
One Piece World-Only I Know The PLOT!

Rifan, chosen as a 'Reincarnator' of the Earth by the Copy Space, sets off on an adventure toward becoming stronger in a world about which only he knows the plot. Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. Ongoing Project(s): One Piece Golden List __Latest chapter 1000 Danmachi: 100+ chapters Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner...

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 78: Tashigi Asking For Help! 

—•—|Reincarnated People Chat Room|—•—

['Panda' Leigh: Huh?! Rifan got an achievement again? And he also uploaded another trading product?! So, Mr. Rifan, you are out of danger?]

['Green Pheasant' Momiji: Is it true, Ayane? That means you're safe now right?]

['Green Pheasant' Ayane: Well, you can say that, after all, Marine Hero Garp is not on sight. For now at least.]

['Green Pheasant' Kasumi: That's good to know!]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: Damn it, that Garp is a piece of trash, I thought he would be able to catch Rifan for sure!]

['Camel' Jeyu: Sure enough, relying on Marines is not enough. If we want to teach Rifan a lesson, we still need to do it ourselves. ]

[Rifan: Waiting for all the reincarnated people who want to take revenge on me to come to trouble me at any time. If you're not afraid to die, that is.]

['Eagle' Tina: Damn it, I just glanced at the trading interface, and there is only a sword there, it's one of the fifty skill grade uploaded Rifan, left. Leigh, did you bought the spring fruit?]

['Panda' Leigh: That's right, it's me! Thank you Mr. Rifan for the half price, and the price of the famous sword Yubashiri uploaded now is actually less 1000 than that of reincarnated people from other countries. ]

['Eagle' Tina: Damn it! Our country will have to spend another 1,000 points because of Ethan!]

['Eagle' Sarah Bryan: You can rest easy this time, Tina. This time, except for the reincarnators of Panda who have a discount, the reincarnators of other countries is the same price. ]

['Eagle' Tina: Huh, that's great, I thought I would be impacted by that bastard Ethan in the future. Rifan, you are really a good man, when will you come to have a wrestling match with me?]

['Eagle' Ethan: You woman, can't you have some backbone?!]

['Eagle' Tina: Hehe, I'm just a fighter, not a soldier like you. In other words, I am a commoner, and I have the freedom to do things myself. It's a pity that I still prefer fists that swords. ]

['Green Pheasant' Rachel: This sword looks good, but it's 2,000 points... Sure enough, it's too expensive for me now. ]

['Panda' Ray: In that case, let me accept this sword. ]

As Ray's message fell, a reminder immediately sounded in Rifan's mind.

[Rifan, the product you pre-sold, "Yubashiri", one of the 50 skillful grades, was purchased by Ray with 1000 points, and the points will be automatically credited to your account.]

Black Pearl.

Where Rifan is.

"Unexpectedly, someone bought it so quickly."

Rifan murmured in a low voice, looking at the 3000 points in his account, a smile appeared on his face.

['Green Pheasant' Momiji: So fast?!]

['Panda' Ray: Thanks you Rifan, with 1000 points, I can still afford it. ]

['Panda' Rifan: It seems that Mr. Ray is a swordsman. It's a happy cooperation, you will definitely like Yubashiri. ]

At this time, a sound of footsteps sounded behind Rifan.

Rifan looked back and saw that Nami, Robin, Ayane and others had already changed their clothes and had come to the deck.

"Captain Rifan, you seem to be very happy."

Robin noticed the smile on his face and said with a smile.

'Can I not be happy, after all, I just got 3000 points.'

Rifan thought to himself, and also smiled at her.

"Captain Rifan, what should we do next, should we go to sea immediately?"

Mikita led Ayane to Rifan and asked.

"The Black Pearl was damaged earlier because of my battle with Garp."

"Even if we go to sea in this state, it will be quite difficult."

"So we have to repair the ship first. It happens that there are many trees on this island, and these can be used as materials for repairing the Black Pearl."

"But we don't know how to build a ship. It may take a while."

Rifan said, turning his head to look in the direction of the deserted island.

"Hee hee, don't worry, if it's repairing things, I can do some."

"I'm off to log."

Mikita patted her chest confidently, and then flew to the woods on the deserted island with the power of her devil fruit.

"In that case, let's go hunting."

"After all, because of you, Captain Rifan, all the food we bought was destroyed by your ability."

Robin smiled at Rifan and turned to look at Nami.

Nami nodded slightly and looked at Nojiko: "Nojiko, do you want to go together?"

"Let Nojiko stay here, Nami." Robin patted Nami's shoulder and looked at Ayane. "After all, there are strangers here. Let Nojiko stay and take care of the captain. After all, he has just experienced a big battle."

Hearing this, Rifan nodded immediately.

"Robin is right, let Nojiko stay."

"Nami, Robin, I leave the food to you."

Hearing this, Nami nodded slightly:

"Then we'll go first. Captain Rifan."

"Captain Rifan, please call us if you need anything."

After speaking, Nami and Robin jumped off the deck and walked towards the deserted island.

After watching the two walk away, Rifan immediately reached out and pulled Nojiko into his arms.

He put his head on her shoulder and sniffed the fragrance of her body lightly.

"Captain Rifan, there are still outsiders here…"

Nojiko pursed her lips, and looked at Ayane who was not far away with some embarrassment.

"Tch, I almost forgot your existence."

"Speaking of which, Miss Ayane, how long are you going to stay with me?"

"I should have already taken you to a safe place."

Rifan smacked his mouth and turned to look at Ayane.

"I'm really sorry to disturb you two's intimacy."

"However, this place shouldn't be considered safe, Rifan?"

"On this deserted island, I don't think I can leave safely."

Ayane was dressed in Mikita's casual dress, and said to Rifan dissatisfied with one hand on her hip.

"Well, since you said so, then I'll keep you for a while."

"When we get to the right place, you just need to disembark."

Rifan nodded, just as he was about to end the conversation with Ayane and focus on Nojiko in front of him.

Ayane took out a pink Devil Fruit out of thin air and handed it to Rifan.

"Slippery fruit, for you."

Ayane said calmly.

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Huh?! This Ayane actually has Devil Fruit!? When did she get it?]

[Friend upstairs, it's because you didn't pay close attention to this contestant Ayane. So let me tell you, the Devil Fruit was picked up on an island where she joined the Buggy Pirates. ]

[Damn, her luck is so good! But why did she give the Devil Fruit to Rifan?]

[Green Pheasant Audience: What is she doing?! It's fine if she doesn't want to eat the Devil Fruit, but why did she give it to Rifan!?]

[Goat Audience: It should be the reward Ayane needs to pay Rifan for taking her away from LogueTown. ]

[Green Pheasant Audience: What!? shouldn't it be free!?]

[Hehe, free? if only there was such a good thing in the world. ]

"You actually have slippery fruit?"

Rifan took the Devil Fruit from Ayane's hand with some surprise.

Through the list of personal attributes provided by the copy space, he quickly knew that the Devil Fruit in front of him was genuine.

At this time, he suddenly understood why Ayane could so simply agree to sign the contract.

Now that she already has a Devil Fruit in her hand, she naturally has a lot of confidence to sign the contract.

"This is really... If I knew you had a Devil Fruit."

"I should have asked you for an extra Devil Fruit for downpayment."

"By the way, since you have such a slippery fruit, why don't you choose to eat it yourself?"

After being surprised, Rifan quickly accepted the fact that Ayane got the slippery fruit.

In this world, there are so many reincarnators entering.

Alvida, the fat woman who ate the Slippery Fruit, could naturally be affected by the butterfly effects, so she couldn't get this Devil Fruit.

"As a ninja, you should fight in any situation."

"Even in the sea."

"I don't want to have the disadvantage of being afraid of sea water just because of a Devil Fruit."

"Also, Devil Fruit like Slippery Fruit doesn't have much effect."

Ayane said as if it was a matter of course.

"That's right, this slippery fruit can make people's skin extremely smooth, even so smooth that attacks can be cut from the skin.

"However, that's all."

"If you say the biggest function, maybe it can make an ugly person handsome or beautiful."

"For you, Ayane, who is already beautiful enough, you really don't need this plastic surgery fruit."

Rifan smiled, and casually put the slippery fruit into his inventory.

As for giving the slippery fruit to Nojiko who does not own Devil Fruit, Rifan has no such idea.

After all, he really couldn't think of any powerful skills that the slippery fruit could develop.

Besides, if any part of Nojiko's body becomes radiant.

When he makes out with her in the future, it will be a question mark whether he still has such a pleasure.

Some things, the smoother the skin, the better.

As for the cosmetic effect of the slippery fruit, Rifan also does not think that Nojiko, who is already beautiful enough, needs to use the slippery fruit to become beautiful.

"Since you accepted this Devil Fruit, I only owe you one Devil Fruit."

"Please follow the contract and take me to a safe place."

Ayane said coldly.

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Damn, Brother Rifan is really amazing, Ayane actually had to give him a Devil Fruits!]

[Chollima Audience: I understand, this Rifan must have made a contract with Ayane regarding the authority to enslave reincarnated people. ]

[Eagle Audience: Very likely, Rifan shouldn't just take other reincarnators as his slave, not to mention that Ayane is also from other country. ]

[Green Pheasant Audience: In other words, our Ayane needs to give Rifan two Devil Fruits, otherwise she will become his slave?]

[Camel Audience: This Rifan is really too cunning to rely on such a method to obtain Devil Fruit. ]

[Hehe, this is the authority that Brother Rifan has. If you pickle people refuse to accept it, let people from your own country become the captain of the pirate group and get the 'authority to enslave reincarnation', haha. ]

—•—One Piece Dungeon World—•—

"Of course, but you should be a member of the Buggy Pirates."

"Those guys seem to be arrested now. Doesn't that affect you?"

Rifan asked curiously.

It stands to reason that as a 'crew'.

Reincarnators can re-select a pirate group when their own pirate group is destroyed.

Like Ethan who chose the Blackbeard Pirates after the Bellamy Pirates were destroyed.

But if the members and captains of the Pirates were arrested and imprisoned, Rifan was quite curious about whether Ayane could choose a Pirates group again.

"I shouldn't have to answer this question for you."

"Compared to this, it seems that someone is coming over here."

"Among them is the woman you let go just now."

Ayane looked over Rifan and looked at the deserted island behind Rifan.

"Worthy of being a ninja, you really have a powerful perception ability."

Rifan smiled, stopped Nojiko's waist with his right hand and turned to look behind him.

Ayane can sense it, and Rifan, who has the ability of Observation Haki, can naturally feel the aura of Tashigi who is rushing back behind him.

Although due to the loss of physical strength, his perception ability will more or less decline.

But the range of perception is still higher than that of Ayane who is a ninja.

Even the person dressed as Marine who was left behind by Tashigi and others has been clearly perceived by Rifan.

'Unexpectedly, I would meet a Marine on this deserted island. '

'I just don't know which Marine it is. '

'Still making Tashigi ask me for help~'

'Speaking of which, this woman...why does she look familiar?'

'Wait, isn't it Nami's best friend, Carina?!'

Seeing the purple long-haired girl running towards this side protected by Tashigi, Rifan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Having said that, among the positions of the Pirates, there is the position of singer.

'I can try to invite her as a partner. '

'If Nami comes back to see Carina later, she should be quite surprised.'

Rifan smiled, jumped off the pirate ship with Ayane and Nojiko, and landed in front of Tashigi, Carina and an eight-year-old girl they were protecting.

"Yo, Tashigi, what's wrong with you?"

"Didn't you just leave, why did you come back again?"

Rifan said to Tashigi with his arms around Nojiko with a teasing smile.

"Rifan, help these two, they are being hunted down by a devil fruit user!"

Tashigi pursed her lips and looked at Rifan beggingly.

"That's interesting. If I'm not mistaken, the pursuer is a Marine."

"Tashigi, I'm curious as to why you, a Marine, would ask a pirate like me to deal with someone who should be your partner."

Rifan said, with an even bigger smile on his face.