
One Piece: Undefeated

What will happen when a fan is sent to One Piece world with three wishes? What changes will he bring to the destiny?

ConDOriano · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Calm before the storm.

During his time in Foosha, he asked Dragon to fight him because he wanted to see how strong one of the strongest men in the world was. Garp was also interested, so he went along with them to observe the fight.

Neo stood across from Monkey D. Dragon with his activated Sharingan as he prepared to fight the future leader of the Revolutionary Army. Dragon was one of the most powerful people in the world, and Neo knew that this would be challenging.

They both got in their fighting positions, with Neo's fists clenched and Dragon's arms held out in front of him. They started to circle each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

Suddenly, Dragon came charging forward with his fist aimed at Neo's chest. Neo was ready for the attack, though, and he was able to block it with his arm using armament haki , but it hurt like hell after he backed off a little.

But as soon as the sparring match started, Neo realized he had greatly underestimated his opponent. Dragon was lightning-fast, and his movements were graceful and precise. Neo barely had time to react before Dragon hit him with a devastating blow that sent him crashing to the ground.

Neo quickly got back on his feet, determined not to lose so easily. He charged at Dragon and threw a flurry of punches and kicks using haki, but Dragon easily dodged and countered each one.

"You're too predictable," Dragon said in a calm and even tone. "You need to learn how to think on your feet and adapt to your opponent's moves."

Neo gritted his teeth, annoyed that he couldn't land a strong blow. He tried to predict what Dragon would do next by concentrating even more and spinning his sharingan became faster. It was useless, though, Dragon was simply too powerful and good at combat. And just when Neo thought he had finally gotten the upper hand to strike a good blow, Dragon did a lightning-fast combination that sent Neo reeling and gasping for breath. and he didn't even use his devil fruit ability.

"You have a lot of potential, Neo," Dragon said, holding out a hand to help him stand up. "But you have a lot more to learn. Keep training, and one day you may be able to beat me."

Neo nodded, feeling a mixture of admiration and frustration. He had always been proud of his growth speed, but now he understood that he still had a long way to go before he could truly call himself a master of combat. There are a lot of hidden powerhouses in this world. Neo vowed to work harder and to one day beat Monkey D. Dragon in a fair fight. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was still determined to succeed one day.

As Neo recovered and stood up, Garp appeared beside him. "So, you lost to Dragon, huh?" he said with a grin spreading across his face. "Let's see if you can do any better against me."

Neo didn't give up and fought back with everything he had, but he still lacked strength and experience. He would get better after each sparring match, and he soaked up fighting techniques like a sponge. He was always eager to learn more and improve his skills, and he would get better after each match.

Over the next few days, they continued to spar and train, and Neo's skills and strength got better and better as the days went by. Garp would offer him advice and teach him new techniques, always pushing him to his limits.


Meanwhile on Lodestar Island:

Roger's search for the last island of the Grand Line led him to Lodestar Island, but there he hit a dead end. His Log Pose was acting strangely, and no matter which way he went, the needle would spin out of control and never record a destination.

He stood on the deck of his ship, the Oro Jackson, and looked out over the vast ocean along with his crew. They have been sailing for years, looking for the ultimate treasure he knew was somewhere out there but he couldn't do much more without more information.

Roger saw this as a sign that this last island was very special and that the World Government didn't want anyone to know about it. He knew he had to find the real end of the Grand Line, and he wouldn't give up until he did the key to this mystery are the road ponyglyphs.

"Rayleigh, it seems this is not the last island."

"What should we do now Captain?"

"Guys, Let's head towards Zou, we need to search for the four road ponyglyphs."

"Aye aye Captain", The legendary crew of Roger cheered loudly. Silvers Rayleigh, Crocus, Scopper Gaban, Young Shanks, and Buggy were among the crewmates.