
One-Punch Man: Legend Of The Ultimate S-Class Hero

A 7-year-old boy who was supposed to lead a normal life receives the power of a mysterious powerhouse. Unfortunately, his parents sold him off to scientists interested in his power. Arriving at the laboratory, Xion discovers he isn't the only one to have been abandoned by his family... —————— This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the One Punch Man world, which is written by ONE. The story I tell here about Xion is my invention, and it is not purported or believed to be part of ONE's story canon. This story is intended for entertainment only and is not part of the official storyline. I am grateful to ONE for his wonderful story about One Punch Man, for, without his webcomic, my story would not exist. AN: Cover is not mine.

XiaTian · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Apple Candy

As he entered, Derald readjusted his rectangular glass while saying, "Consider yourself lucky. There is already enough trouble with Tatsumaki so it is in our best interest to accept your condition."

"Thank you"

"We have already lost enough time. Let's go."

Afterward, both of us follow him toward the experiment area where many people are already preparing weird machines while others are reading documents.

"So you are Xion, the kid who wanted to know more about his power." A man says with a leisure voice as if he was on a vacation.

With a heavy sigh, Derald complains, "Sho, I have told you many times to be more professional. Is everything prepared?"

"Of course, we can start right away."

Although both of us separated for our tests, I focus my attention on Tatsumaki.

Sitting on a chair, she was wearing a helmet with many threads attached to different machines.

All those unknown things made me worry a little bit about her safety, and the way everyone observes her closely like an exotic animal only increase the uneasiness.


Someone shouts, "Her power is not working again?!"

The man seems to be the leader here since everyone is respectful to him, not even a person complained how loud he shouted.

He started hitting things due to being mad while others try to calm him down. "Please Sir Dikke, you are destroying everything."

However, I hold myself from taking out my claws and slice his head as the man yells, "Lock her up in the cell!"

So that idiot is the reason why she had to suffer all this time?


I will remember his name.

Just be prepared to undergo a torture hundred times worse than what Tatsumaki has gone through.

My reaction would not have been this extreme yesterday but now, I will not allow anyone to hurt my only friend.

Interrupting my train of thought, Derald says, "We are going to take a sample of your blood. Don't worry, it will only hurt a little."

Thousands of years later, they finally let me go after doing many tests.

Just as I was leaving, they gave me some candies as a reward for my cooperation which I am going to share with Tatsumaki.

Ironically now, staying in the cell is much better than with those scientists.

In here, the wall protects us from the outside, and we don't have to do any boring tests.

Presenting her the sweets, I ask, "Do you want some?"


Despite her calm tone, her eyes are staring at the candies, not leaving them from sight.

The gloomy atmosphere had disappeared the moment we started playing Janken together.

"Is it that good?"

This is surprising.

I did not expect her mood to get better.

How could such a little thing have so much power?

If it can increase her mood, then from now on, I will share it with her whenever I get my hands on them.

"It's my favorite one. Do you want to try?" Tatsumaki says while handing me her apple candy.

The moment it touched my tongue, it started melting away just like ice cream, and its sweet apple flavor spread everywhere in my mouth.

Now, I just want to keep it for myself.

"Don't just keep for yourself. Give me back!" As if someone just stole her most precious treasure, Tatsumaki tries to take it off my mouth.

"Just take another one—"

While I was talking, she took the opportunity to steal it from me.

"Don't you even dare to steal things from me." A proud grin appears on her face.

Seeing this, I could only helplessly take a lollipop with lemon taste while cursing inwardly.

But I got my revenge soon enough as after eating all the candies, we started playing Janken once again.

Unlike before where I let Tatsumaki win some rounds so that she could keep her face high, I did not let her win even a single round against me.

With a mocking smile, I say, "Didn't you say that you would not let me win even—"

Just before I could finish, my body floated against my will and crushed itself against the wall.

"If not because I was tired, you would not have won against me!"

So she does indeed have a superpower.


Upon seeing my silence, Tatsumaki asks, "What? Are you shocked by my power?"

Shaking my head, I say, "Not at all. I just find you impressive."

Back then, if I were to charge at her, all she would have to do is nothing but a mere thought to stop me.

I just avoided a disaster...

"Impressive...?" she mutters.

"Hm? What is wrong?"

Her voice was so low that I almost did not hear it.
