
One Piece: Ulquiorra Cifer Template System

In a twist of fate, Ash found himself reborn in the vibrant and perilous world of One Piece, taking on the role of Rocks' younger brother. Endowed with the formidable abilities inherent in the Ulquiorra template, Ash quickly garnered attention on the island of God Valley for his unprecedented strength, striking fear into the hearts of all who crossed his path. Ash, who possesses the Ulquiorra template, was besieged by many strong men on the island of God Valley because of his strength. Saved by the system that intervened in the nick of time, Ash escaped from death and fell into a deep sleep. The World Government collected Ash's body and put it on the unknown seventh floor of Impel Down: Devil's Nest! Disclaimer: Photo not mine Source: https://wap.faloo.com/ 5 chapters a week

Toushii · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: Ulquiorra Cifer Template

On the pirate ship near the coast of God Valley Island.

"Damn it! Those bastards! They actually join forces with the Marines and the World Government?" Kaido, with a muscular body, said angrily.

Besides Kaido, the young King/Alber, whose whole body was wrapped in black clothes and had small black wings, also spoke anxiously, "Kaido, let's go help brother Ash!"

While talking, King directly pulled out his sword, ready to support Ash in the center of the island, but before King moved, Kaido grabbed his shoulder, stopping his action.

"Kaido, what are you doing? Are you going to just watch brother Ash be besieged by those bastards?" King looked back and asked Kaido furiously.

After calming down, Kaido spoke slowly. "Maybe brother Ash has already expected this situation."

Hearing Kaido, King stopped his movement and tightened his right hand, holding the hilt of the sword. "What do you mean?"

Kaido let go of his palm that was holding King's shoulder and turned his head to look at the center of the island, where the war was about to break out.

After taking a deep breath, Kaido said, "Brother Ash told me before coming to God Valley Island."

"The mission of the two of us is to evacuate all the treasures on this island."

"Other than that, no matter what happens, we can't participate in this war."

Then King asked confusedly, "You mean, brother Ash knew this was going to happen? If that's the case, then why did he still come to this island?"

"I don't know," Kaido replied, and he also didn't understand Ash's actions.

"Let's just trust brother Ash. With his terrifying strength, even if those guys join forces, they can't deal with him easily," Kaido said firmly.


In the center of the God Valley island.

Feeling the tense atmosphere around him, Ash thought calmly, "System, open my panel."


[Host: Rocks·D·Ash

Current Template: Ulquiorra Cifer

Template progress: 87%


•Flight Lv. ??? (Like all Arrancar and Shinigami, Ulquiorra can fly, or more specifically, levitate.)

•Hierro Lv. Advanced (An Arrancar technique that makes the skin strong enough to block attacks)

•Sonído Lv. Advanced (An Arrancar technique that can move extremely fast)

•Bala Lv. Advanced (A concentrated shot of spirit energy that shoots from the hand)

•Pesquisa Lv. Advanced (An ability that can sense spiritual energy)

•Cero Lv. Advanced (A powerful energy blast, generated from the index finger)

•High-Speed Regeneration Lv. Advanced

•Swordsmanship Lv. Advanced

•Observation Haki Lv. Advanced

•Armament Haki Lv. Advanced

•Conqueror's Haki Lv. Top

•Resurrection 1st Form

(Level system: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Top, Peak)

Soul Points: 0 (Soul Points/SP can be used to improve the power and level of various abilities.)

"There is still a long way to go before unlocking Ulquiorra's second form of resurrection," thought Ash after looking at his panel.

As a reincarnated person, Ash also has his own system, the Ulquiorra Cifer Template System in the Bleach World.

In terms of strength, Ulquiorra definitely belongs at the top of Espada. After all, he is the first and only terrifying existence with a second form of resurrection.

As long as Ash can improve Ulquiorra's template progress to 100%, it is completely possible to become the [Strongest Person] in the world of One Piece.

Unfortunately, it's only been two and a half years since Ash activated the system, but even so, Ash didn't even have the slightest thought of running away today.

Ash is very clear, with the terrifying talent he has shown in the past years and his identity as Rocks' younger brother, especially Ash's unscrupulous style of doing things. Even if he can escape successfully this time, those guys will never stop.

"In this case, let's have a hearty battle," Ash said loudly, echoing throughout the island.

Kong glanced at the two Rocks brothers and spoke, "Ash! Rocks! Surrender now! If you choose to give up resistance, maybe you still have a chance to survive."

"But if you insist on fighting and continue to resist, the only thing waiting for you is death." Kong's words of persuasion echoed over the island.

After hearing this, Rocks laughed out loud on the spot. "BWAHAHAHA"

"Seriously, Kong, it's already at this time, and you still want us to surrender?"

"Is it because the word justice has been in your cape for many years and you really think you're a righteous person?"

"Do you really think we'll believe such nonsense? BWAHAHAHA" Rocks laughed and touched his belly while rolling on the ground to taunt the naive Kong crazily.

Unlike the exaggerated taunt of Rocks, Ash just smiled slightly, nodding, as if he understood Kong's persuasion. "Understand, Kong is getting old. It's normal for him to be stupid occasionally."

Kong: hp-99999 critical

"Damn Rocks! Damn Ash! I'm going to kill you two bastards with my own hands today!" The tacit cooperation between Rocks and Ash makes Kong break the inner defense on the spot.