
One Piece: Young Pirate

Fires rage all around as a legendary fight rocks the island. Alex, a young boy, is caught in the midst of this battle. With no way out and death immanent, he now needs to find a way to escape with his new friend. Will Alex escape unharmed? What about his new friend? And if Alex somehow is able to survive this situation... what's next?

Smol_frog · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

The Rankings.

Once the pirates had been rounded up the marines made their way back to the ship. Alex and Shanks had gone on a little treasure hunt in the chaos and Alex had found a cool sword that he kept. Nothing else interesting was on the ship, at least nothing that Alex and Shanks found interesting, there was a bit of gold but the two left it alone.

When everyone was back they were all lined up again. And once again, Shanks, Alex, and Buggy stood out due to their size. They were too short!

The instructor looked down at a clipboard before looking up. "The rankings for the test are in. I'll call out the top five first, if your name is called step forward as you are one of the people who might receive a devil fruit."

Everyone in line saluted.

Then the instructor began to pace again and spoke up. "Now then. In first place, we have recruit Akainu. You killed the most pirates and were the most efficient marine out there today, this is well deserved congratulations."

Akainu stepped forward with a proud look on his face.

"Second place. We have… Kizaru. You made quick work of the scum with your devil fruit abilities. Good job out there."

Kizaru stepped forward, not seeming to care about the results.

"Third. Aokiji, you may not have taken out as many pirates as the other two but you were a great situational teammate. You changed the battlefield with your ice and helped out your fellow recruits, lowering our casualties. Congratulations."

Aokiji took a small step forward, looking bored.

"Now, fourth. Shanks! You and your little friend showed great bravery by attacking first! Adding on the number of pirates you two took down is impressive. My only complaint is you didn't finish them off. It's better for the higher ups if we have less prisoners, it's cheaper. Additionally, you took on the captain, and did a great job getting the job done and killing him, which is why your fourth."

Shanks nodded and stepped forward. "Excuse me."

The instructor looked up at him. "What?"

"I don't want the devil fruit, so you can give it to whoever is in 6th."

The instructor nodded. "Very well. Now, fifth place. Alex! Just like Shanks you showed courage by leading the charge and boosted morale for everyone else. You took down just as many men as Shanks and clearly the battle against the captain was a team effort. However, you didn't kill a single scum today and that's not something to be proud of. Next time, don't be so naive, it's better for the world if all pirates die and it's easier and more efficient to kill them when in battle."

Alex stepped forward and nodded.

"Then, because Shanks refused. I'll announce the sixth as well." He flipped through his notes for a while. "Hmmm, it seems that someone lost your profile, but in sixth we have the clown looking fellow."

Alex smiled. "His name is Buggy D. Clown."

The instructor nodded. "Buggy D. Clown, you showed an exemplary performance today. You fought elegantly and perfectly, not afraid to use lethal force or your opponents attacks against them. The only reason you're not higher is because you joined the battle later than Alex and Shanks, I have no doubt you were the better fighter. As for the other three, they already have devil fruits so it's an unfair comparison, but you might just get your own soon. I'm looking forward to your future."

Buggy smiled from ear to ear. "You hear that Shanks?! I'm better than you! And I'm gonna get a devil fruit!!!"

The instructor smiled. "I'm proud of all of you for surviving. I'll post the rest of the results in an hour, if you're below the red line, then you fail, everyone else passes. Dismissed!"

The group smiled and started celebrating, they were all smiles and cheers.

Alex laughed. "Let's get this party started! Where's the booze?"

The recruits looked at him. "What do you mean? We're underage."

Alex and Shanks looked at them like they were clowns.

"So?" Buggy asked.

Alex and Shanks looked at each other. Even Buggy was cooler than these losers!

Alex just sighed. "Have you guys never drank before?"

Nearly all the recruits shook their heads.

Alex nearly cried. "Truely, a shame. You're missing out."

Shanks laughed. "You're just an alcoholic!"

"Shut up! You sound just like Pops!" Alex replied.

Shanks laughed. "Cause I'm right!"

Alex laughed. "Ahahaha! Yeah you are! Now let's go raid their ship for some booze!"

Shanks laughed and the two ran off to try and steal some booze. But they soon found themselves floating in the air.

Akainu was holding both of them up by their collars. "What do you think you're doing? Do you think the marines are a joke?"

Alex and Shanks had to bite their tongues. Obviously they couldn't answer that honestly! I mean, just think about it, the only two marines they had really met were Garp and Sengoku. And those two were two of the marines with the most influence and power in the whole world.

Kinda sad honestly.

Anyway, Akainu successfully stopped the two from sneaking off and stealing the booze.

The two went back to their room that they now shared with Buggy after he accidentally stowed away.

A while later, they heard a knock at the door.

Alex opened it and instantly slammed it shut. He slowly turned on his heels to face Shanks with a ghost white face. "T-they're here."

Shanks yelped and tried to run out the window while Alex held the door shut.

"You go! Go on without me! I'll hold them off!" Alex cried out.

The door started bending from the force that was exerted from both sides, just as Shanks was nearly out the window, Alex lost his footing and the door swung open.

Maya and Sarah were standing in the doorway holding… booze.

Shanks paused, halfway out the window. "You got booze?"

Sarah smiled. "We took your advice and grabbed some from the pirate ship."

Maya giggled. "Our plan is to get you guys drunk and take advantage of you!"

"Should you really say that out loud?!" Buggy screamed.