

[Chapter 46: Money]


"Hyaaa... It's so hot today..."

"I know right? Moreover, that motherfucker Sid actually had the guts to take a day off when we made a promise in the name of our everlasting friendship to never take a day off when the others couldn't...!"

"I don't think he ever did that, but he is indeed an asshole for leaving us here, melting under this scorching sun... He is probably enjoying a cold drink under the shadow of a palm tree right now"

"Hngh...! That fucker, the next time I see him, I will kick his ass so hard that he won't be able to even shit ever again!"

"That's some harsh punishment... but sure, go with it"

In the middle of the street, Aveir and Blue were talking between themselves while doing some patrolling in case there were any pirates causing ruckus in the town.

As they watched the people pass through the street, suddenly they noticed Tashigi running at full speed with dozens of marines following behind her.

"Everyone, Captain Smoker is currently pursuing the straw-hats, we need to provide assistance immediately!"

"O-oh, you heard that, right, Blue? It seems like it's my time to enter into action once again..."

"So Straw-hat finally appears, huh? I guess Captain Smoker wasn't wrong then..."

"We should hurry up, or we might get left behind"

"You're right, Si...- Sid?! The heck are you doing here?!"

As they noticed the familiar voice of their mob companion coming from behind them, both of them turned around and found Sid standing there wearing his uniform and carrying a musket as if he was ready to capture some pirates.

"Oi, bastard! Where the hell were you while we were melting under this sun?!" Aveir, who noticed the existence of Sid, grabbed him by the collar and yelled angrily at him.

"I've been here since the very beginning"



"What do you mean you were here since the beginning...?"

Both, Aveir and Blue were completely dumbfounded at the incredibly unexpected revelation that Sid gave them.

"It means that I have been here since we started patrolling, didn't you notice me? I thought you guys were joking when you said something about kicking my ass because of taking a day off..."




"Hyahahaha, of course we were joking. But maaaan~ I already knew that you had a very thin presence... But to make us not notice you for an entire day? You're surpassing yourself every day. Don't worry my friend, even if you're so unnoticeable that probably no girl will even notice your existence in your entire life, I know that there must be someone for you in this enormous world, so have confidence"

"Hahaha, you're right... Though I don't know if you really have someone for you..."

"What was that fucker?!"

"Alright guys, enough of fighting, We need to go and help Captain right now!"

"Ah, that's right. Let's go! Today the legend of Aveir the strongest man in the world will be known to the kingdom of Arabasta!"






Sid POV:

After I fooled Aveir and Blue into thinking that I was actually with them the whole time, We all started running around pursuing the Straw-hats. However, it wasn't long before the center of Nanohana turned into a complete hell, as Ace and Smoker started beating the shit down of each other. And the Straw-hats running away while fended off Smoker, our group had no more option but to split up and go help Smoker.

However, when we arrived, the battle had already ended. Ace had already run away using the dense smoke covering the whole area as a way to hide himself, and Smoker was looking around with a tense look in his eyes as the fight ended up being a complete failure where he lost the Straw-hats once again and didn't even get to defeat Ace at least.


"Captain Smoker, what happened here?" Tashigi, who was inspecting the place with astonished eyes, looked at Smoker, who had an even more grumpy face than usual.

"What the heck is the captain of the second division of Whitebeard's pirates doing here...?! Urgh... Never mind, listen well Tashigi. Tell the troops that we will start heading towards Rainbase now"

"What?! Why?! Did Straw-hat Luffy say that?"

"No, it's more of a hunch... Anyways, we will be parting in a few hours, so tell everyone to get ready before then"

"Y-yes, Captain Smoker!"

Hoh~? Rainbase? That's right, the next encounter of the Straw-hats with Smoker was there... I had actually forgotten about it. It seems like time is starting to affect my memories.

Well, I was planning to go there anyways, after all there's something there that I desire deeply. And since the Straw-hats will probably arrive there in a few days more, I will also have enough time to plan everything out...

What am I thinking about, you may ask? Well, there are certain things about Crocodile, the main villain of this Arc in the story, that people do not remember at all.

However, thanks to my hardious investigation (And to the newspaper) I knew that besides being a Shichibukai, Crocodile was also the owner of the only Casino in the whole Kingdom of Arabasta.

And it is also known that Casinos are one of the most profitable business in the world... Making use of the people's greed in order to fill their pockets... Tsk Tsk Tsk, what a despicable way to make money!

So I plan to steal all of it without Crocodile even noticing. And for that I will have to infiltrate within Baroque Works, and gather some information about where the hell does he store all the money that the Casino produces... Because it was seen that Crocodile didn't give a fuck about the Casino being destroyed when he tried to capture the Straw-hats. So it's very unlikely that the money is saved within that place.

There was also a guy called Gild Tesoro from a movie that was known to be the richest man on earth or some shit like that. However, since I didn't watch any of the movies because I already had enough watching 700+ chapters in one summer, and my internet connection was kinda shit, I didn't know exactly where he could be.

I already knew that he was at the New World sea thanks to the newspaper. However, not the exact location, unfortunately. And since I was already quite busy with my job as a marine, gathering all their inner information without them noticing, and my act as Asura, making a proper standing in the Marines organization in order to become a hero later, I couldn't find the time to go and borrow some money from Gild Tesoro.

Otherwise, that guy could have been already left without even a penny in just one day! Since that kind of fortune could have gone perfectly with my Shadow eminence organization.

However, it seemed that my future fortune would have to wait.

Well, it's not like I was penniless. I already had a few billions saved up thanks to me capturing quite a bunch of pirates, doing some merchant work, and borrowing some pocket money from important corporations that abused of their Mob-workers. So I guess that Gran Tesoro could wait for a bit...

Money... Money... Money!!

Money is the only thing that makes this world move!! (Aside from food)... If I control all the money of this world, then I will control the whole world!


"Oi, Sid you fucker, stop laughing like that"


Damn, why is it that creepers always kill me in my hardcore runs at Minecraft...

This is my third try, fortunately I've already gathered quite a lot of resources and it's becoming hard for me to die now.

Let's hope I don't die to the Dragon or the Wither.

Anyways, that's all for today.


Jarron7creators' thoughts
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