
One Piece: Ulquiorra Cifer Template System

In a twist of fate, Ash found himself reborn in the vibrant and perilous world of One Piece, taking on the role of Rocks' younger brother. Endowed with the formidable abilities inherent in the Ulquiorra template, Ash quickly garnered attention on the island of God Valley for his unprecedented strength, striking fear into the hearts of all who crossed his path. Ash, who possesses the Ulquiorra template, was besieged by many strong men on the island of God Valley because of his strength. Saved by the system that intervened in the nick of time, Ash escaped from death and fell into a deep sleep. The World Government collected Ash's body and put it on the unknown seventh floor of Impel Down: Devil's Nest! Disclaimer: Photo not mine Source: https://wap.faloo.com/ 5 chapters a week

Toushii · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5: Resurrection 1st Form (1)


The next moment, the dark green aura shot towards the surrounding people at extremely high speed.


Everyone present is simply helpless and didn't react at all. They cancel their attack and use Armament Haki to wrap their bodies to resist the [BALA] released by Ash.




The sound of explosions rang out continuously, and everyone who was hit by Ash's ability felt the terrifying energy contained in it, and they couldn't help but grit their teeth.

At least Sengoku and Roger can defend Ash's attack calmly without being injured. But the speed of [BALA] is not something they can dodge at all.

Even with the Observation Haki they have. In front of Ash's abilities, it seems useless. (They are still not at their prime, so that's why.)

After releasing the [BALA] to interrupt the offensive of these guys, Ash's smiled, and raised his right hand again, aiming his index finger at Scopper Gaban, the third strongest member of the Roger Pirates.

A dark green aura condenses on Ash's index finger; next second, a terrifying Reiatsu shot directly at Gaban's position.

[CERO] (A powerful energy blast, generated from the index finger)


"Gaban! Watch out!" Roger's pupils suddenly dilated, and then he turned his head and shouted anxiously at Gaban.

Almost at the same time as Roger's reminder, Gaban saw a dark green aura coming towards him quickly, and it was already impossible to dodge. Gaban could only grit his teeth and crossed the two axes in his hand to block in front of him.


There was a sound of metal clashing, and after a second of stalemate, the two axes that had followed Gaban for many years were directly pierced by Ash's ability.


When [CERO] was about to fall between Gaban's eyebrows, Gaban moved as fast as he'd ever been, tilted his head as hard as he could, and let [CERO] fly past his cheek.


"Aaahh! T-that was close!" Gaban screamed in pain while touching the half of his face that was closely brushed by [CERO].

"Gaban!" Hearing Gaban screaming in pain, Roger and Rayleigh's eyes were full of anger, and an incomparable killing intent burst out of their bodies.


Roger held his sword tightly and rushed towards Ash's position. After seeing Roger's actions, Sengoku glanced at Zephyr beside him, and they used [Soru] (which allows the users to move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater power.) to teleport in Ash's position together.

At the same time, Garp used [Seimei Kikan] (a technique that can heal oneself from minor injuries by stopping bleeding and repairing torn skin.) to recover a little from Ash's stormy offensive just now.

After recovering a little, Garp used his Armament Haki, and wrapped it in his fists. While gritting his teeth, Garp charged at Ash again. Garp wanted to see it. Under the siege of so many strong men, how long can Ash survive?

Watching these guys move, Ash raised his right hand slowly, and the Zanpakutō with green handle and white blade: Murciélago (Black Winged Great Demon in Japanese.) appeared in his hand in an instant.

After seeing the Zanpakutō in Ash's hand, Sengoku's pupils dilated suddenly, and he yelled without turning his head, "Don't waste time! Just do it with all your strength!"

"It seems Ash's strength is stronger than the last time." After finishing speaking, Sengoku, who was running towards Ash, tore off the cloak of justice behind him and activated his Devil Fruit, Hito Hito no Mi • Model: Daibutsu/Buddha (Mythical Zoan Type).

Sengoku's whole body was shining with dazzling golden light, and his body rapidly grew in an instant.

Although Roger, Garp, and Zephyr do not have the Devil Fruit ability, they also activate their Armament Haki to the fullest and wrap it in their fists and weapons. The four of them attacked Ash in the center at the same time from a square position.

Faced with this siege, under the gaze of everyone, Ash's mouth raised up slightly, and a weird smile appeared on his face.

[Sonído] (An Arrancar technique that can move extremely fast)

The next moment, Ash, who had been locked by Senguko, Zephyr, Garp, and Roger, suddenly disappeared in place.

By this time, Senguko, Zephyr, Garp, and Roger's offensive can no longer be reversed; they can only bite the bullet and clash their abilities with their ally.

"You know I'm fast, but still attack me in a square position? How foolish!" Ash said in a mocking tone.





The powerful aftermath is centered on the positions of the four of them, sweeping in all directions, and before they make another move, a palpitating, piercing sound sounds.


Garp, who became Ash's target again, had his heart beating wildly, quickly raised his fist, pointed at his side, and punched hard.


Fist and Zanpakutō collided, making a metal clashing sound. Ash's terrifying strength made Garp's face look in pain.

What makes Garp most unacceptable is that, obviously, he has covered his fists with Armament Haki, but he can still clearly feel the pain of the flesh and blood being cut by the sword.

After a few seconds of stalemate, Garp was directly blasted out again. Just when Ash wanted to end Garp's life, Sengoku, Zephyr, and Roger blocked Ash again while attacking using their fists and sword.

Ash smiled lightly and mocked while waving the Zanpakutō in his hand to defend, "What a troublesome! You guys really like a dog after mating; you can't shake them off no matter what!"

"Mock while you can ash; you will die anyway!" Roger replied in an angry tone.

"We will do everything we can to end you two Rocks brothers lives!" Senguko added.

Garp, who was blasted out, shook his head. After waking up, he looked at Ash, who was still able to handle the siege with ease.

"Damn monster!" After saying that, Garp turned his head and looked at the others and spoke angrily, "Hey you guys, what are you waiting for?!"

At the same time, Charlotte Linlin, Silver Axe, Captain John, Ochoku, and three Cp0 members finally didn't intend to continue the wait-and-see situation and also participate in this siege operation.

After all, they weren't in the same camp to begin with. If it weren't for the Five Elders scheming plan, the Marines would have attacked these lawless Pirates.

At this time, one of the Cp0 members glanced at the bewildered Garp without emotion. "Is this one of the next Marine [Admirals] that your Marines pre-determined?"

"You Marines are getting worse and worse!"

"Watch your mouth, boy! I don't mind killing you first," Garp replied in an angry tone.

"Stop it, Garp! It's not a good time to argue with him. We still have to kill Ash first!" Senguko intervenes to calm the situation.


"Oh~ are y'all going all out now?" Facing so many top powerhouses, Ash finally gave up the idea of continuing to play.

Relying on the strength contained in the fist and sword of Zephyr and Roger, Ash retreated a little while looking at everyone, who rushed at him.

Then, Ash smiled while raising the Zanpakutō in his hand and spoke slowly.

"Resurrection 1st Form•Murciélago!"