal.

This declaration caught the attention of Bomb, A-rank heroes, and Genos. Bang naturally left the battle ground, and ready to watch the King fight with anticipation.

King could feel the curiosity in the eyes of his audience.

'I am going to give you guys a show that you will never forget in your life.' King started stretching and smiled at the Centipede charging at him.

There was no King Engine. There were no battle techniques and not even fancy movements.

Firstly, the audience heard the sound of *Swoosh*, then the figure of King was standing on the face of the Centipede.

The two hands of kings moved. Till the elbow, his hands plunged right inside the head of the Centipede. With the slight jerk of hands, he tore the face of Centipede, leaving behind an elbow-long hole.

Without being bothered by the mess covering his hand, King's figure flashed again, and he was standing in its scaled body.

He made the same move, but this time he didn't just leave a hole but tore the body of Centipede into two half.

Then King continued to tear the body from two to four, then eight and soon.

Bang and Bomb couldn't help feel pity for the monster. This fate was worse even for a monster.

The A-rank heroes saw a level of strength that they didn't even dare to imagine. It was hard for them to distinguish; who was the real monster?

Amidst the gory performance, King was keeping close attention to the reaction of a few audiences, and the result was pleasing.

The monster lay on the ground in pieces, the battle ended, and King disappeared from the scene without showing his face to the audience.

'I hope it will be enough to spread some sensation among the heroes and the association. With Bang and Genos as a witness, the legend of King will sure to soar higher than the satellite in the space.' Standing on a roof of a building, King glanced at the mess he made one last time.

Then, he turned to look at the ghost town in Z-city. 'There sure are a lot of them. Is that the Monster Association? They are living right below the house of that guy and still alive. Interesting...'

King didn't get involved with the Monster Association. Destroying them was the rational choice. It will eliminate the danger they possess.

But, every hero working together to destroy a common enemy was a better choice. The heroes will get ground to grow stronger and be more compassionate towards each other.