
One Piece World-Only I Know The PLOT!

Rifan, chosen as a 'Reincarnator' of the Earth by the Copy Space, sets off on an adventure toward becoming stronger in a world about which only he knows the plot. Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. Ongoing Project(s): One Piece Golden List __Latest chapter 1000 Danmachi: 100+ chapters Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner...

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 207: Female Marines Anger!

A few minutes later, the sound of footsteps emanated from the direction of the bathroom.

Bonney took a quick look and found that it was Hina who had already changed and walked out of the bathroom. She released Rifan.

"Bonney, who's the real you?" Hina frowned, her eyes flicking across the two Bonneys.

"Of course, it was me; that woman, Noki, was pretending to be me." Bonney waved her hand, casually walked to the bar, and searched for a waiter's uniform to put on.

Then, she gestured toward Rifan and Nojiko. "Let's go; I've seen enough drama. My body has also been washed. Next, I have to get acquainted with my power."

After speaking, Bonney headed towards the exit, and Hina looked at Nojiko and Rifan, who were still in high spirits. She shook her head slightly and followed in Bonney's footsteps.

"Bonney, if Robin and the others ask later, remember to tell them what I told you," Rifan hurriedly said as he saw Bonney and Hina about to leave.

"Understood; I will tell them," Bonney naturally understood that Rifan was referring to the strengthening of the "Germa 66 exoskeleton."

After conversing with Rifan, she opened the door and left the tavern with Hina. Nojiko, who was becoming more and more excited, and Rifan, who appeared to be enjoying himself, were left alone.

In the Capital of Water 7, near the coast:

"Did you also feel the heat from the tattoo just now?" Nami looked at Robin, Kalifa, Carina, and the others beside her and asked.

"I certainly did. It's Captain Rifan giving us benefits again," Carina said with a smile as she rubbed her refreshed skin.

"Captain Rifan is really something; he even remembers to activate the tattoo from a distance when he's busy," Robin remarked with a smile, looking towards Blueno's tavern.

"Shall we ask Captain Rifan?" Vivi looked at the tattoo on her skin and suggested.

"Let's forget about it; we shouldn't bother him right now. Our main task is to keep an eye on those womens," Nami said, shaking her head and casting a meaningful glance in the direction where Rifan, Nojiko, Bonney, Hina, and others had left.

"Indeed, the most important thing is to prevent these women from disrupting Chopper and Mikita," Kalifa nodded with a serious expression, mindful of her role as a secretary and the need to keep Rifan's secrets safe.

Although she hadn't heard Nami say anything explicitly, Kalifa couldn't help but feel that Nami had caught onto something. She was skilled at observing words and expressions and could often discern a person's thoughts from their facial expressions alone.

However, before Kalifa could probe further into Nami's thoughts, a familiar presence entered her awareness. She turned around and saw that Bonney had led Hina toward their group.

Marines Gion, Tsuru, and others had also noticed this.

As Hina and Bonney approached the port, they split into groups, with Hina heading toward Tsuru and Gion's group, and Bonney approaching Kalifa and Nami's group.

"Hey there, discussing the changes in your bodies?" Bonney waved at Nami and Kalifa, speaking casually.

"Do you know the reason behind it?" Carina blinked and joined in with curiosity.

"Of course, I do. The theme of these changes is called the Germa 66 exoskeleton. This is what Rifan told me to relay to you," Bonney explained.

"Speaking of which, have all of you truly been affected?" Bonney curiously asked Carina and the others.

Carina smiled but didn't say a word. She simply took out a dagger from the back of her waist and forcefully stabbed it against her skin. With a resounding click, the dagger shattered on the spot.

Seeing this, Bonney couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Clearly, Carina had obtained skin with remarkable defence due to the power of the exoskeleton.

"Captain Rifan is really something else."

"Although I want to talk to you about the specifics."

"However, considering those womens are still there, we'll talk about it later."

A red light flashed in Robin's eyes, symbolising her using her Observation Haki and said. 

Then she turned her head to look at Marine Chief Staff Tsuru, who was watching their side.

'The dagger was shattered, did that girl use armament haki?'

Tsuru looked suspiciously at the direction where Carina and the others were.

Just now, when she was about to meet Hina, the sound of Carina breaking the dagger with her arm caught her attention.

But after seeing Robin looking at her.

She shook her head and walked towards her subordinates who had already surrounded Hina.

"Hina, that bastard man didn't do anything to you, did he?"

"Has he bullied you? If so, tell your sister, I will help you find a way to teach him a lesson."

"That hateful man! I really want to trample him under my feet and ravage him!"

A group of female soldiers unhappily vented their dissatisfaction with Rifan.

But they didn't notice the weird look Hina was looking at them at this moment.

After all, it wasn't long ago that she saw Nojiko with their appearance "ravaging" Rifan and being 'ravish' by Rifan.

"Having said that, Hina, your skin seems to have gotten better all of a sudden."

"Yeah, did you use some kind of skin care?"

"Hey, can you tell us what skin care products you use?"

The female soldiers asked curiously.

"Hina, are you okay?"

At this time, Tsuru came forward, looked worriedly and asked.

"Tsuru Vice Admiral, Hina...is fine."

Hina shook her head, unconsciously reached into her pocket with her right hand and pinched the piece of cloth with a blood on it.

After all, she was not ready to tell Vice Admiral Tsuru that she had completed the last step with Rifan.

Tsuru frowned, she keenly felt that Hina's expression was not right.

It is very possible that Hina has not been able to restrain her desire.

But thinking that there is also a disadvantageous side of her interception, Tsuru can only sigh, and does not intend to continue to question Hina.

But Hina, after a little hesitation, decided to tell Tsuru, Gion and others what she saw.

"Tsuru Vice Admiral, Gion Vice Admiral, everyone…"

"Nojiko's Devil Fruit ability is not the power of Bubble Fruit."

"As you might have guessed, Nojiko's Devil Fruit ability is the power of Clone-Clone Fruit."

"I asked Rifan, that guy told Hina, after he killed Mr2."

"They coincidentally got Clone-Clone Fruit again on a certain island."

These are the things Rifan told her when they were having 'fun'. So, she is not worried that Rifan will lie to her. 

In fact, Rifan knew he couldn't control Hina's mouth. Naturally, he expressed his freedom in this matter, and told Hina. 

Of course, the story about acquiring the Clone-Clone Fruit on a certain island is a fabrication.

"Is that woman a user of the Clone-Clone Fruit?"

"In other words, Rifan gained the power to transform by copying Nojiko's ability."

"Is Nojiko, the one who touched Sister Tsuru's face just now and touched my face earlier, planning to impersonate us in the future to deceive the Marines and the World Government?" Gion frowned and expressed her concerns.

Behind Tsuru, when the other female soldiers heard this and contemplated the possibility that Nojiko might assume their appearances and create misunderstandings with the Marines and the World Government. Their expressions darkened considerably.

"Actually, Hina saw something else."

"That…that Nojiko, after becoming Vice Admiral Gion, had intimate encounters with Rifan…"

Hina hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper.

"What?! Hina, are you telling the truth?!" Gion questioned in disbelief.

Hina glanced at Gion, recalling the way Nojiko had imitated Gion's gestures like a female animal, and blushed as she nodded. It was challenging for her even to talk about those actions when she was with Rifan.

When Gion noticed Hina's blush, an image formed in her mind of Rifan using Nojiko in her transformed likeness.

"Hey, is Rifan some kind of pervert for doing something like that?"

"Damn it, so that's why that woman touched our faces at that time!"

"We can't just let this slide; we need to confront that bastard Rifan and get some answers!"

The female soldiers were equally unsettled by the revelation. Even though they were aware of Rifan's abilities, they felt that they would have nightmares if they didn't take action at this moment! 

"Hina, did Rifan imitate me when I was younger, perhaps for that purpose?" Tsuru asked in a low, but serious tone. Even her normally composed demeanour was shaken, as if she had been affected by some action.

"This... it's not quite like that," Hina replied, shaking her head.

"What do you mean?" Tsuru inquired with curiosity, clearly relieved but still intrigued.

Hina hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Well, it's a bit difficult to explain. But it's okay; I'll tell you. Rifan said that even if Nojiko transformed into you when you were younger, he would still think of the current Vice Admiral Tsuru in his mind."

Upon hearing Hina's words, Tsuru couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth. Although Nojiko hadn't assumed her form for Rifan's use, the fact that her age had led to this outcome left Tsuru with mixed feelings.

"Hina, can you tell me where Rifan is right now? I need to have a conversation with him," Gion said, placing her hands on Hina's shoulders, a smile shown on her face. 

However, Hina felt a shiver run down her spine, sensing something unsettling beneath Gion's smile.