
One piece : Whitebeard's successor (disciple )

Reborn in the world of one piece, aah finally I get my...cheat, what? I can inherit the power of dead....hmm...whose tomb it is....ohh there's something written..Edward newgate whitebeard..ahahahaahahaha I'm I really lucky.. Me : Akainu why are you running...? Akainu : motherf*ker how many devil fruit did you eat...a Me : Garp I want to hit by your iron fist..ohh where's garp.. Someone : sir when he heard you're coming he traveled to another continent Blackbeard : I don't wanna die someone save me please .. I thought one ability is not so I get ten..... Translation by :Arshpreet Author : evelthen master { doing it for fun, maybe I'll drop it YOU ARE READING IT FOR FREE }>

Divine_sin_Escanor · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 19

Title: The Tavern

A place to rest and relax


A few days passed quickly.

[Congratulations! You've completed waiting period !]

[Number of remaining days to check-in : 0]

[Host you've obtained one opportunity to inherit a deceased person, and there are still 7 days until the next inheritance opportunity is available!]

[A powerful man's body is stored in the system. Do you want to inherit it?]


Muchen didn't hesitate and immediately agreed upon hearing the system's voice.

After spending six days at sea, he finally had a chance to inherit, so he didn't hesitate to seize it.

Although Caesar himself was weak, having another Devil Fruit ability, especially a natural one, would be great.

[Ding, loading character information!]

Host: Muchen

Inheritance Panel: M. Caesar Clown

Strength: 13

Constitution: 14

Spirit: 22

Agility: 16

Ability: Gas Fruit

Evaluation: Due to minimal damage to the original body, the level of your inheritance this time is about 96%.

Remaining days to check-in: 7]

Feeling caesar's power flowing through him, Muchen couldn't help but be disappointed.

His abilities were really underwhelming!

But considering that he was a scientist, it was to be expected.

It was better than nothing, at least he got the gas fruit.

Knock, knock, knock...

Gentle knocks interrupted Muchen's focus on the system panel.

"Mu Chen, we have arrived at the Coating Island. Let's get ready to land," Ain's pleasant voice came from outside the door.


Muchen left the room and joined Zephyr.

The island become a lot larger when they come near if , and various ships were docked at the port.

Most of them were pirate ships, and there were very few regular ships.

Z had mentioned that this place is very chaotic, with rampant pirates, and the navy rarely come here.

After all, this was a new world, and the navy couldn't establish full control over it.

As the NEO warship docked, Zephyr turned to Muchen.

"You should disguise yourself so that you won't be recognized."

"Okay, but don't worry. Not many people know my face," Muchen nodded.



Wearing sunglasses, a beard, and a NEO military uniform, Muchen walked off the warship with everyone else.

Ain looked at Muchen, who had dressed differently, and her eyes brightened.

It would be great if Muchen truly jion the NEO Navy, she thought to herself.

Muchen didn't notice Ain's expression and stood next to Z.

They made their way to a tavern, just like in other cities where pirates are rampant.

The tavern is filled with noisy pirate groups.

The pirates noticed two newcomers they had never seen before.

One of them was a beautiful woman emanating an intense aura.

Ain's expression turned cold, and her eyes showed a hint of anger.

These pirates were infuriating!

Muchen's gaze hardened, and he emanated a strong presence.

In an instant, the tavern fell silent.

"You sea scumbags, be quiet," Muchen said calmly.

Muchen and Ain then went to the bar, where the tavern owner remained calm and composed.

"Can we get some drinks?"

"Two Binxes," Muchen threw a few coins and said.


The pirate who had been shocked earlier regained his senses and angrily slammed the bottle on the counter.

"Kid, are you looking for trouble?"

An intoxicated pirate stepped forward, veins popping on his forehead and neck, and yelled at Muchen.

Muchen, become target of the pirate's anger, before pirate reached muchen ,but Ain stood up with a furious expression.

These pirates had to be dealt with.

Muchen placed a hand on Ain's shoulder, signaling her to stay calm.

Then he turned in his chair and taunted, "What's wrong? Can't handle being called scumbags?"

"You piece of... go to hell!"

The drunken pirate's face was flushed with anger as he punched Muchen.

"Oh oh oh!!! Kill this fool who doesn't know his place!"

The other pirates in the tavern became excited, jeering and cheering.

That's what pirates are like, acting recklessly whenever they please.


The pirates suddenly fell silent, looking at Muchen still sitting calmly while the wine-nosed pirate was stuck in the wall.

Their faces were filled with disbelief.

"This is Brian the Bloody Hand, who has an 89 million bounty. How did he get defeated in an instant?"

"And that guy was just sitting there, I didn't even see him make a move!"

Bloody Hand Brian's crew pulled him out of the wall. His face was sunken, blood dripping, and he looked miserable.

"Damn bastard, let's avenge our boss, Bloody Hand!!!"

The crew, enraged by the lifeless Bloody Hand, yelled angrily, picked up their weapons, and attacked Muchen at the bar.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A few more sounds later, the crew met the same fate as their boss.

Muchen picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and grinned.

"Anyone else want to join them?"

Ain looked at Muchen's resolute face, her beautiful eyes shining.

So handsome!

She shook off her thoughts and picked up her own glass, smiling as she took a few sips.

On hearing Muchen's mocking tone, the other pirates immediately stood up, their faces flushed with anger.

In an instant, all the pirates roared and charged toward Muchen.

Muchen lightly chuckled and swiftly moved.

Soon, the once noisy tavern became quiet, with all the pirates lying on the ground, making no sound.

Muchen sat back down at the bar as if nothing had happened.

"Boss, you can exchange these pirates' heads for compensation," Muchen suggested.

The tavern owner calmly nodded. This kind of thing was common on this island.

He had been running the tavern for many years and had get his fair share of trouble.

The tavern owner called his staff to clean up while he wiped a wine glass with a white cloth.

"By the way, boss, do you have any recent news?"

Muchen had planned to gather information at the tavern but had been interrupted by the pirates.

"Yes, what news do you need?" the tavern owner asked.

"About Whitebeard jr."