
One Punch Man: Light Human

A man is sent into the One Punch Man universe. Fortunately, he gets some powers to help him on his journey of becoming a hero. Semi-OP protagonist Slight AU elements (I noticed that there was a disturbing lack of One Punch fan-fics. So I created my own. First time writing, so any feedback is welcome)

Golden_Eye · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Dragon Level Threat




(Asahi POV)

According to the Hero Association's rankings, I currently hold the 16th position among the A-rank heroes. The choice for my hero name remains undecided at this point. 'I just hope it's not something stupid like 'Flashy Flash' I mused, switching off my phone. Today marks the beginning of my first patrol to hunt down monsters.

Surprisingly, my search for monsters in Z-City yielded no results, prompting me to shift my attention to the neighboring cities. However, after 30 minutes of flight, my observation haki failed to detect any signs of monster attacks. Settling atop the nearest building, I stood still debating the next course of action.

Boom! Booom!

Then, a thunderous series of explosions echoed in the distance, accompanied by large black clouds of dust and debris appearing on the horizon. 'That must be at least a demon-level attack,' Instinct took over and without a moment's hesitation, I head towards the source of destruction, propelled by an innate drive to confront the looming threat head-on.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The thunderous booms continued to intensify as I drew nearer. The extent of devastation became increasingly apparent—a whole city block lay in ruins, reduced to a scene of utter destruction.

On the outskirts of the destruction, A horrible stench reaches my nose. 'There are people here' Looking around, my heart sank at the lifeless bodies scattered around the rubble. 'All of them…dead' Anger stirs inside of me as my fists clench.

Scanning the area, I desperately search for any survivors. A faint life force caught my attention. In a burst of light, I obliterated the rubble that had trapped them. Beneath the debris lay a young schoolgirl, injured but miraculously alive. Swiftly picking her up, I propelled us away to safety in an instant.

Carrying the injured schoolgirl, urgency surged through me as I soared across the cityscape towards the closest hospital. Landing gently, I rushed her into the emergency ward. Leaving her in the care of the hospital staff, my body, now a golden glint, soars back to the area.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sounds continue to thunder across the city. Finally reaching the epicenter of all the chaos. I see two heroes, beaten and bruised.

The A-rank heroes, "Lightning Max" and "Smile Man" standing against a large purple alien like monster. Swiftly taking action, I unleash a concentrated ray of light directly at the menacing creature.


An explosive blast echoed, and in an instant, I materialized beside the heroes. "You gotta get out of here, the monster is too strong!" the hero, Lightning Man, yelled at me. "You both are in no shape to fight. I'll hold off the monster while you go get backup," I said firmly. "Are you out of your mind? You don't stand a chance!" Lightning Max practically screamed in protest.

"You're that new A-rank hero" Smile Man said, pausing briefly "Very well, we'll go get help. Stay safe" he urged, exchanging a knowing glance with Lightning Max, who was also visibly hurt. Supporting each other, they swiftly left the immediate area.

"Do you think that could hurt me" A towering alien-like monster makes itself known. It was none other than Vaccine Man, the Dragon-level monster.

'This is just splendid, my first monster fight is against a dragon level.' Sarcasm laced in my tone. 'It doesn't help that barely anything is known about this guy'

"You humans have been nothing but parasites to this planet. I have emerged from mankind's pollution and filth. I am Vaccine Man!" His face contorted with rage. "Humanity has brought nothing but harm upon the Earth's precious life force. TODAY IS THE DAY I SHALL ERADICATE HUMANITY FROM THIS PLANET!"

His form underwent a monstrous transformation, expanding to an enormous size, featuring giant, sharp claws, and teeth, while jagged spikes erupted across his body.

"Shut Up" With an determined expression, I unleash the full might of my Conqueror's haki. The power surged forward like a tidal wave. The air crackled with with visible energy and the ground formed cracks under the immense pressure. The force momentarily halting Vaccine Man.

"YOU CANNOT STOP EARTH'S APOSTLE, I WILL EXTERMINATE THIS HUMAN VIRUS!" His body becomes a blur as he dashes forward. I quickly flash away from the assault. The force of his missed strike creates a resounding bang as his fist leaves behind a colossal crater in the ground, stretching several hundred meters wide.

'Yasakani Sacred Jewel'

Ascending into the air, the sky illuminates as hundreds of light beams converge upon Vaccine Man.


A large cloud of dust erupts from the beam's assault. As soon as the barrage ends, bright purple lasers are shot from Vaccine Man in my direction, causing massive explosions in the air near me.

Forcing myself back into the ground, I sense him heading straight toward me. Preparing for a clash, I imbue my leg with armament haki, 'Light Kick'


The sound of the clash reverberated throughout the area.Thus begins the close ranged combat. Despite Vaccine Man's large claws, my body shifted into light, effortlessly evading his attempts to inflict harm.

Empowered with armament haki, each strike I delivered became a formidable force, holding out against his monstrous strength and mounting a strong defense against his relentless onslaught.

I swiftly evade Vaccine Man's lunges, utilizing my devil fruit to maneuver around his massive form. With each nimble dodge, I counter with light infused strikes, channeling my advanced armament haki to deliver blows that stagger him momentarily. Yet, despite my efforts, his defense remains intact.

"Die, filthy human!" Vaccine Man screams in a primal rage. Suddenly, the veins on his arms swell with power, enhancing the speed and ferocity of his punches and strikes. Each blow becomes more swift and ruthless.

'I can't keep attacking in hand-to-hand combat' I realize, trying to maintain as much distance as possible. With a strategic focus on evasion, I persist in launching a barrage of light beams, aimed at keeping Vaccine Man at a safe distance and preventing him getting closer.

This brought about an unexpected consequence.Vaccine Man redirected his focus to amplify the power of his laser attacks, unleashing devastating beams that obliterated everything within a 15-kilometer radius. The destructive force of his enhanced power wrought havoc and devastation across the area.

"Where the hell is the backup?" I mutter in frustration, feeling the weight of the escalating battle. "This fight is starting to piss me off," I grumble to myself, my patience waning. "I'll have to hold him off until reinforcements arrive,"

The relentless battle rages on, the surrounding area resonating with thunderous explosions erupting left and right. The clash between the yellow and purple beams creates a bright picture of vibrant colors, each beam colliding head-on in a dazzling display of raw power.

Suddenly, A radiant purple light illuminates Vaccine Man, enveloping his form in an otherworldly glow, an unmistakable sign of his increasing power.

'If his power keeps increasing, A-City will be doomed. I have no other option' Gathering my resolve, I stand firm and steady, centering my thoughts. With deliberate concentration, I channel my armament haki, allowing a golden glow to envelop my arms. As my focus intensifies, the golden aura solidifies, coating my arms with the potent energy of Conqueror's Haki.

'Ama no Murakumo'

A radiant golden sword materializes in my hand, gleaming with an ethereal brilliance. Taking a calculated stance, I ready myself for an impending clash against Vaccine Man. In the charged atmosphere, time seems to slow as both of us gradually prepare to charge at each other.

Simultaneously, the ground instantaneously shatters as both of us breach the sound barrier in a flash, enveloped in a vibrant golden and purple aura, rapidly closing the distance between us. Sword clashes with claw.

Booooooom! Crrrrk, Crrrrrk, Crrrrrk!

In an instant, the immediate area is vaporized. The air crackles with intense energy as the two auras collide, their mere proximity causing the earth to tremble and break apart with immense force, the sheer power of their clash rippling through the surrounding environment.

For what seemed like an eternity, both of us relentlessly sustained our attacks, each striving to overpower the other with sheer strength. The struggle persisted until eventually, both of our attacks waned. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly disengaged leaving some distance between us.

"This battle has dragged on for far too long, human. You may possess strength, but you will never overcome Earth's chosen apostle! SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR WRETCHED SPECIES!" Once again, he envelops himself in a vibrant purple glow.

'Dammit, how much more powerful is he going to become?' I thought in frustration, attempting to stop him with a barrage of light beams. However, to my dismay, they seemed utterly ineffective against him.

Yet, he just stood still, seemingly amassing power with every passing moment, intensifying in brightness by the second. Gravity itself appeared to weaken as fragments of rubble began to defy its pull, rising and floating weightlessly into the air around us.

'He's going Super Saiyan. What do you expect from a knockoff Piccolo." Trying to find humor in this increasingly dire situation. The harsh reality hits me.

'He's going to destroy all of A-city and more. I have to stop this now!' I desperately try to close the distance, but the sheer magnitude of his power surge creates an incredible opposing force, pushing back against my efforts with unimaginable strength.

I watch in horror as the purple aura looms larger and larger, seemingly unstoppable.'Think! Think! There has to be some way to stop this!' Panic grips me as I search desperately for a solution.

Amidst my panic, my observation haki picks up something, swift and approaching at breakneck speeds. 'It's fast' It appears they are heading straight towards Vaccine Man.

Then, a sense of familiarity washes over me. 'Took you long enough,' I remark inwardly, unable to suppress a smirk as a new fighter joins the fray.

He finally appears, the iconic bald head and bright red and yellow suit are a clear token of his identity. Flying towards Vaccine Man with a serious expression on his face.


A resounding punch lands, causing Vaccine Man to erupt in an explosion, showering the entire area with green-hued blood.

Saitama stops and looks at his hand and falls to his knees. I hear him mutter "Not again, all it took was one punch" It takes some time before he regains himself.

We eventually make eye contact "Oh, who are you?"

After all that happened today, the only thing I could do is laugh. "Hahahaha!"

"Hey, who are you laughing at, jerk!"


Author's note

First fight chapter in the books. I hope that gives perspective on Asahi's current strength.