
One Punch Man: The Strongest Man on Earth

[Name: King Alias: The strongest man on Earth (Maybe the one giving you such alias has only two brain cells remaining, and those two cells are also fighting with each other for finding who is strongest.) Trait: Superior Luck (Impressive) Master Gamer (Maybe you should just be a professional gamer) Intimidating Aura (Due to the lies spread around ‘sigh’) Abilities: King Engine (Level 0) Your Heartbeat is just loud enough for other to hear, I suggest going for proper checkup. Heart problems may lead to early death. ??? (Don’t think too much about question marks, it just means there are none.) Fighting style: King Style {Three part style} (Never heard of it) 1. King face (Bruhhh…) 2. King hand (Everyone knows what they are good for... I am talking about gaming.) 3. King Brain (Unable to determine the number of usable brain cells…Upgrade required)] Note: Cover doesn't belong to me. It belongs to KING. If you want me to take it down... DUM...DUM....DUM....

justimagine · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

King Engine

Gaining some confidence, he reached the intersection again and flipped the coin. Entering the left side, he started to kill any monster in his way.

Some sleeping, some eating, some doing other things, nobody could escape. These looked more like mutated animals and less like monster.

He found five mutilated monsters, they were missing hands and legs and barely alive. It doesn't seem to be fight among each other. After giving them a quick death he turned back. He wasn't ready to take risks at the current moment.

He returned back to apartment covered in sweat and monsters blood. He took a hot bath and took rest, turning the TV on.

'Attribute panel' he called out in his heart.

[Attribute panel:

Strength 10, Physique 10, Agility 10, Perception 10

Remarks: Stronger than a normal human. Evaluation: C- rank]

This is a good start. The old king wouldn't have gone to kill monster, but he was different. He was new king.

He thoroughly cleaned the room and took a good night rest.

Next day, early in the morning, he left for the P-city departmental store.

To his surprise, the underground parking area of the store was modified into meeting place for the monsters.

Sensing no threat from the monster present, he thought of finishing the job fast but more and monster seems to be coming.

Some were leaving and some entering; it has become departmental store for monsters. He thought of a bold idea.

He started to pick the monster leaving the area one by one, taking them a little far from the store and killing them.

By the time dusk started to fall rapidly, he had killed more than 50 monsters. But when the night fell, a large group maybe nearly of 50 monsters entered the underground area.

Distributing the points, he also entered the underground area stealthily. The monsters seem to be at the underground are for the snacks, but not a single one was able to pay the price of the snack and stayed in the underground area forever.

He waited at the area entire night, but not another monster entered.

Early morning, King left the underground area and arrived at his apartment. He was planning to enter the E-city after Launch, but received a message from Hero Association.

{A tiger level monster was seen near your apartment, it will be easier if you take a look.}

Most of the times S-rank heroes are contacted for higher level threats only, but there are small exceptions like this.

'A tiger level, let's take a look. This might be the first time I will have taken action officially.'

He climbed to the roof of the apartment. There was clear dust and smoke in some distance away, it was too close.

'Then let's do this.' After a small run, his body arced and jumped from the top of the building. He was in the air.

This was the first time he was having the feeling of flying, not that he was flying though. Also the feeling of free falling came afterward.

With just one jump he passed few building, and luckily the monster took initiative to climb on the top of the building he was going to land on.

Although it was his first time, he made a graceful land on the roof, immediately catching the attention of the pigeon faced monster.

Its eyes were rolling time to time, on the first look it gives the feeling of looking at an idiot.

Immediately the monster took the charge and attacked King.

'How should I do this? Since no one has seen King Brawl and nobody knew about his power, the more mysterious the more fame. This way they won't call me every now and then.'

A surprised look flashed in his face, he was able to perceive the movement of the monster muscles, breathing and even the crackling of the bones with pure sight only, 'Perception is sure wonderful.'

Making a fist, he took a stance he had copied from certain bald head; he channeled his entire strength to his fist. To increase the impact, he focused to move the hand with the ultimate speed.


An air vibrating sound spread from the top of the floor and the monster was nowhere to be seen. Unlike the bald head, he didn't even left the lower part of monster's body, everything was disintegrated.

Without making any noise, he retreated from the building. He was laughing inside, 'I seems to have such less expectation of myself and system. I won't be minding the rank given by the system.'

[You killed a Tiger level threat monster. 2 free attribute point gained.]

'Oh, just 2; well it's good as well…'

[Attribute panel:

Strength 37, Physique 37, Agility 38, Perception 37

Remark: Stronger than ordinary. Evaluation: C-rank]

With 109 monsters from the underground area, 'So, the Tiger rank wasn't counted. That's unfortunate.'

Add the two points on Perception, 'Now, than it is done let's find some monsters. Maybe I should return to the sewer once again.'

With the new found speed, he returned to the underground sewer and started collecting attribute points scattered all around the place.

By the night when his all attribute points reached 50 points, he received a notification.

[Congratulations on reaching B-rank.

You are able to strike fear in low level monsters by just looking at them.

Kings Engine has leveled up.

King Engine (Level 1): The sound of your heart won't be hearable to other without your wish.]

'That's it.'


[You have taken your first step in being the strongest of the world. You have received a congratulation gift. Good Luck.]

'This is what I am talking about.'

A small package about the size of his palm wrapped in beautiful paper appeared in front of him. Without caring for any other things in the world, he opened the package.

'A watch, what is it for?'

[Monster watcher:

Able to detect monsters around 50 km radius of the watch, be sure to cherish the gift.]

King's mouth twitched, when red dots started to appear in the screen of the watch, 'Whatever, at least I will be able to finish the task faster this way.'

Because of the watch he stopped caring about his location, he moved towards the area where the concentration of the red dots were high.

Firstly he will scout for any dangerous monsters around, than start collecting the points. With each monsters killed, killing the next become easier.

When the points reached 100 in all the attributes:

[Congratulations! King Engine has leveled up.

King Engine (level 2): Intimidating Aura as a trait has made it possible to strike fear in monster hearing the sound of your heartbeat. (Intimidation and fear depends on the perception.)

You are able to use King fighting style when King Engine is in use.

1. King face: Your facial expression becomes more intimidating.

2. King hand: Touching the enemy's shoulder increase the level of intimidation.

3. King brain: Increases brain activity by 5%. Requires high enough points in Perception; activating with less perception may cause fatigue, and other sever side-effects.]

'Why does it feel like I need to go full perception? Maybe in the future, my heartbeat will be able to kill monsters


Shake the entire earth.'