
One Punch Man King Engine

A person from the real world crossed the boundary unto the world of One Punch Man and became King. Facing this new world, he proclaimed: I will become a hero of luck and the strongest man in this world... Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/FL_King

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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136 Chs

Lets Punch Each Other

"Is it a coincidence?"

Bang frowned as he stared at King's expression.

"Ah... King won the round?!"

Charanko looked at King's card in shock. He did not doubt King's strength, but his master had played this game since childhood. He had expected Bang to win the first few rounds before King could catch up and familiarize himself with the rules. But King unexpectedly won the second round.

"Well, there's one more practice game; I shouldn't rush." King prepared calmly for the next round. It seems that his high luck had not diminished!

"Charanko, prepare to read the next one." Bang smiled faintly, fully focusing himself on the game. Well, he had to show some real skills. He could not lose too much face.

"Oh." Charanko took a new card from his deck. After seeing the lyrics on the cards, his mouth opened slightly...


King grabbed a card without hesitation.

At the same time, the lyrics in Charanko's mouth came out, "I don't want to, I don't want to, I don't want to grow up," (I Don't Want to Grow Up by S.H.E.) As soon as he finished reading the lyrics, he looked at the card in King's hand in a daze. It clearly said, "When I grow up, the world is deprived of fairy tales."

Bang stared at King. "How did you do it?"

King could actually predict the lyrics of the card in Charanko's hand and make a choice in advance. This kind of strategy was simply incomprehensible to him. He would go as far as calling it cheating.

King threw the card away and smiled. "I was just lucky."

"Luck?" Bang smiled. Once was a coincidence; twice is a pattern. You cannot rely on luck time and time again; it will betray you sooner or later. He didn't believe that King would be so lucky to be able to "coincidentally" catch the corresponding cards ahead of time.

"How did King know the contents of the cards in Charanko's hand?" He frowned and fell into deep thought.

"Luck. King must be lucky." Charanko could not believe that King could understand the game better than Bang this quickly. King must be just lucky in the last two games.

"If we continue playing, master would definitely win more games than King. Simply relying on luck won't bring you anywhere." Charanko said confidently.

"Oh, is that so?" King smirked, "Then please open your eyes and watch closely. You'll see who would be the victor between your master and me!"

"Oh, eyes?" King's words struck Bang's mind like a lightning bolt. His heart skipped a beat.

That's right, it was eyes. A person's eyes were quite reflective. When Charanko picked up the card to read it, the contents of the card would be reflected in his eyes. If someone with strong observation skills focused on them, then they would be able to read the cards through Charanko's eyes.

Of course, this method was only theoretically possible. Superhuman speed and focus would be required to read the cards through Charanko's eyes in just a fraction of a second, and no one in the world could realistically obtain the necessary observation skills. At the very least, Bang would never be able to read the cards through Charanko's eyes.

He didn't expect King to actually do it!

He looked at King with deep amazement. As expected of the strongest man in the world, his hidden strength was truly endless.

"Hey, Silver Fang, do you want to continue?" King asked the silent Bang.

"Ah, let's stop playing. It's obvious that this old man will lose." Bang took a deep breath and smiled. "How about this; our dojo has passed down a lot of competitive games. Next, we will play a traditional competition that has been passed down from ancient times."

"A traditional competition passed down from ancient times?" King's eyes lit up. "Bring it on. I would never lose in games."

"Well, let me briefly introduce the game. It has two participants, who would have to first determine the order of the turn, generally by stone, scissors, and paper. The winner will gain the right to use weapons to bludgeon the other party."

"Hey, Silver Fang, are you talking about a children's game?"

King looked speechlessly at Bang. Bang's introduction suddenly reminded him of Shakespeare-wannabes in his previous life.

The sky doth be clear, and the sun be bright. Surely better times cannot be found for us to partake in the merriment of a game. Decide we must through the elements we choose, if throw'd I of paper and thou of scissors, thine shall victory be announc'd. Yet what is a game without a spoil to the victor, thusly awarded to them would the pleasure of knocking those they defeat'd in the head.

Translated to human words:

Today's weather is good; let's play a guessing game and punch each other in the head!

"This kind of competition can often be used in martial arts practice, how to have the advantage in training..." Bang continued to ramble about the benefits of playing rock-paper-scissors in martial arts.

After listening to Bang, King was almost swayed. Could it be that playing rock-paper-scissors was like Tai Chi? Was it a long-lost martial art?

"King, do you understand the rules?"

King's mouth twitched. Hah, who doesn't know rock-paper-scissors?

"Well, since you understand, then Charanko, go and prepare the relevant tools."

"Yes, master."

Charanko took out a few items from the storage room. There were two small wooden hammers and a safety hat. The rules of the game were as follows: The winner of the rock-paper-scissor picks up the small wooden hammer and knocks on the opponent's head, and the loser races to put on the safety hat before the winner could knock them. It is a test of reflex, concentration, and speed on both sides.

"Let's begin!" Bang and King's faces turned serious, ready to fight.

The two of them raised their right hands at the same time and stared at each other, trying to intimidate and gauge the momentum.

Suddenly, Bang said, "This old man usually likes to play rock in these games."

Hehe, King, if you think that this is an ordinary rock-paper-scissors game, then you are gravely mistaken. Rock-paper-scissors is not only a contest of physique; it also tests your mastery of psychological games. When I say this, you will suspect that I am trying to confuse you, right?

You must be greatly shaken right now, pondering whether I will actually throw a rock. Humph, you're falling into my trap. When your heart is shaken, even the simplest of tasks become insurmountable. You will definitely lose.

King didn't give it much thought. Oh, the old man is going to throw a rock, then I should throw a paper.

Don't think too much about rock-paper-scissors. In any case, the result depends on luck!


"Old man..."

Bang and King stared at each other, sparks flying from their eyes.

"Make your move!"

The two of them attacked at the same time!



Bang smirked. That's right, King, I'm throwing a rock. Did you guess correctly?


King spread out his hand and looked at Bang's clenched fist in surprise. The old man was too honest. He actually threw a rock when he said he'd throw a rock.

King was a little embarrassed.

Hey, I'll tell him what I'm going to play next turn.

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