
One piece: Vendetta

In the Great Pirate era marked by the ferocious conflict between Marines, Pirates, and Revolutionaries, a young child, scarred by the repercussions of their epic clash, resurfaces from the shadows. Driven by a personal vendetta to rectify the wrongs in society, while keeping promise made years ago. He faces monstrous outlaw with no fear, who has caused extreme suffering to many. Patreon: patreon.com/Honored_Fics

Ease_Life · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


The Uta song ceased, along with Aki's fluid motions. With swiftness, he pressed the gun's muzzle against the Rear Admiral's lips. The Rear Admiral's eyes widened with astonishment.

"Thanks for your service," Aki uttered, a smug grin adorning his face.

Just then, the Den Den Mushi rang out, its shrill purururu piercing the air. Bepo answered the call, and a voice echoed through the receiver, "Stop it, I am here." It was Kong's voice on the other end. Hina intercepted the conversation, her ears attuned to every word.

"Nah, just in the nick of time," Aki quipped, holstering his gun. Bepo swiftly handed the Voice Transmission snail to Aki, then scurried over to the Rear Admiral's side.

"Greetings, Commander-in-Chief, former Rear Admiral Kong," Aki said with a bow, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important. You know, like a mutiny or a plot to overthrow the entire naval fleet."

"No need for all the formalities," Kong replied curtly, his no-nonsense demeanor on full display. "Cut to the chase. What do you want?"

Aki let out a heavy sigh, as if carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with resolve, before exhaling deeply.

"I am utterly bored," Aki declared, his voice tinged with a touch of melodrama. "Let's spice things up with a quiz. If you win, I'll shove off this ship."

"What kind of question are we talking about here?" he inquired, his tone laced with suspicion.

Aki's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Oh, it's a question that involves marines and, of course, you," he replied, a sly grin spreading across his face.

Kong leaned in, his curiosity reaching its peak. "Alright, I'm all ears. What's the question?" he asked, feeling a little confused.

"30th November, 1522," Aki pronounced, his voice dripping with a deep, enigmatic tone.

"Okay? what's the question?" Kong demanded, not hearing other word from Aki.

"That's the question. 30th November, 1522. Does it strike a chord?" Aki's voice held a tinge of anger.

"I'm not here for jests, get serious," Kong retorted.

"I'm dead serious, stay put," Aki snapped, his frustration mounting. "Back when you were the Commander-in-Chief, on that fateful 30th November, 1522, Ohara City and its inhabitants were wiped off the face of the earth. Vanished from the annals of history." Aki continued, "And lo and behold! Today is the very same 30th November, and the riches and taxes amassed will be wiped clean, just like Ohara."

As Aki spoke, an explosion erupted aboard a nearby ship, its cacophony reaching Kong's ears.

"Put an end to that!" Kong slammed his fist on the desk, splitting it in two. "Let's give it another shot!"

"Alright," Aki acquiesced. "It's a simple question, and there's no one in the world who knows the answer better than you."

"Oh, really?"

"It's your specialty," Aki stated. "Who could be more fitting to ask than the Commander-in-Chief of the World Government?"

"Out with it!" Kong demanded, his impatience palpable.

Aki spoke with a clear, determined voice, "There's a band of people, a menace in the eyes of the World Government, posing a threat to public peace. What's your stance, Commander Kong?"

Kong remained silent, his attention fixed on Aki's words.

"Option A: Prioritize the safety of innocent civilians, even if it means letting the criminal slip through our grasp," Aki laid out the first option. "Option B: Capture the criminal, regardless of the sacrifices that must be made."

Aki paused, a surge of anger radiating from within. "Well, Commander Kong, which path do you choose?"

Kong took a moment to collect his thoughts, shutting his eyes briefly. "There's no need for contemplation. It's a simple decision."

"The protection of civilians must take precedence," Kong responded firmly.

Aki's disappointment echoed through the air with a tinge of sadness. "Such a disheartening answer coming from you, the former head admiral. Does it truly hold priority?"

"It most certainly does," Kong affirmed.

"Wrong answer, Commander," Aki retorted. "The Warlord System, the current state of Alabasta and Dressrosa, the chaos that engulfs the Grand Line, and above all, the tragic fate of... Ohara. All of these instances justify the sacrifice of innocent lives, branding them as nothing more than collateral damage." Aki sighed heavily. "I am utterly disappointed. The deal is off."

"It's amusing how you justify your every action with the excuse of preserving public peace," Aki remarked, a sardonic smile playing on his lips. "Yet, you shed the blood of the very individuals you claim to protect."

Aki was about to switch off the transponder snail when Kong interjected, his voice stern. "Ask for what you want. Spare me these games."

Aki drew the transponder snail closer, his expression begrudgingly compliant. "Alright, as a sign of deference, I'll set aside my ego and humor you for the last time."

"I want you to deliver a message to someone," Aki continued, his tone measured. "Fetch a den den mushi."

One of his subordinates promptly handed him a den den mushi, as Aki prepared to make the call.

"Contact Big News Morgan," Aki instructed.

Kong's demeanor turned serious, well aware of the weight carried by words spoken through Big News Morgan. "What should I convey?"

"Nothing too grand," Aki replied, a wicked gleam in his eye. "Just a simple declaration of a pirate extermination operation set to take place in the North Blue within a week. Let's show the world that the Marines are capable of eradicating pirates, all while giving them advance warning."

"That's absurd!" Kong exclaimed.

"You think it's absurd?" Aki retorted, his voice tinged with incredulity. "Well, let me tell you what's even more ludicrous."

"Hmm!" Kong grunted in response.

"The staggering amount of tax collected over a thousand years, and yet nothing substantial has been accomplished. I'm here to ensure that the tax money is put to good use," Aki declared firmly. "Make the call, now!" Aki growled.

Kong dialed the number to reach Big News Morgan. "Oh, Commander-in-Chief, quite unexpected to receive a call from you. What brings you here?"

"We're initiating a pirate extermination project in the North Blue," Kong stated.

Aki interjected, "Tell him that any pirate with a bounty exceeding 30 million berries shall face justice in the North Blue within this week."

Kong gripped the transponder snail and muttered under his breath, "That's preposterous. We need more time for such an endeavor."

A mighty explosion erupted on a nearby ship, shattering its deck and engulfing it in flames, illuminating the sea and sky. "You've had generations to address this issue. I'm giving you an additional seven days. Shouldn't that be sufficient?" Aki commented, his face illuminated by the fiery glow.

"Put an end to that!" Kong grumbled, though the explosions persisted. "Alright, fine!"

"Morgan, in less than a week, there won't be a single pirate left in the North Blue with a bounty exceeding 30 million," Aki declared with conviction, invoking the name of the World Government.

The explosions ceased, the chaos momentarily subdued.

"Are you certain? That's quite a bold claim to make," Morgan responded, clearly taken aback by the magnitude of the declaration.

"It's a challenge thrown at the pirates, a chance for them to save themselves if they possess the capacity to do so," Kong replied, his teeth clenched tightly together.