
Ch. 1


The sound of wind swiping through the air and rustling the natural wildlife was a unfamiliar noise to me. I quickly jolted up and looked around, 'This isn't my house, where the hell am I?' I stood up and began roaming around. After a while of walking, I arrive to the island's edge which solidified one thing in my mind and that was the fact this was not home.

Thoughts began racing through my mind, "Was I transmigrated? Did I get abducted and thrown on an island? If I was transmigrated then what world am I in?' I looked around the island and it's all blue waters, 'Maybe One Piece? If it is, then unless my body was altered I'm royally fucked.' I decided to take a break and think, I ran over multiple scenarios in my head as I waited for a ship to pass by. After 6 hours a ship passed by, their flag was white so I assumed it was a merchant ship and began waving my arms fervently.

The ship began to approach the island, and soon reached the coast. Once they arrived, a fat man leaned over the edge of the boat. He had gray hair on his head a wore fancy clothes, so I assumed he was a merchant. "Hello, I'm assuming you need a ride off this island?"

I nodded rapidly, "Please sir, I've been stranded longer than I can count." I had bowed and doing everything I can to show signs of desperation

He motioned to people behind him who let a bridge off the ship, "Climb on then, we are on our way to the Sabaody Auction House." I walked onto the ship and the bridge was lifted, "Have you heard of what we're selling at Sabaody?" I shook my head at that question, but I felt ill intent as I saw the Merchant grinning deviously, "We're selling you."

Shock filled my system as I felt something hit me on the back of my head and everything went black. After what I assume to be 4 hours, I had woken up. I was stripped of my clothes and noticed my body looked different than it was on my home planet. I was somehow shredded and my skin was more tanned and clear.

There were currently 4 thick chains wrapped around my wrists and ankles, and it was connected to around 40 people in a intertwining system. Everyone seemed to be exhausted and sleeping, which leads me to think it was either night or early morning.

This continued for 2 weeks, every day we would get a small meal for lunch and dinner, consisting of 2 slices of bread and a bowl of soup. The bathroom was a bucket that was passed around which led to this room smelling like shit, a few captives became sick due to the environment and were infected with dysentery, smallpox, and the basic fever. They were immediately thrown over board which led to slightly better conditions for the soon-to-be slaves who survived in these conditions due to less people to spread the food around with.

When we finally arrived to Sabaody, there were only 18 slaves left alive. This was easily the worst time I've ever experienced, all I could really hope for was that I was sold to a nice Celestial Dragon or one who force feeds me a Devil Fruit and hope it's a good one. The day of the auction we were washed so we looked good and sold for more, I heard the slaves before me being sold and nerves started kicking in, realizing this will basically mean I can't do anything unless I somehow get a good devil fruit and escape.

I hear the gate of my cage open, breaking me from stupor I feel a hand grab me under my arm and pull me, "Your turn, walk to the stage."

I did as told and heard the chains on me clanging against the floor. Since I was able to walk around I had a collar and chain around my neck to keep me from escaping, like I could anyways. "Our final product from the Baracca Trading Company, introducing Wukong! Starting bid of 150,000,000 berries!" Wait what the fuck, why am I going for so much? Did my body make me attractive or something?

"200,000,000!" "220,000,000!" "350,000,000"

As people rapidly bid, a man in a glass bubble raised his auction sign, "750,000,000." The entire house went quiet.

"Going once, going twice, and sold to Saint Ryu!" A different guard, one not from the ship, came on the stage and dragged me off pulling me outside and throwing me onto a ship, locking me in chains and leaving. I was left alone in that room until the Celestial Dragon walked into the room, followed by his goon- I mean guards.

He took out a prod that was glowing orange, and began to push it into my chest. I grit my teeth but the pain slowly left my body, however there was now a large mark on my chest, symbolizing that I was a slave.

"You are my slave, you will do what I say from now on. If you don't, you'll be tortured until I'm satisfied. You will also be a fight slave, if you win enough I'll give you a random devil fruit. Now turn around and face the wall."

Ready to get hit, I turn around and face the wall. I hear the noble grab something and raise his arm, I hear crack as he hits my back with whip. I grit my teeth and shut my eyes tight but never fall, getting hit nearly 30 more times before he left. Once I heard he was gone I began to train, I couldn't let pain stop me if I wanted that devil fruit. I began to practice boxing techniques I had learned in my past life, and I did so for 1 week before we arrived at Mary Geoise.

As soon as we arrived I was thrown in the arena, and I was to live there until I was called back to the residency by the guy who bought me.

After a few hours, I was thrown into the gladiator type arena with a crowd full of bubble helmets. Across the arena was a kid around 1 year younger than me and I was 16 but the circumstances made me have to win. "A newcomer to the arena, Saint Ryu's newest slave, Son D. Wukong!" cheers erupted from the crowd, I was built like prime Mike Tyson except I was 6'7 instead of 5'10. "Another new competitor, Saint Mastiffalls newest slave, Pontiff Sulyvhan!" He was around 6'0 and was rather skinny. "FIGHT!"

As soon as he said that I rushed in and my opponent charged up to me, I threw a jab at his head that connected and he halted movement, seeing this I threw a right hook into his head followed by a liver shot. He threw a punch which I shoulder rolled off and threw a uppercut that stunned him, he fell to the ground as I began to pummel his head over and over. The crowd began a chant, "GAUNTLET! GAUNTLET! GAUNTLET! GAUNTLET!"

As the crowd continued to shout that, the announcer began to say "Alright everyone! We'll be initiating the gauntlet where our competitor Wukong will fight till defeated! Now introducing a familiar face, Welton Tows!" The crowd began to roar as a older man entered the arena and sized me up. He was 6'4, blonde, and seemed like he had fighting experience. "FIGHT!"

He made the first move, running towards me. I leaned to left and dodged his punch, throwing a straight that met the mans chest. He recovered and charged at me once again, he threw a powerful punch at me that I dodged and began combination punching, throwing a jab, straight, jab, jab, left hook, right hook, shoulder roll his punch, and throw an uppercut followed by an overhand which caused the man to fall and eat the ground.

This went on for 1 hour, every fight the crowd becoming more ecstatic. I began to feel tired after the 11 fights, my punches were becoming slower and weaker, my dodging was worsening, my footwork was becoming sluggish. My hands were stained with blood. "Wukong has defeated 11 fighters! He has another challenger, the veteran of the arena who has only lost once, Lothric D. Fallen!" The crowd seemed to be charged with energy hearing the name, making me a focus in.

A man with long white hair and a blind fold on walked onto the arena. 'He has Observation Haki, this is bad I more than likely won't land a punch.' However I couldn't think long as the announcer started the fight and Lothric's hand coated with a black color, signaling Buso haki. He launched towards me and I couldn't even see it, I leaned to the left to dodge his punch but a foot met the back of my leg throwing me off balance and another leg aimed to the temple of my head, throwing me onto the ground. I recovered as quick as I could and was assaulted by him again.

He kicked both of my knees in, making me fall. He was by far the strongest person I've ever met. Another kick met my head and I was knocked into unconsciousness by it.