
One Piece: Thunderclap

A man who lived an average life and died in the most cliche way, got a second chance in life to live in his favourite fictional world. And he'll be damned if he didn't live his life to the fullest this time. There will be a system. Harem? Probably not. We'll see. Will he join strawhats. No. I'll try not to make him too OP. Power system will be mostly one piece based other than a few skills from the system.

justadudewithapen · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 12 - Time Skip and Garp's Arrival

Raiden pushed himself to the limit in these 4 months. Koushirou trained him hard during this time and helped him perfect his two swords style.

Raiden wouldn't say he was a master swordsman, but he had a decent control over his two swords style.

It just a week ago when he heard the system notification go off.


[Trait - Twin Blade Master aquired.

•When using two swords user gains +10% in all stats.

•Skill swordsman's honor(ACTIVE) can be used.

-Battle focus increased by 50%

-Stamina loss reduced by 10%.

•When using a single blade the above mentioned bonuses will be halved.]

Raiden was happy with the results. During these 4 months Raiden and Kuina grew closer. They sparred everyday.

He witnessed Zoro using three swords style. He didn't remember why Zoro started using three swords in manga but he was sure this idiot started it to one up Raiden, given how he always gave him a smug smile while showing off his swords.

Raiden just shook his head. He couldn't believe he was getting riled up because of a brat. Zoro and him never repaired their relationship. They had more or less the same relationship Zoro and Sanji had in canon.

During his stay he witnessed Zoro challenge Kuina everyday. It was solidified in his mind that Kuina was probably the most talented swordsman of her generation.

She had a good head on her shoulders and used it to her advantage. Where others her age lost their cool once they lost the upperhand or were hotheads like Zoro, Kuina tended to clamer in battle.

Even in their spars where Kuina generally lost. She never once lost her cool till the end.

As for Zoro, even as a kid he had an unbreakable will. He got up after every loss, trained harder and challenged Kuina again. This was his trait that made him fan favourite.

His time to leave was here. A few days back Garp sent a message through a marine ship that was patrolling nearby. He was supposed to go to Shells town. The journey was 5 days long and Garp told him he will be there in a week.

He had to leave soon. But before that he had one final thing he wanted to do here.


Koushirou was in his study when he heard a knocking sound.

"Come in."

He looked up and saw Raiden there. He looked like he had taken a fall.

"What happened to you Raiden?"

"Master you should repair the storeroom. The stairs are slippery. Someone will get hurt badly someday." Raiden who seemed annoyed to Koushirou replied in a disgruntled tone.

Koushirou nodded his head. People generally didn't go there. But he noted it down. He didn't want any unfortunate accidents happening to his students.

Raiden gave Koushirou a heads-up. He obviously couldn't tell him that Kuina was going to die there.

"Anyway...master I'm leaving tomorrow. I need to be in Shells town in 5 days."

Koushirou nodded his head again. Raiden has informed him of this a few days back.

He didn't have much left to teach Raiden. Him staying on the island will only stop his growth.

"Alright. But go and inform Kuina. She'll be mad if you leave without telling her."

Raiden smiled and nodded.

He left the study to go look for Kuina. It didn't take long for him to find her. He followed the dull *thud* sounds and found Zoro and Kuina engaged in a duel.

Well as much as you can call a one sided beat down a duel. Still Raiden didn't interrupt them.

It ended pretty fast with Zoro loosing again.

"Not bad Zoro. You are getting better."

"I don't need you to tell me that!" Zoro hated being pitied on.

Raiden just smiled and ruffled his, while Zoro just slapped his hand off with a grumble.

"Hey Raiden! We're you watching us?" Kuina blushed when she saw him. She didn't know what was this feeling but she felt self conscious whenever she was with Raiden.

Raiden was not oblivious to her behaviour. He just thought it was not the right time for entertain that idea.

"Yeah. Good job Kuina. Anyways I was here to you tell you something."

"Hm? What is it?"

Zoro was standing there listening to their conversation. He still lacked social cues. Well it was fine it's not like it was going to be a secret.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow."

"Leaving? Why? Where are you going?" Kuina was panicking. She didn't want him to leave.

"My first destination is Shells town. I'll see where I go from there."

"But...you said we'll travel together. Travel the grandline..."

"You're not ready yet. The grandline is dangerous. Stay here and train for a few years okay? I'll be back."

Kuina just nodded. Raiden smiled and patted her head.

"What is grandline? And you're leaving? But I haven't defeated you yet."

Raiden smirked at Zoro.

"Defeat me? Brat you're too young for that. Come find me on the sea if you have balls, I'll be waiting."

Zoro gritted his teeth through a grin.

"Yeah? Then wait for me, I'll kick your ass, Raiden!"


The next day came. Raiden packed up his belongings. He didn't really need a bag as he had the system inventory, but that was not something he was going to tell anyone.

Only three people came to see him off. In his 4 months at the Dojo, Raiden didn't really make much friends.

"Have a safe journey, Raiden. Take care."

"Come back soon Raiden..."

"Hey wait for me out there, I'll be on the sea in no time."

Raiden waved them goodbye and vanished from his spot. Only Koushirou could keep up with his speed.

Once he reached the edge of village, he pulled out a map and located Shells town on it.

Sure the distance between the two places can be covered in 5 days, that is if you're covering that distance with a ship.

Raiden put the map and his bag in his inventory. He took a deep breath, sprinted towards the cliff and jumped off.

A brilliant blue light covered his body, and in place of Raiden there was a majestic blue-black bird covered in lightning, 3 meters in height with total wingspan of 7 meters.

Raiden accessed his Zoan Transformation during his training in Shimotsuki village. It was rather easy. The problem was controlling his enhanced power.

His Zoan Transformation quadrupled his physical stats. The first time he tried flying he almost blew up his master's house.

[Status :

Strength - 160

Constitution - 280

Agility - 300]

(Okay so this is what I've decided

Normal Zoans - 2× stats(carnivorous Zoans 2.25× stats)

Ancient Zoans - 3× stats

Mythical Zoans - 4× stats)

He calculated that at most it'll take him 6 hours to reach Shells town.

Impundulu had an amazing characteristic. Once they locked on a direction they never lost it.

Raiden took off with sonic boom.

He wanted to reach Shells town fast.

On his way he saw two pirate ships. He didn't waste much time and just rained lighting on both the ships.

The multiple notification he recieved confirmed his kills.


He arrived in Shells town 15 minutes faster than he expected even after taking a small break midway. Maintaining Zoan Transformation was a taxing thing.

"Now then let's gain a few levels, before Garp comes here."


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