
One Punch Man: Saitama Retires

A terrifying God-class monster destroyed Earth in one punch and is now fighting Saitama! "You're strong, but can you defeat me?" Magneton smirked. Read about Saitama's epic journey as he travels through the galaxy and enters a timeline where he has retired from being a hero. Along the way, you'll find plenty of epic action, breathtaking adventures, an engaging storyline, and Saitama's normal, humorous, and laid-back personality!

KetchupxD · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

The Wolf

As Saitama predicted, tiny droplets of rain began to fall aggressively as the sound of thunder filled the atmosphere.

Suddenly, an angry, low-pitched voice shouted, mixed with the ringing sounds of thunder. "Are you the one who killed my minions?"

Saitama swiftly looked around and found a giant wolf-like monster staring at him. "Yeah."

The wolf gave a roar that surpassed the loudness of thunder. "If you had any grudges with me, then come at me. Why did you kill my precious fodder?"

Saitama squinted at the wolf and replied. "Because I got bored."

The wolf immediately started laughing, eventually turning into a death glare. "And you expect me to believe that?"

Due to the rain, Saitama's nose got itchy. As a result, he sneezed loudly.

The sneeze instantly wiped out the thunderclouds above him. It also redirected all of the gushing wind towards the wolf.

Surprisingly, the wolf survived, its fur standing on end as if it had been electrocuted. Its nose was smeared with Saitama's booger, and its body glistened with sparkling water.

Looking at the wolf, Saitama rubbed his nose. "I'm sorry."

The wolf shook violently, hurtling the water on its fur. "I'll kill you."

The wolf instantly teleported to Saitama's left, its powerful claws aimed directly at him as it lunged.

The strike squarely landed on Saitama's head but didn't leave a scratch. The wolf swiftly moved its other hand, aiming towards his torso. But the attack pierced through Saitama's leaf covering.

Saitama lowered his eyes as he stood agape, his eyes fixed on the torn leaves. While he was busy staring at it, the wolf lunged at him again, but this time, Saitama instantly stopped the wolf using his left hand.

He slowly turned his head towards the wolf with an intimidating glare and a detailed face. "Why is everyone going after my clothes?"

The wolf began to sweat intensely, its heartbeat fastened enough that it was audible from the outside, and fear overtook its bloodlust as its pupils contracted. "I-I'm sorry."

"If you are sorry then give me some clothes," Saitama intimidated.

Sensing danger on its life, the wolf instantly retreated and huffed. "Icicle Freeze."

Suddenly, blocks of ice formed near Saitama's legs that grew over time until they completely covered Saitama's torso. Immediately afterwards, the wolf sent out a giant ball that was a combination of fire and water.

The flames of the fire were blue and blended well with water, while the water peacefully co-existed with that fire. 

Saitama looked down at the ice and decided to do nothing as it provided him warmth amidst the chaotic atmosphere.

However, as soon as the ball hit Saitama, it burst into several tiny flares of fire and water, closing Saitama in from all four directions. 

"It's just the beginning!" the wolf exclaimed as it slowly raised its right paw. "These rocks and debris make 90% of the planet, and even if everyone thinks they're useless and added pollutants, to a psychic like me, this is a perfect planet."

Countless rocks and debris of different sizes and colors started to float in the air. Within a moment, all of the scrap and rocks combined to form two humungous spheres.

The ground in the surroundings shattered from the intense psychic power as if a black hole had been summoned.

The spheres acquired a captivating hue from the red moons in the dark sky, rendering them beautiful.

"I'll launch one of them towards your bald head and the other towards your naked legs," the wolf pointed at Saitama. "When they make contact with your skin, they'll explode into countless pieces and embed themselves in your thin skin."

As soon as the wolf finished its last words, it launched the giant balls towards Saitama at the speed of sound.

As expected, the spheres burst into several pieces, hurtling towards Saitama. But unable to pierce through Saitama's hardened body, they shattered on impact. 

"Impossible!" The wolf roared. "But my next move won't be this merciless."

It howled towards the red moons, its voice reaching the heavens, and suddenly, countless thunderclouds covered the dark sky.

Within the blink of an eye, it started to rain heavily, as if a cyclone was about to hit.

Countless strikes of thunder lashed down as if the God of lightning had descended upon Kerbes.

The surroundings turned yellow, the ground shook violently, and the pressure intensified in the atmosphere.

Suddenly, the wolf began to emit a bright yellow light. Behind it, an enormous amount of rocks, debris, scraps, and metals floated high up in the sky.

"Human, your end is very near," The wolf stated, expanding its chest to look proud. "I have called upon the powers of my master, the ruler of several universes descended from this planet, Magneton."

Saitama remained expressionless and motionless, still enjoying the warmth amidst the chaotic rain.

Suddenly, deadly sparks of electricity surged through the wolf's fur, potent enough to electrocute anything that came near.

"This is only one percent of my master's power!" The wolf shouted as it teleported before Saitama.

It quickly roared and launched countless strikes of thunder towards Saitama while preparing to shoot the debris behind it.

The powerful thunder strikes obscured Saitama's vision with an enormous cloud of smoke, accompanied by deafening sounds. Soon, the rings of fire and water that had previously formed started to mix with the devastating strikes.

The ground beneath Saitama crumbled into countless pieces, eventually evaporating to nothingness. 

Within a few moments, a humongous crater was formed, covering a distance of a hundred meters.

The flying debris soon approached Saitama, and the wolf moved out of the way to watch the destruction from a safe distance.

"Get obliterated, you fool!" The wolf growled with a wide grin.

Suddenly, the smoke cloud mysteriously wavered, and Saitama effortlessly broke free from the ice constraints, lunging towards the wolf.

The wolf stared at Saitama, its legs frozen from the showcase of Saitama's power.

"Blah, blah, blah..." Saitama spoke in a disinterested tone. "All you've been doing is talk nonsense."

"As a favor for letting me stay warm inside the ice, I'll tell you about your master," Saitama scratched his chin. "Magneton is dead."

The moment it heard Saitama's words, its eyes dilated with surprise, and its mouth fell agape. Slowly, the sparks emerging from its body faded.

"M-My master is dead?" the wolf questioned, stammering.

It quickly looked around, and after a few moments, tears started to flow from its worried eyes. "I-I am not able to establish contact with my master..."

The countless objects flying towards Saitama instantly stopped, falling to the ground. "This can't be..."

Saitama's clenched fist slowly reached its head. "Consecutive Normal Punches," he muttered.

Unable to move its body due to the shock, the wolf accepted its death and fixed its gaze on the incoming punches.

"So this is the path you took, master," the wolf smiled. "I'm glad you had fun..."


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