
One Piece: Thunderclap

A man who lived an average life and died in the most cliche way, got a second chance in life to live in his favourite fictional world. And he'll be damned if he didn't live his life to the fullest this time. There will be a system. Harem? Probably not. We'll see. Will he join strawhats. No. I'll try not to make him too OP. Power system will be mostly one piece based other than a few skills from the system.

justadudewithapen · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 7 - Vice Admiral Garp and A Life Changing Decision

Raiden was in awe. This was the first time he met a canon character. And it was Luffy's grandfather, the marine hero Garp. Raiden was beyond ecstatic. He took a deep breath mentally and composed himself.

Garp looked at Raiden in wonder. The 10 year old was overflowing with vitality. Garp's grin widened as he daydreamed about turing this boy into a powerful marine.

Raiden was oblivious to it. He was just excited see one of the characters he saw in the anime standing in front of him.

"Brat how in the world did you kill a devil fruit user huh?" Garp was really curious. It's not everyday you meet a 10 y/o that can neutralize a full grown devil fruit user.

Raiden was more than happy to explain everything. The more Garp and Rock listened the more they were astonished at the boy's intellect. He crafted a proper plan by taking both their situation into consideration and executed it flawlessly.

"Wait, how did you know about the weakness of devil fruits? I didn't think it was that commonly known in East Blue." Grap grilled Raiden even more.

"Oh that? Grandpa told me."

Raiden thinking quickly on his feet put all the blame on his grandpa.

"Huh when did I tell you that?" Rock was confused. He didn't remember teaching anything like that to Raiden. Only Raiden knew that he, infact did not teach Raiden about devil fruits and their weaknesses. This was just the knowledge he knew from his past life.

"You're getting old, grandpa..." Raiden continued to gaslight Rock in believing he told Raiden about Devil fruits.

"Bah! Who cares. That was a smart plan brat, how about it...wanna become a marine?" Garp was getting restless, he wanted the brat under his wing.

Ever since Roger started the Great Age of Piracy, marine headquarters was under a lot of pressure. They needed strong marines. The boy infront of him had amazing potential and he wanted to groom him to be a good marine.

Raiden was seriously thinking about the offer. He started listing pros and cons of joining marines. He would get great opportunity to train, access to resources and if he felt like it he'll just desert his position.

"Absolutely not!!!"

A loud voice interrupted his thought process. Mary was fuming. She won't let these two fools corrupt her grandson. She already lost her son, her husband became a cripple and the reason her marriage ended. No way she's letting her grandson enter the same hell hole.

She quickely hugged Raiden who was staring at her with a confused and bewildered face.

"Get lost both of you. He's not going anywhere. Go and recruit marines elsewhere."

Grap and Rock were at a loss. They knew why Mary hated marines with passion and they didn't blame her.

"...Mary we need young recruits to carry out justice."

"HUH!? What justice!? Wait, let me guess the justice where you hypocrites.." *covers Raiden's ears* "...suck those celestial dicks!?" *uncovers Raiden's ears* "Or the justice where you work with the same pirates you were once hunting!?"

"Go away, Raiden isn't joining Marines and that's final."


Mary had laboured breathing at this point. She was still furious.


"Mary...I know how you feel, but your worldview is limited. Yes marines have to follow the orders of those celestial scums but...without marines the pirates will overturn this world."

"That boy... he's a D and has the conqueror qualifications. He can never sit back here in this small island. He is destined to be on the sea."

"Think about my offer boy. And you too...Mary but keep in mind, he'll either join marine or you make sure he never leave this island. Because if I find out he became a pirate..."

Garp started moving away towards his warship.

"...I'll hunt him down myself."


'Oi! Oi! What's with that ominous warning.'

He knew grap wasn't kidding. The only reason he didn't arrest Luffy was because he's his grandson. Raiden and Garp share no such relation.

'*sigh* this just became way more complicated for no reason.'

He looked at his grandma who was shaking. At this point all he could do was hug her and comfort her.

Rock was just sanding there...silent.

"Grandma, grandpa let's go home for now."

They both just nodded their head and left for Mary's house.


Raiden had a lot on his mind. Becoming a pirate and a marine, both were really viable options. One provided freedom while other stability.

He didn't sleep a bit that night.

(Next morning)

It was early morning and not a lot of villagers were up yet.

Raiden went to his training ground. He was really attached to this place.

"*Sigh* Man this is hard."


Raiden turned around to see his grandpa. Looking at him he could tell the man didn't have a wink of sleep.

"Come here boy..."

Raiden ran up to him and they both walked towards a cliff facing the sea.

"Raiden...this place is really special you know. This is where I confessed my love to your grandma. This is where we married. This is where I trained my son to be a marine..."

"Your grandma cares about you a lot. She knows that you will leave the village anyway.

She's...just scared."

"I know"

Rock smiled at the boy.

They were together for 6 months but it was more than enough for him to consider Raiden is actual grandson.

"Grap said he had some urgent matter to attend to in new world."

"He'll be back in 8 months. Let's start you traning boy. I'll show the marine 6 styles. The Rokushiki."

Rock looked at Raiden who was wide eyed and smiled.

"I know you grandma agrees too, right honey?"

Raiden was confused, until he heard a snort coming from one of the trees.


"What do you want brat! If you've made your decision then don't bother me now! Hmph!"

"...just be safe, please." She added in a low voice.

Raiden beamed. Rock just smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Well then let's train you properly now, boy."


Both Raiden and Rock laughed while Mary just had a fond smile. She clutched her necklace that had a picture of her son.

"Looks like someone is going to carry your will...my baby."

A small tear dropped on the necklace.

The dawn that day was special...one that marked the rise of someone who will create massive ripple effects in the preset story.


AN- How was it ? I need to learn more how to write endings like this without being cringey.

Anyway. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

justadudewithapencreators' thoughts