
One Piece: Thunderclap

A man who lived an average life and died in the most cliche way, got a second chance in life to live in his favourite fictional world. And he'll be damned if he didn't live his life to the fullest this time. There will be a system. Harem? Probably not. We'll see. Will he join strawhats. No. I'll try not to make him too OP. Power system will be mostly one piece based other than a few skills from the system.

justadudewithapen · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 15 - Foundational Marine Class

Three days ended pretty quickly and Raiden used this time to relax for some time. Arthur showed him around the Marineford and all the faculties they were allowed access to.

Marine Orientation Ground

Raiden and Arthur were standing next to each other, while Dax was somewhere else. Raiden could sense the tension in the air.

Garp told him his performance today would decide the level of resources marines would spend on him.

He guessed others knew this fact too, given how anxious everyone was.

He looked around and examined every cadet around him. They were way too weak compared to him. The only ones worth noting were surprisingly Dax and a girl Raiden noticed.

She was a beautiful brunette with long, waist length hair that she tied in a high ponytail. She had the same ridiculous one piece body, with massive bust and butt and a slim waist.

Other than that, Raiden could sense she was powerful. People had that aura around them. And given how she carried herself Raiden could feel her confidence.

"Attention cadets! Today marks the day you'll start a new chapter in your life. A chapter that will be filled with hardships and losses. I won't mince my words, marine life is dangerous, you will loose comrades, heck you may loose your life as well."

"Your performance today will decide how much we would value you. Give us your best and snatch away as many resources as you can from us."

A powerful voice gave us the introductory speech. The man was an ex marine vice admiral. He stood at massive height of 12 feets, had dark maroon hair and a rugged face that gave off the vibes of a military commander.

The entire test was divided into multiple smaller sections, each testing a particular aspect of the recruit.

The first one was 100 laps around a designated training field. You weren't supposed to complete the track. The examiners were going to judge and rank you on the basis of number of laps completed.

Everyone had different strategies for tackling the test. Most of them decided to go slow and conserve their energy. This was after all a test of endurance. Most, but Raiden.

He had no intention of hiding is powers at this stage. Being stuck at a lower rank would only hinder his growth.

As soon as the shot was fired, indicating the start of the examination, Raiden sprinted forward at his top speed.

Everyone present there was shocked at Raiden's speed.

'No way! He's that fast!?' Dax had an incredulous expression on his face. He thought he was the strongest person among the new recruits, but apparently he was mistaken. He decided not to hold back and sprinted forward as well.

'I can't believe it!' the brunette also looked at Raiden with wide eyes. She felt Raiden checking her out during the orientation. She thought he was just another pervert, but apparently he was not bad.

'He probably doesn't have that high stamina. He'll slow down eventually.' both Dax and the brunette had the same thought.

As for Arthur, he was just happy that his friend was doing well.

1st lap, 2nd lap, 3rd lap...10th lap...28th lap

Everyone, even the instructors were looking at Raiden in horror. He wasn't slowing down at all.

By the time Raiden completed this 40th lap, the person just below him in rankings, the brunette had barely touched 18th lap mark and was slowing down.

Each lap was half a kilometre long so it was rather long run. Raiden completed the entire circuit within 9 minutes.

He could've completed the set in a quarter of that time if he used his devil fruit, but he decided to keep it as a hidden trump card.

He looked over at the examiners who were staring at him and looked back at the still running recruits.

"So...can I take the other tests?"

The examiners had no idea what to say. He wasn't supposed to complete the track this fast.

Out of nowhere a voice interrupted the examiners' discussion.

"Come with me boy. There is no point in you doing these childish drills. Let's go measure your doriki value."

The man was the Rear Admiral instructor.

Raiden followed the man to a testing machine.

"Puch it as hard as you can."

Raiden knew this machine can somehow overlook the Zoan enhancement. He activated his strongest move.

[Blink Strike]

Raiden's stats skyrocketed. He pulled his right hand back and punched with all his might.


The machine swayed a little after the punch. It the was the number on the machine that shook the instructor.

Raiden was shocked. He didn't expect it to be this high.

"2..2000!? That's not possible!"

"Bwahahaha well done brat. I expected no less from you." Garp came out of nowhere and started praising himself for the amazing training he gave Raiden.

Even then, Garp was really surprised. He knew Raiden's doriki value would be high but he expected it to be near 1000-1200.

Raiden, had an explanation for that tho.

He guessed the system skills somehow bypassed the machines filtering process, and it considered the enhancement using system skills as Raiden's own strength.

So Garp's deduction was spot on. 1000-1200 doriki to was exactly how strong base Raiden was.

The instructor was surprised to hear that Raiden was being trained by Garp.

'That explains where this monster came from.'

"Raiden complete your education here fast. I want you on my ship in three months."

"Um. Understood."

"Bwahaha nice. I need to tell Sengoku about this..."

Garp left Raiden and the instructor while muttering something about 'makinh Sengoku jealous'.

"So...what should I do now instructor?"

The man sighed.

"Do whatever you want. You can go and watch your friend's test if you want."

Raiden nodded and went towards the ground where first test was taking place.

The rest of the test went without any big surprises.

The brunette girl placed second right below Raiden and Dax got third place.

Dax was rather disgruntled. He never imagined he'd get placed third.

He looked over at the brunette and Raiden.

'...and worst of all, one of them is 4 year younger than me.'

Dax sighed. "I need to work harder."

"You're pretty strong Dax, Raiden is just another level from us. Don't compare yourself with him." Arthur tried to console Dax who looked down at him with a frown.

"I don't need that from you nerd. And why is your score so low. You're joining me in morning training from tomorrow."

Arthur suddenly regretted trying to console Dax. He knows Dax would drag him out no matter how much he resisted.

Keiko was staring at Raiden intently. He finished the first test almost 4 times faster than her. And he wasn't present at other tests either.

The instructor informed them that Raiden's level was much higher than their's so he was automatically ranked first.

Keiko was naturally really competitive. She wanted to test herself against others who were stronger than her.

Before coming to Marineford she was the strongest in her village. That made her a little arrogant.

Watching Raiden's performance was a wake up call for her.

'I need to train harder.'

Raiden was silently standing at the front. He could feel the eyes of both Dax and Keiko(he doesn't know her name yet.)

Once the results were announced the recruits were ordered to go back to their rooms.

As Raiden was leaving, he heard someone call out to him.

"Recruit Raiden, please report to vice admiral Garp's office."

Raiden was confused why Garp summoned him but went there without thinking too much.


*Knock Knock*

"Come in."

Raiden entered Garp office, who was munching on a senbei and gestured him to sit down.

"Want one?"


Raiden graciously accepted one. It was good.

"Raiden, you'll start you schooling from tomorrow right?"


"Good, now listen carefully. I have some things I need to do in the new world.I'll assign someone to teach you, including swords."

He pulled out a map of Marineford and marked a particular training ground on it.

"Be here by 6 in the morning. I want you to complete all the literature in 3 months. And train hard during this time too. After that you'll join me on the sea."

Raiden nodded.

"Good now go and take rest. You have to wake up early."

Raiden got up to leave. As he was about to leave the room Garp called him out.

"And Raiden...well done boy." Garp grinned at him.

Raiden gave him a smirk and left for his dorm.

His life was going to take a big change tomorrow. And he was ready for it.


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