
One Piece World-Only I Know The PLOT!

Rifan, chosen as a 'Reincarnator' of the Earth by the Copy Space, sets off on an adventure toward becoming stronger in a world about which only he knows the plot. Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. Ongoing Project(s): One Piece Golden List __Latest chapter 1000 Danmachi: 100+ chapters Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner...

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 182: Conqueror's That Destroys Entities!

Even Momousagi Gion.

With Rifan staring at her private parts like this, her face couldn't help but blush.

Subconsciously, she turned away.

She put on the trousers that Rifan gave her as quickly as she could.

Because there is a difference of about one meter in height between the two.

Rifan's T-shirt turned into a crop top on Gion's body.

The trousers have also become corresponding shorts.

It stands to reason, because Gion is already dressed.

The live broadcast room in the real world should resume live broadcast again.

However, because at this moment Rifan only has pants with four corners left on him.

So the studio is still - black screen.

"I really lost to you, Rifan."

"Hina is right, your skin may be thicker than a warship."

Gion let out a breath.

After calming down her mood again, she looked at Rifan helplessly.

After a pause, she continued:

"This time, I admit defeat."

"But next time, please let me see your strongest eight impact fist move, how about it?"

Following Gion's voice.

Corresponding reminders also came from Rifan's mind.

[Rifan defeated the Marine Admiral candidate Momousagi Gion, special reward Primary Conqueror's Haki awakening scroll!]

'Huh?! It turned out to be the 'Primary Conqueror's Haki Awakening Scroll'. '

'Is this for me to develop a crew with Conqueror's Haki on the Black Pearl?'

'Interesting! The fact that there are two Conqueror's Haki user on the Black Pearl, Mikita and I, is enough to surprise the Marine side.'

'If there is another one, Marine, and Sengoku's expression will be quite wonderful~'

Thinking of this, the corners of Rifan's mouth curled up involuntarily.

Having two users of Conqueror's Haki in a pirate group at sea is already quite rare, you know.

If news were to circulate that there are three users of Conqueror's Haki on the Black Pearl, Rifan believes that Sengoku might draw a comparison to the Rocks Pirates.

After all, the Rocks Pirates were a feared pirate group and held the distinction of being the strongest in history due to their numerous members who could wield Conqueror's Haki.

Just when Rifan was sighing and thinking about which crew member of the Black Pearl Pirates to use the 'Primary Conqueror's Awakening Scroll'.

In his mind and in the minds of other reincarnators, the reminder of the copy space suddenly sounded.

Similarly, even Rifan's live broadcast room that is still in a black screen.

The corresponding designated barrage also emerged from the corner.

[Rifan, upon achieving the accomplishment of "Being the first reincarnator to defeat the Admiral Candidate," you will receive a special reward of 5000 points.]

Hearing the notification, Rifan is quite satisfied with the points he got this time.

So facing Gion's request, he nodded with a smile on his face.

"No problem, is that all?"

"Before you leave my Black Pearl, I will show it to you."

"But for now, let's go to the hotel we agreed earlier."

"After fighting for so long, you should also want to take a good rest."

Rifan raised his hand to pat Gion's shoulder, but found that Gion was too tall.

So he could only pat her arm.

"Hotel... You put me on this state and told me to go to the hotel."

"I don't know why, it makes me feel like you want me to have a room with you."

Gion covered her mouth and said with a light smile.

"Hehe, if you are willing to open a room with me, I don't mind spending this long night with you~"

Rifan smiled, waved to Kalifa not far away, and led her and Gion towards the hotel.

When they arrived in the downtown area, Rifan's appearance naturally attracted a crowd of onlookers.

Fortunately, Rifan's face is thick enough, so he didn't blush because of it.

In the end, Kalifa couldn't stand it any longer.

After pulling Rifan into the passing clothing store to buy the corresponding clothes, they continued to go to the hotel agreed by the girls.

And when the three of Rifan arrived at the hotel, about two hours later.

Other members of the Black Pearl Pirates also came to the hotel.

Because they have to discuss some more private matters, and Rifan intends to use the resources at hand to strengthen his partners.

In order to prevent Gion from realizing that something was wrong, he asked Chopper to inject more anaesthesia into Gion.

And let her fall into a deep sleep.

"Captain Rifan, the cost of a warship is about 100 million Berry."

"And we need to use precious trees as materials."

"Other high-quality materials must be used as well."

"I have roughly calculated, if the new ship is to be built."

"We may have to invest between 1 billion to 2 billion Berries."

Franky placed the blueprint of the new pirate ship jointly designed by him and Iceburg on the coffee table, and solemnly said to Rifan.

"What?! 2 Billion?!"

"Captain Rifan, this... is too exaggerated!"

"Sure enough, let's not spend so much money!"

Nami's eyes were wide open, and she ran to Rifan in a panic and took his hand.

As if afraid that Rifan would really spend so much Berry to build a ship.

Even though the Black Pearl Pirates possess ample funds, the mere thought of losing such a significant amount of money from their treasure hoard is enough to trouble Nami deeply. It's as if someone is tightly clutching her heart.

Carina also has a similar feeling to Nami.

At this moment, like Nami, she ran to Rifan's side and grabbed Rifan's other hand.

"Don't worry, Nami, Carina."

"We don't need to spend so much Berry on shipbuilding."

Rifan showed a big smile to Nami and Carina, and then looked at Franky.

"Franky, Chopper and I can use the Munch-Munch Fruit ability."

"And this power allows us to swallow different materials and combine them."

"When building a ship, if you have any ideas about materials, you can talk to Chopper or me."

"The two of us will make the best material for you."

"In this way, a lot of costs can be saved."

"Maybe, the new materials made by me and Chopper can be sold at a good price."

In the original book, Munch-Munch Fruit user Wapol uses his devil fruit ability to synthesize a material called 'Wapometal'.

Using this material, he constructed his kingdom and secured a position within the World Government.

Since Wapol can do it, Rifan feels that he and Chopper can do it as well.

That's why Rifan doesn't care much about money.

"By the way, I actually forgot this."

"But you seem to be very busy, Captain."

"Given that situation, I'll consult with Chopper and have him study the research materials alongside me."

"If new and sufficiently strong materials can be developed."

"Not only would I be able to build a better ship, I might be able to remodel my body as well."

Franky touched his fist and said excitedly.

"Yeah! I'd like to help too, Franky!"

Chopper looked at Franky with bright eyes.

His interest in getting a part in building the ship and helping Franky reinvent himself isn't low.

"Nami, you can rest assured now."

Rifan lowered his head, looked at Nami with a smile on his face and said.

"Really, Captain Rifan, you should have said it earlier."

"It made me worry for nothing."

Nami pouted, although showing dissatisfaction, she did not let go of Rifan's hand.

Instead, after seeing Carina leaning on Rifan's chest on the other arm.

She even used her growing chest to touch Rifan's arm.

She even look at her with a provocative glance!

Nami raised her eyebrows and began to rub Rifan's arm with her chest, unwilling to lose.

Although Rifan, the individual involved, greatly enjoys these benefits, he swiftly shifts his focus back to the remaining tasks at hand, allowing him to quickly overcome the indulgence.

And pulled his arms from both Carina and Nami's arms.

"Let's get down to business! Nami, show me your pirate tattoo."

"It's almost time to make you, a Thunder Fruit devil fruit user, stronger."

In the room, everyone fell silent when they heard Rifan's words, and turned their attention to Nami and Rifan.

As a member of the Black Pearl Pirates, everyone knows what it means for Rifan to ask Nami to show her pirate tattoo.

In an instant, except Mikita, Robin, who already had enough strength, and Nojiko who is Nami's older sister.

Everyone else cast envious glances at Nami.

But everyone didn't say much.

Everyone understands that if Nami, who is Thunder Fruit user, becomes stronger, it will be a good thing for the entire Black Pearl Pirates.

"Hee hee, come on Captain Rifan!"

"I'm prepared for whatever you choose to do to me."

Nami smiled and rolled up her sleeves to reveal the pirate tattoo on her arm.

After speaking, Nami winked mischievously at Rifan.

"Don't say it like that."

Rifan shook his head helplessly, and raised his hand to touch Nami's pirate tattoo.

[Rifan, you use 11,500 points to strengthen Nami's body. ]

The strengthening has been completed, and Nami's personal attributes have been refreshed, please check it yourself. ]

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates (Level 3)]

[Name: Nami]

[Age: 20 years old]

[Crew number: 03]

[Position: Navigator (Expert)]

[Physical: 37058]

[Physical level: A level]

[ Devil Fruit: Thunder Fruit (TO))

[Special Ability: Primary Armament Haki]

[Loyalty: 100 (Life and death go hand in hand)]

[Reward: 230 million Berry]

[Rifan, your talent "strengthen the crew, the multiplier return has started! ]

[Enhancement has been completed, your personal attribute has been refreshed, please check it yourself. ]

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates (Level 3)]

[Name: Rifan]

[Age: 25 years old]

[Position: Captain]

[Talent: Strengthen the crew, equal returns]

[Points: 0 points]

[Physical: 84601 points]

[Physical level: SS level]

[Devil Fruit: Dark Fruit(TO)]

[Skills: Conqueror's Infusion, Divine Departure, Hakoku, Gungnir, Marine Six Styles, Six Kings Gun, Fish man Karate, Fish man Jujitsu, Kanpo Kenpo, New Kama Karate, Dragon Claw Fist, Eight Impact Fist.]

[Special Abilities: Advanced Armament Haki, Advanced Observation Haki, Intermediate Conqueror's Haki]

[Bounty: 1 billion Berry]

[Props: small three-masted sailing ship, teleportation pointer, enhanced version of Magic Weather Stick, Sandai Kitetsu, Oto(one of Shiki sword), slippery fruit, bubble fruit, primary Conqueror's Haki awakening scroll]

[Partners: Mikita, Nico Robin, Nami, Nojiko, Carina, Jewelry Bonney, Nefertari Vivi, Tony Tony Chopper, Franky, Kalifa]

[Slave: Ada Wong]

[Trading Center: Chain Fruit (3000), Giraffe Fruit (5000)]

'My physical level raised to SS level?!'

'Could it be that 80,000 points of physique is the threshold for the physique level to be promoted to SS level?!

Looking at his personal attribute panel, Rifan's heartbeat instantly accelerated to a higher level.

In his mind, he unconsciously thought of Kalifa's final invitation mission.

At this moment, corresponding reminders appeared in Rifan's mind, the minds of all reincarnator, and the All Blue Star live broadcast room.

[Rifan has accomplished the achievement 'Becoming the first reincarnator to upgrade their physique level to SS'; as a special reward, Rifan will receive the 'Advanced Conqueror's Haki Awakening Scroll'!]

[After using this scroll, the user will become a real overlord with both mind, skill and body. Just by improving the momentum, Haki can get all-round divergence!]

[Its overwhelming force is capable of causing tremors through the ship and exerting a devastating impact on entities. As the wielder of advanced Conqueror's Haki approaches enemies, it possesses the ability to even bring down seasoned vice admirals to the ground!]
