
One Piece: Thunderclap

A man who lived an average life and died in the most cliche way, got a second chance in life to live in his favourite fictional world. And he'll be damned if he didn't live his life to the fullest this time. There will be a system. Harem? Probably not. We'll see. Will he join strawhats. No. I'll try not to make him too OP. Power system will be mostly one piece based other than a few skills from the system.

justadudewithapen · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 4 - Training

Raiden woke up early the next. Surprisingly Mary was already up. He greeted her and told her he was going to explore the village.

She didn't have to know what he planned to do.

Mary would let him roam around. Even tho she didn't like Rock, she knew his presence made this island really safe.

Raiden started his training with basic cardio. He needed to understand his training limit first.

Surprisingly even his 10 year old body had insane stamina levels.

It took him and hour of running at full speed to finally exhaust his stamina. And the best part, he felt his body improving by seconds.




Level - 1(0/100)

Titles: Member of D clan

An enigmatic clan with deep history. Not much is known about them other than the fact that wherever they are they will bring a wave of change.

Effect : Constitution +50%

Charisma +50%

Physical stats:

Strength - 3(+0.15)

Constitution -5(+3)

Agility - 4

Intelligence - 35 (Cannot be increased by free stat points)

Will -10 (Cannot be increased by free stat points)

Charisma -10(+5) (Cannot be increased by free stat points)

Free stat points - 10

Free skill points -6

Haki - None

Observation(not available)

Armament(not available)

Conqueror(not available)

Devil fruits - None

Combat techniques - None

Skills -


The beginning stage of a godly ability.

For now user can only see the level and physical stats.

At user's level-cannot check attributes of non living things.

(Can be used to enhance ???)

Enhanced physique(D-rank)(Active)-

Constitution (+10%)


Regeneration rate(+10%)

(Stackable with devil fruits)]

After taking a break for some time and eating the food he stole from grandma Mary, Raiden started his strength training.

He didn't have access to modern gym equipments so decided to just do push-ups, sit ups, squats and made crude weights like Zoro did for lifting.

It was a grueling training for a 10 year old child...that is if that child was from earth. This world didn't have same laws.

Raiden started his training at 6 am and looking at the sun, it was nearly mid-day. He decided to wash himself and head back home to eat something.

Raiden didn't even think about learning the marine Rokushiki or haki for two main reasons.

First being his body, that was too weak to even attempt trying learning them and the second being Rock. He was a Rear Admiral at one point who mastered the Rokushiki. If he catch Raiden using them he'll become suspicious.

Anyway right now his focus was on improving his physical stats anyway. He has a lot of time to learn combat techniques.

He headed back home and enjoyed grandma Mary's food, who looked at him suspiciously for a few moments but soon lost her interest.

(3 months later)

Raiden has been diligently following his routine for 3 months now. He marvelled at how amazing the bodies of people in this world was. Unlike in his past life you didn't have to spend months only to see a tiny improvement.

His body was improving everyday and that made working out even more rewarding. No wonder people here can devote so much time training without exhausting. When you get results this fast it is expected.

Anyway another things that happend during this time was that Rock found out he was training.

Initially he got scolded for doing such harsh training but Raiden managed to convince him to let him train.

And so at 2 months mark Raiden got an inctructor who trained him. And the results were night and day. Although Rock's training was hard, Raiden saw more growth doing it how Rock taught him.

They both decided to keep it a secret from grandma Mary. Even thinking about how she'll react was scary for both of them.

(2 months later)

At this point Raiden has been training tirelessly for 5 months. He even forgot to look at his status page. It was only a notification that reminded him he had a system.


[Constitution has reached 10 points

Host has unlocked following of the three passive skills

• Iron Bone -(1 Skill point)



Agility -5%

•Enhanced Musculature -(1 Skill point)



•Enhanced Organ Systems-(1 skill point)



Raiden was shocked to see the notification.

He genuinely forgot about his system.

Looking at his options he was in deep thought. All these skills are must need. But he had limited number of skill points.

After some thinking he decided to buy all three skills.


[Skill Iron bones aquired

Skill Enhanced Musculature aquired

Skill Enhanced Organ system aquired]

Raiden felt warm energy gushing through his body. He never felt so alive.

"Let me check my stats." Raiden said excitedly.




Level - 1(0/100)

Titles: Member of D clan

An enigmatic clan with deep history. Not much is known about them other than the fact that wherever they are they will bring a wave of change.

Effect : Constitution +50%

Charisma +50%

Physical stats:

Strength - 9(+4.5)

Constitution -10(+8)

Agility - 8(+0.4)

Intelligence - 35 (Cannot be increased by free stat points)

Will -10 (Cannot be increased by free stat points)

Charisma -10(+5) (Cannot be increased by free stat points)

Free stat points - 10

Free skill points -3

Haki - None

Observation(not available)

Armament(not available)

Conqueror(not available)

Devil fruits - None

Combat techniques - None

Skills -


The beginning stage of a godly ability.

For now user can only see the level and stats.

At user's level-cannot check attributes of non living things.

(Can be used to enhance ???)

Enhanced physique(D-rank)(Passive)-

Constitution (+10%)


Regeneration rate(+10%)

(Stackable with devil fruits)

Iron bones(D) Enhanced Musculature(D)

Enhanced Organ system (D)]

His stats were off the charts. A few days back while using observe, he found out that an average human in one piece world had stats around 5 so even at the age of 10 he was nearly twice as strong as an untrained adult male.

He wanted to use his extra stat point to increase his agility and strength to 10 but he held back.

His life was not in any dangerous situation so he had no reason to use those stats.

Raiden was happy. He was getting strong. He had people he cared about. He never felt more content in his life.

Unknown to him this world was going to throw a curveball at him real soon...

AN - There were a lot of time skips in this one lol. But it was about time he started getting strong. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, there was a bit of info dump but another one of these won't happen anytime soon.

justadudewithapencreators' thoughts