
One Punch Man: The Strongest Man on Earth

[Name: King Alias: The strongest man on Earth (Maybe the one giving you such alias has only two brain cells remaining, and those two cells are also fighting with each other for finding who is strongest.) Trait: Superior Luck (Impressive) Master Gamer (Maybe you should just be a professional gamer) Intimidating Aura (Due to the lies spread around ‘sigh’) Abilities: King Engine (Level 0) Your Heartbeat is just loud enough for other to hear, I suggest going for proper checkup. Heart problems may lead to early death. ??? (Don’t think too much about question marks, it just means there are none.) Fighting style: King Style {Three part style} (Never heard of it) 1. King face (Bruhhh…) 2. King hand (Everyone knows what they are good for... I am talking about gaming.) 3. King Brain (Unable to determine the number of usable brain cells…Upgrade required)] Note: Cover doesn't belong to me. It belongs to KING. If you want me to take it down... DUM...DUM....DUM....

justimagine · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Alien

City A, Hero Association

Due to the emergency, S-rank Heroes started to gather one by one.

Right After entering the Association, "Oh, King… Let's go together." The person asking question was none other than Atomic Samurai.

'What should I say? Calm down. Control… control. I am King. The mysterious and unpredictable King…' King just gave a simple nod and started walking with Atomic Samurai.

On the way, they met SilverFang, Genos, and Saitama.

"Oh… Silverfang…"

"Long time no see Atomic Samurai…"

Exchanging some simple words, Saitama was introduced as a B-rank hero…

Atomic Samurai clearly refused to shake his hand with Saitama, but the action of King of King baffled the other three.

"Saitama… Just B class… Looks like Hero Association is deteriorating day by day. I am called King." King didn't refuse Saitama and shook his hand.

The most shocked was Atomic Samurai, who was accessing Saitama up to down. 'Is this guy really strong, what the hell is King thinking?' Finding nothing on Saitama, he shook his head.

Atomic Samurai left the scene as if unable to process what happened.

Well, Tornado was also in the scene, but as always she was completely ignored.

King took a glance at her, and was little bit disappointed; her clothes were completely different from the anime. Her dress was missing the four high-cut legs slits.

'What a disappointment? The slit dress wasn't practical enough to be worn by someone who flies all the time, but still… *sigh*' King also left while Tornado was still complaining.

In the conference room, Except for the Blast and Metal Knight every other hero was present. Some look bored and some uninterested.

After a few moments, a guy in Suit called Sitch came in and started the briefing.

Some danger thing was going to happen to earth and it can happen at any time. 'Now, I think about it, is this about the attack from that alien?'

'I should have warned them about it. Fuck, not knowing the timeline is frustrating. I can give a signal at least.'

King being careful started to let his heartbeat go out. With precise control, everyone could hear the sound of King Engine.

Grabbing everyone attention, they found out King was looking up to the ceiling. Everyone followed his eyes, but can only see the black ceiling of the building.

"King… what… is… it?" Sitch asked with stutter.


They got the answer. An explosion sound and King disappeared from his seat, leaving a hole in the ceiling. He has already made his way to the roof.

As S-rank heroes, they immediately reached the roof. King was still looking at the sky. 'I hope they won't think I am crazy. Why are you so late? Just come already…'

Then some figures started to came into view in the sky.

"They look like sky folks. Are they trying to attack the Hero Association," before Sitch could finish. Tornado waved her hand and the sky became clear again.

King was still looking at the sky, like he didn't even care about those Sky folks. 'They are fucking late.'

"Evacuate the city as soon as possible. Don't waste a single second." Dum… Dum… DUmm…

Nobody came forward to ask explanation from King. Except for the Tornado….

"King, do not start giving order; at least explain what is happening…" Tornado said in annoyance.

The heartbeat of the King started getting louder… 'Take this for my answer.'

But at this moment, Sitch, made a call to make announcement, "Announce the City-A to evacuate everyone. Deploy every A class hero and make it fast."

Immediately afterward,

[City-A, Emergency Warning: Evacuate the city as soon as possible. Threat level Unknown. The residents are to leave the City- A as soon as possible. I repeat…]

Five minutes, then minutes, everyone following King was looking at the Sky. 'Just come already. I don't think there is any traffic in the space.'

His pleas were finally answered, a black shadow covering almost entirety of A-city appeared. Without wasting a single moment, giant bullet shells started to fall down.

Everyone got into action immediately, Tornado made sure no shell landed on the ground.

After the shells were repelled, a monster with many heads appeared in from the ship. It immediately eyed the heroes standing on the roof of Association.

Maybe finding the heroes as threat, it flew towards them. The heroes were also ready to fight.

'That is definitely a Dragon threat level monster, but I am surrounded by multiple heroes who can defeat it.'

'But I should target that guy first, before that bald head steal my kill. Or maybe I am stealing the kill… Whatever…'

Looking at the situation, child emperor started making his own deductions. "King, you are the one who sensed it first. How do you want to take care of it?" Child emperor asked.

"I will take the ship." Leaving such word King directly jumped towards the spaceship.

'The ship is filled with monsters; it will be more profitable than a single Dragon level monster.'

Letting the King Engine go on full power, he started sweeping each and every corner of the ship. Few dozen demon level monsters contribute to his task.

[You have killed a Dragon threat level monster. 10 free attributes gained.]

'This guy is so weak. Will Boros be the same?'

Sitting on his throne, Boros look at the person who was challenging him. "I hope you can entertain me."

"You take the words right off my mouth," the King Engine doesn't seem to be having any effect on this guy. 'Is this guy higher than the Dragon level?'

Covered in sparkles… no it was lightning Boros made his first move.

'Let's see if I can just stand here and take it head on.' Focusing on the coming alien, King took a defensive stance.

*Boom* *Boom*

In just a fraction of time, dozens of punches landed on King. Although there wasn't any damage, King was being pushed back.

King made a self-evaluation, 'This guy is totally on different level than the Dragon level from before. And it seems my strength is still lacking.'

With time King also started to throw some punches here and there. Only the part where the punch landed would have some damage. But it was instantly healed.

The battle was in a stalemate. "Is this all you got?" King smiled.

Without replaying a word, Boros turned Super Saiy… more scarier version than beofore.

'I also have some ability like that. Will my hair also turned yellow, red or maybe blue.' King activated his new ability Super Sparking King Mode (SSK mode).

'Let's see what had changed. What?... How is this possible?'

'Why do I look the exact same?'

When King was in middle of sadness, suddenly a fist landed on his face. *Bang*

King was sent flying, breaking through multiple layers of the spaceship. (No, he wasn't launched to the moon.)

'Let's finish him first. I only got half an hour left.'

Using the King Brain, King started to push Boros just with barrages of punches. It turned into a battle of attrition for energy. The one running out of juice first will be juiced by the other one from life.

In the end, we all know how it ends. Boros was squeezed and completely juiced out, leaving only the outer shell.

[You have killed a Beyond Dragon threat level monster. 25 free attribute points gained.]

'Beyond Dragon, I wonder if I can duke out with a god level monster in current state. And this guy just died without even complementing… sorry without even leaving final words.'