
One Piece World-Only I Know The PLOT!

Rifan, chosen as a 'Reincarnator' of the Earth by the Copy Space, sets off on an adventure toward becoming stronger in a world about which only he knows the plot. Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. Ongoing Project(s): One Piece Golden List __Latest chapter 1000 Danmachi: 100+ chapters Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner...

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 119: Skill Scroll 'Hakoku'! 

[As expected of Brother Rifan, he is so amazing!]


[I thought Brother Rifan would use his strength to destroy the Giant duo's strongest technique, but I didn't expect him to throw it back like a basketball!]

[Eagle Audience: It's terrible, even the crater was completely destroyed. I really don't know how Rifan resisted that blow!]

[Chollima Audience: Apart from the Fish Man Karate technique he uses, it cannot be separated from Rifan's electrical  system at that time, as well as the powerful Armament Haki and Observation Haki!]

[Goat Audience: With the strength Rifan showed before, I'm afraid it can even deal some damage to those huge abyss monsters from our world!]

After Rifan endured the pain and repaired his injuries with Dark Fruit, he took the new clothes handed over by his partners and put them back on.

And quietly waited for the decision of Dorry and Brogy.

A few minutes later, Brogy and Dorry came to Rifan and others with a log pose.

"You two, have you made a decision yet?"

Rifan raised his head, looked at the two giants who were dozens of times taller than him and asked.

"Gyagagaga, our weapon is gone, and we lost to you Rifan, there is really no need for the two of us to continue fighting here."

"Rifan, Brogy and I have decided to go back to Elbuf and challenge you after a good workout."

Dorry squatted down, put the Log Pose in front of Rifan, and said with a smile.

On the side, Brogy also nodded repeatedly.

Following the two nodding in agreement, Rifan's mind instantly sounded the reminder of the copy space.

The same reminder also appeared in the minds of every reincarnators in the copy space, as well as in the All Blue Star live broadcast room.

[Rifan achieve the special achievement 'End the Centennial War of Giant Warriors'. ]

[Special reward 'Intermediate Armament Haki Awakening Scroll', using this scroll requires the initial awakening of Armament Haki. ]

[Special reward 'skill scroll— Hakoku, after using it, you will learn Hakoku. Learning requirements: Armament Haki Imbuement Level.]

[Eagle Audience: What, there are rewards for all of this?!]

[Camel Audience: How is it possible, why did he get two rewards at once, and it was an intermediate Armament Haki, and 'Hakoku', wasn't that what the giant warrior used before?!]

[Haha, isn't this normal? Can ordinary people defeat giants to end their century-old struggle? I think it's very normal to have such rewards!]

Blue Star's Panda audience couldn't help cheering when they saw Rifan's award.

Although Dorry and Brogy Hakoku were swung back by Rifan.

But the power that can crush the crater still proves the power of this technique.

Everyone is already fantasizing about Rifan returning to Blue Star to become a giant, and then using Hakoku to kill the giant abyss monster! 

At the same time, the reincarnation exchange group became noisy because of Rifan's reward.

['Eagle' William: Giant warrior? Is there such a giant in this world? I really want to study what kind of creature giant is. ]

['Eagle' Ethan: There is no end, this guy Rifan just got the reward not long ago, it's only been a few hours, why did this guy get the reward again?]

['Green Pheasant' Rachel: Is there even a scroll that can awaken a skill, 'Hakoku', I don't know what kind of skill it is. ]

['Green Pheasant' Koharu Momoka: 'Hakoku' is the power possessed by giant warriors, I have seen Big Mom use the 'Ikoku' derived from 'Hakoku' and it almost destroyed the whole cake island in half!]

['Eagle' Tina: What? Isn't that a little too exaggerated?]

['Green Pheasant' Koharu Momoka: This is not an exaggeration at all, the power of the Four Emperors will be understood after you experience it. It is really enviable and fascinating that Sir Rifan has the opportunity to learn Hakoku!]

['Camel' Nasser: It's just a guy with good luck…]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: I see you rising up, Rifan, I look forward to the day you fell from the top.]

['Camel' Huuli: Heh, if you have the skill to be brave here, it's better to find someone to fight to become stronger, cowards. ]

['Camel' Nasser: You woman, you actually called me a coward, are you courting death?!]

['Camel' Huuli: Hehe, if you can do it. A real fighter should think about how to become stronger than leaving a provocative message here. After becoming stronger, think about how to challenge Rifan. ]

['Camel' Yuza: Listening to what you said, are you going to challenge Rifan?]

['Camel' Huuli: Isn't it exciting to fight against powerful warriors and win, hahahahahaha. ]

['Eagle' Tina: I always feel that the woman upstairs is a crazy woman. ]

Rifan is not aware of the discussions between the reincarnators and the audience in the real world, nor is he interested in understanding them.

At this moment, he was looking at the two extra strengthening scrolls in his personal inventory, and was a little dazed.

'It's really... a surprise. '

'Such a powerful reward was given.'

'Intermediate Armament Haki Awakening Scroll, because the use of Hakoku requires the use of Armament Haki at the imbuement level.'

'That's why the Intermediate Armament Haki Awakening Scroll will be issued at the same time as the 'Skill Scroll—Hakoku'.

Rifan rubbed his chin, then turned to look at Nojiko.

Nojiko noticed that Rifan was looking at her, and immediately responded with a big smile.

'Speaking of which, Nojiko possesses the devil fruit ability to transform into a giant, and I also possess the power to become a giant. If both she and I were to learn Hakoku, we could utilize it together, just like Dorry and Brogy. Isn't that exciting?'

Rifan thought in his heart.

Just as Rifan was thinking, Dorry's voice brought him back from his thoughts.

"Rifan, you should accept the challenge from Brogy and me right?"

Hearing this, Rifan looked at Dorry and Brogy with a smile on his face, and said:

"Of course, rather, I look forward to meeting the two again in Elbaf one day."

"However, if you two are interested in becoming my crew, I will be even happier."

[Eagle Audience: What? After getting such an excellent reward, this guy is still thinking of pulling two giant warriors into his pirate ship?!]

[The strength of the two giant warriors is so strong, if they really join... I can declare in advance that the Black Pearl Pirates are invincible!]

[Camel Audience: Too much! This man Rifan is too greedy!]

Dorry and Brogy were obviously a little dazed when they heard Rifan's words.

But soon, the two laughed heartily.

"Gyagagagaga, this is the first time a human invited us to be their crew member!"

"Although I am very happy to be invited by a fighter like you."

"But we still want to go back to Elbaf and re-train again."

Dorry shook his head.

"That's right, only by returning to Al Baf can we become stronger as soon as possible."

Brogy agreed.

"What a pity." Rifan shook his head regretfully, "Then can you two introduce me to the giant warriors who may join my pirate team in the future?"

"After seeing your two heroic figures in battle, I really hope that there will be a majestic giant in my pirate group."

Dorry raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile:

"When we go back, we will tell them about your deeds."

"At that time, if someone is willing to join the pirate group formed by humans, we will recommend you to him."

Hearing this, a happy smile appeared on Rifan's face:

"Then it's decided!"

"Dorry, Brogy, after fighting for so long makes me hungry again."

"I'll prepare some food for everyone first, and then we'll discuss how to leave together. What do you think?"

"Then it's decided!"

After Rifan finished speaking, he greeted his companions behind him and prepared to hunt the prey.

Naturally, Dorry and Brogy didn't want to wait, and joined the Hunt as well.

After a while, cooking smoke rose again in the central area of ​​Little Garden, and cheerful laughter resounded.

Some time passed.

Rifan and everyone returned to the Black Pearl.

And Dorry and Brogy also prepared a huge raft, and prepared to leave Little Garden with Rifan and others using a Log Pose.

"Captain Rifan, what's the matter?"

Nojiko pushed open the door of the captain's cabin, and asked Rifan with some doubts.

Rifan didn't speak, just smiled, walked briskly to Nojiko and picked up her clothes with his hand sliding into her lower body. 

Seeing this scene, Nojiko closed her eyes, as she knew that Rifan wanted to strengthen her.

[Rifan, you use the 'Intermediate Armament Haki Awakening Scroll' and 'Skill Awakening Scroll --- Hakoku' on Nojiko, Nojiko's personal attributes have been refreshed, please check it yourself. ]

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates (Level 2)]

[Name: Nojiko]

[Age: 20 years old]

[Crew number: 04]

[Position: Nurse (Skilled)]

[Physical: 5533]

[Physical level: C level]

[Devil Fruit: Clone-Clone Fruit— Awakened]

[Skills: Traditional Kanpo Kenpo (Incomplete), Hakoku]

[Special Abilities: Intermediate Armament Haki, Primary Observation Haki]

[Loyalty: 100 (Life and death go hand in hand)]

[Rifan, your personal talent "Strengthen the crew, equal return" has been activated, and you have learned "Hakoku". ]

[It has been checked that you already have 'Intermediate Armament Haki', and the relevant enhancements have been converted into 500 physical points and the skill 'Gungnir'!]

''Gungnir'? This should be the technique used by the giant warrior Hajrudin in the original book.'

'I remember that Hajrudin in the original book also called this move Elbuf's gun, just like Hakoku.

Rifan raised his eyebrows, quickly information about the 'Gungnir' flash in his mind.

Soon, he nodded knowingly.

The so-called Hakoku and Gungnir can actually be regarded as two different manifestations of the same technique...

'Hakoku', is a move performed with a weapon.

And the 'Gungnir' is the 'Hakoku' formed from the flesh that relies on the system of the giant race.

There is no doubt that both Hakoku and the Gungnir require the physique of a giant to use them.

At first, Rifan thought that after using the 'Skill Awakening Scroll— Hakoku', he also needed to transform into a giant before he could perform this trick.

However, after using the scroll awakening skill 'Hakoku', it may be because it is a technique provided by the copy space that he can use it as a human. 

It's just that in terms of power, the Hakoku cast by him in the human state is slightly weaker than the Hakoku cast by him after he turned into giants.

Correspondingly, when casting Hakoku as a human, the physical energy consumed will be correspondingly reduced.

"Is this Armament Haki?"

At that moment, Nojiko's voice pulled Rifan back from thinking.

He turned his head and found that Nojiko was looking at the Armament Haki wrapped around her hand with great interest.

"Try wrapping your Armament Haki on this famous sword 'Shigure', Nojiko."

Rifan took Shigure out of the inventory and handed it to Nojiko with a smile on his face.

Although swords are not necessary to use Hakoku, axes, short spears, and even maces held by Kaido are also possible.

However, Rifan felt that the only ones who could withstand Hakoku's power were Third Generation Kitetsu and Shigure.

"A sword, although I don't know how to use a sword, the moves that Captain Rifan taught me just now do require a weapon to use."

Nojiko nodded, took Shigure happily, and put it in her waist.

"Let's go, everyone is ready, we are leaving too."

Rifan waved to Nojiko and walked back to the deck.

As soon as the two arrived on the deck, Dorry's huge head appeared beside them.

"Rifan, there is one thing I forgot to tell you."

"On the outskirts of this island there is a huge goldfish that can swallow an island."

"If my and Brogy's weapons are not destroyed, it can be dealt with."

"But now we don't have any weapons in our hands."

"It might be a little difficult to deal with that guy."

"At that time, there may be some bumpy situations."

Dorry reminded kindly.

"Don't worry, Dorry, my Observation Haki has sensed that guy's presence."

"I'll deal with it when it pops up."

Rifan smiled, and took out the Kitetsu III from his inventory.

Now he doesn't need to worry that they can't display their newly gained technique with a live target at the front. 

"Haha, since that's the case, I'll leave it to you."

Dorry laughed loudly, he had no intention of giving way to the fighters he recognized.

After talking back to Brogy, the two picked up the huge sails and got ready to set sail.

At the same time, as Rifan issued the order to set sail, the Black Pearl also began to sail towards the distant sea.

A few minutes later, the sea began to tremble violently.

Following the appearance of ripples, a goldfish even bigger than a small island appeared in front of everyone.


Dorry stood up straight and muttered silently.

"Then, how will Rifan deal with it?"

Brogy scratched his head and looked at the Black Pearl with interest.

But this glance made him immediately round his eyes.

"Do...Dorry, look at Rifan, there seems to be something wrong with my eyes!"

Hearing Brogy's unbelievable tone, Dorry followed Brogy's line of sight in some puzzled way.

"Huh?! Brogy, there seems to be something wrong with my eyes too!"

"Yeah, Dorry! How else would we see Rifan and the little girl next to him in a Hakoku pose if there's nothing wrong with our eyes right?"

"Not only the posture, but also the momentum..."

From the perspective of Dorry and Brogy, Rifan has brought Nojiko to the bow of the Black Pearl.

The two of them each hold Third Generation Kitetsu and Shigure, and the Armament Haki on their bodies began to condense towards their sword.

Just when the giant goldfish was approaching the direction of the Black Pearl.

Rifan and Nojiko violently swung their long swords forward!


Accompanied by the shouts of Rifan and Nojiko.

Two whirlwind-like blade lights flew out from the hands of the two, and shot towards the giant goldfish! 

On the way, the sword glow swung by Rifan swallowed the sword glow swung by Nojiko, and turned into a bigger sword glow! 


The sword light hit the round belly of the giant goldfish! 

In an instant, the goldfish's belly burst like a balloon, and a large amount of blood sprayed out, dyeing the sea red in an instant!