
One Piece World-Only I Know The PLOT!

Rifan, chosen as a 'Reincarnator' of the Earth by the Copy Space, sets off on an adventure toward becoming stronger in a world about which only he knows the plot. Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. Ongoing Project(s): One Piece Golden List __Latest chapter 1000 Danmachi: 100+ chapters Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner...

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 72: See Through Ayane's Identity, Buggy Becomes Bait!? 

Rifan wanted to see if the purple short-haired girl in front of him would respond to the prompt from the copy space and his strengthening of Nami.

However, to Rifan's regret, the girl in front of him always kept a calm face.

It seems that there will be no psychological fluctuations and facial expressions due to anything.

'It's really a calm expression.'

'If I didn't know about the appearance of Ayane in the dead or alive fighting contest and the composition of the members of the Buggy Pirates, maybe I really thought you were an ordinary person. '

While thinking in his heart, Rifan glanced at the reincarnators communication interface, wanting to see if Ayane would speak in it.

['Camel' Jeyu: How could it be this guy again?! This guy's luck is too good to be true!]

['Camel' Nasser: Damn it, let's forget about Devil Fruit, why can you get achievements if you get a famous sword, isn't it just an ordinary sword?]

['Panda' Ray: Copy Space has reminded that both Devil Fruit and Famous Swords can be traded, so it is not surprising that Rifan can obtain this achievement. ]

['Green Pheasant' Rachel: An excellent sword is of great help to a swordsman, and there are powerful swordsmen in this world. I think for a swordsman, an excellent famous sword may be more important than Devil Fruit. If Rifan is willing to trade famous swords, even I will be willing to use points to buy them. ]

['Eagle' Ethan: This guy... If this guy hangs the famous sword on the trading interface, won't he get the same achievements as hanging Devil Fruit on the trading interface?]

['Panda' Rifan: That's a good idea, I'll try it later. ]

Rifan smiled and glanced at the name of Rachel.

'Rachel, I don't know if it's that woman.'

'But this is becoming more interesting, there are more and more familiar names coming out.'

Rifan shook his head, and was about to try to see if he could get achievements by hanging Shigure on the trading interface, when Ayane's crisp voice drew his attention away from the reality of the communication interface between reincarnators.

"Since you are only here to buy knives, I don't think we have anything to do here."

"In that case, we can leave."

At this moment, Ayane suddenly spoke.

"Please wait a moment, I still have something to ask you lady."

When the voice fell, Rifan had already teleported to Ayane's body using Shave.

"what do you want to do?"

Ayane frowned and looked at Rifan warily.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to ask, are you Miss Ayane from 'Green Pheasant'?"

The corners of Rifan's mouth raised, and he looked at the girl in front of him with interest.

[Damn, Rifan recognized her?!]

[Green Pheasant Audience: What's going on, Ayane didn't say her name so how did Rifan recognize her!?]

[Eagle Audience: I think I understand. Rifan should have watched the Dead or Alive Fighting Contest. This girl named Ayane once appeared in the Dead or Alive Fighting Contest!]

[White Elephant: So, is this Rifan going to attack Ayane now?]

[Camel Audience: Hehe, that's good too, just because our country can lose one competitor. ]

[Green Pheasant Audience: Bastard upstairs, your reincarnators will be wiped out by our reincarnators one day!]

[Camel Audience: As far as your reincarnators is concerned, how could it be possible to have such strength, you better save it in your dream lol.]

[By the way, why did these guys start arguing?]

[Forget about them, let's see how Brother Rifan will deal with this woman named Ayane. ]

Rifan called out Ayane's name, which not only surprised the Blue Star audience, but also made Ayane's vigilance reach its limit.

They saw her waist pressed down for an instant, and the next moment, her body turned transparent.

'Transparency? Is it talent, or ninjutsu?'

Rifan raised his eyebrows, relying on Observation Haki, he was able to clearly "see" the transparent Ayane passing by his side and rushing straight to the gate of the weapon shop.

Seeing the door getting closer and closer, Ayane didn't relax in her heart. Instead, she looked warily at Mikita and Robin who were standing near the door and watching the surrounding weapons.

She is right to be concerned.

As she approached the door, a red light flashed in the eyes of both Robin and Mikita.

That is the light called Observation Haki.

Afterwards, Mikita directly stretched out her hand to grab Ayane's arm, while Robin crossed her hands as if intending to use the power of her Devil Fruit.

Seeing this, Ayane immediately wanted to avoid Mikita's grabbing hand, but suddenly found that two hands grew out of the floor under her feet and grabbed her calf.

Adding the hand that Mikita had extended, Ayane was instantly controlled by Robin and Mikita.

"You woman, our captain wants to talk to you, why are you running?"

Mikita stared at Ayane with Observation Haki, and said with dissatisfaction.

Although Robin didn't speak, she silently grew more hands on Ayane's body, completely restricting Ayane's movements.

"Is this the power called Observation Haki? It's really... tricky."

Seeing that her transparent talent was seen through, Ayane let out a long sigh and lifted the transparency.

A figure appeared before the eyes of everyone at the scene and the Blue Star audience.

Although she has other means.

But after a moment of being controlled by Rifan's two partners, Rifan's other two partners and Rifan himself have not yet made a move.

So she is not willing to use those extremely aggressive methods.

After all, once she makes a move that endangers life, it means war.

Thinking of Ethan and Nasser who had died once before, and thinking of Rifan's achievements these days Ayane intentionally avoids completely being at war with Rifan.

This is also the reason why she only chose to dodge Mikita's block before, but did not choose to rely on her transparent talent to launch an attack.

In fact, Ayane also felt that she made the right choice.

If she really did it, she thought that Robin might not just use Flower-Flower Fruit to restrict her movements, and Mikita would not just put her hands on her shoulders.

As for kidnapping Nami and Nojiko, who were not rewarded by the Marines and might be weak, Ayane directly vetoed this plan.

With the vigilance of a ninja she instinctively felt that Nami and Nojiko were not as simple as they appeared on the surface.

Especially Nami, Ayane felt a fatal threat from her.

'This woman, I absolutely cannot fight her.'

'And Rifan, this man, how many points did he get?'

'How on earth did he train his partner to be so powerful?'

Ayane took a deep look at Nami, and then turned her head to look at Rifan.

[Mikita and Robin are amazing, they are simply goddesses, they can easily control Ayane without Brother Rifan's action!]

[Green Pheasant Audience: Damn it, what are Rifan going to do? Ayane shouldn't have done anything bad to Rifan, right? Why did they attack her?]

[Camel Audience: Hehe, I think Rifan is looking at Ayane because she is pretty, so he want to enslave her. ]

[Eagle Audience: So, the first enslaved reincarnator is about to appear?]

[Green Pheasant Audience: Damn it, it won't be that easy! Ayane won't give up easily!]

[Green Pheasant Audience: That's right! Even though Rifan has the authority to enslave reincarnators, the conditions for enslaving a person are definitely not simple. Rifan, he will never succeed!]

[Camel Audience: Now that you say it this way, I really want to see what conditions reincarnators will need to enslave other reincarnators. I also want to see if your reincarnator are really what you people said. ]

Just when the audience of Green Pheasant Country was worried and the audience of Camel gloated about it, Rifan said something that surprised the audience of the two countries.

"Let her go, Mikita."

Rifan walked up to the two women and looked at Ayane calmly.

When the two women heard the words, they naturally removed the power controlling Ayane.

Ayane, who regained her freedom, did not choose to escape this time, but frowned and looked at Rifan.

"Rifan, how did you recognize me?"

"It's very simple, I know a little about the 'Death or Alive Fighting Competition', so I naturally know you as a fighter in the Fighting Show."

"So this is why....."

Ayane pursed her lips, at this moment she regretted participating in the death or life fighting contest.

Otherwise, there is no need to be watched by Rifan.

"So, you who recognize me, what do you want to do to me? Kill me like you killed those two?"

Ayane raised her head and looked at Rifan without fear.

Rifan smiled, he knew that the two people Ayane was talking about were Ethan and Nasser.

"Don't be so nervous, you didn't shoot at me, and you didn't do anything that made me uncomfortable in front of my eyes.

"Under such circumstances, I have no intention of doing anything to a beautiful girl like you."

Rifan laughed.

"Then what did you call me for?"

"It's rare to meet someone who can be regarded as a fellow villager. Can't I chat with you?"

"If possible, I hope to stay as far away from you as possible."

"You're really blunt about it, Ayane, I wanted to ask about your sister Kasumi if she also came here."

"You know Kasumi!?"

"How should I put it, it's considered acquaintance. Now, are you interested in talking now?"

"If you want to talk, I don't seem to have a choice, do I, Rifan?"

"You're really cold."

Rifan shook his head, suddenly a sharp red light flashed in his eyes, and he looked out of the weapon shop.

'It's such a strong breath, could it be that...that guy Garp is coming?!"

Rifan frowned, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Especially when feeling that sturdy aura coming in this direction.

Rifan's eyes fell on Ayane and the Buggy Pirates in front of him, and after a little thought, he said:

"Forget it, since you're not interested in talking, then I won't force you."

"You can leave now, Miss Ayane."

"By the way, the guests of the Buggy Pirates should also leave."

As Rifan said, he turned his body sideways and signaled Robin, Mikita and others to let Ayane and the Buggy Pirates leave.

"That's great!"

"Captain, we can leave now!"

"Yeah yeah, don't we have other things to buy?"

Although they don't understand why Rifan let them go, the Buggy Pirates can't care so much.

At this moment, they can't wait to get away from the dangerous Rifan.

The same goes for Buggy.

"No...that's right, we still have supplies to buy."

"In that case, I won't bother you anymore, Rifan. "

With a wave of his hand, Buggy ran out of the weapon shop with a group of pirate crew members.

This scene made Ayane frowned tightly.

"Miss Ayane, are you not leaving?"

After Rifan knocked Tashigi unconscious with a hand knife, he put the two famous swords that Nami had negotiated and bought into the inventory.

However, after looking at Ayane who was standing motionless in front of him, he couldn't help but have a trace of doubt on his face.

"You're weird, Rifan!"

"I can't believe you can't see that Buggy is a Devil Fruit user."

"But you didn't take away his ability, but let me and them go instead."

"Can I understand that you want to use us to divert some people's attention?"

"For example... Marine Hero Garp?"

Ayane raised her head, her eyes were fixed on Rifan's, as if she wanted to see through Rifan.

When Robin at the side heard this, a sharp light flashed in her eyes immediately.

She was also puzzled by Rifan letting Buggy go.

As far as she is concerned, she also hopes that Rifan will take Buggy's Devil Fruit.

After all, if she wants to get the chance to resurrect her mother later, she may also need Devil Fruit.

But after hearing what Ayane said, she instantly understood Rifan's intentions.

"Smart woman, should I say as expected of a person who can survive in the other 'world'?"

Seeing that there was no way for Ayane and the Buggy Pirates to lure Garp together, Rifan had no choice but to give up.

"Boss, lend me the back door."

"Also take care of this fainted girl.

Rifan pointed to the fainted Tashigi, and walked towards the back door of the weapon shop.

Robin, Mikita and others followed closely behind.

Seeing this, Ipponmatsu naturally didn't dare to stop them, so he could only let Rifan and others leave.

Ayane looked at the backs of Rifan and the others, and just as she was hesitating whether to keep up with Rifan and the others, a burst of noise suddenly came in from outside the weapon store.

It was the familiar voice of Buggy.

"Ga... Garp!? Damn it, why is this guy in LogueTown!?"

"Everyone, run!"

After the words fell, Ayane immediately stepped forward and rushed to the back door of the weapon shop.

For a while, the weapon shop fell into silence again.
