
One Piece: Xander

Chronosjikan · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: A Run-In with the Marines

The Green Fox Pirates had been sailing for several days and had already faced several challenges along the way. They had encountered rough seas, strong winds, and even had to fend off a group of attacking sea creatures. Despite the obstacles, the crew was in high spirits, and their captain's leadership was keeping them motivated.

However, their luck was about to run out. As they navigated through a narrow passage, they suddenly came face to face with a Marine ship. The Marines were the law enforcement of the world and were tasked with stopping pirates from terrorizing the seas.

Xander immediately sprang into action, ordering his crew to prepare for battle. The crew was well trained, and they sprang into action, readying their weapons and getting into position.

The Marines, seeing the pirate ship, immediately began to fire upon them. The Green Fox Pirates fought back with everything they had, but the Marines were relentless, their cannons raining down upon them.

In the heat of battle, Xander's quick thinking and leadership skills came to the fore. He ordered his crew to aim for the ship's weak points, and soon enough, they managed to take down the Marines' mast, causing their ship to capsize.

The crew cheered in triumph as they sailed away, their ship unscathed. However, they knew that they would face more challenges and encounters with the Marines in the future. But they were determined to face them head-on and make their way to the One Piece, no matter what obstacles lay in their path.

With a newfound sense of confidence, the Green Fox Pirates continued their journey, ready for whatever the Grand Line had in store for them next.