
Chapter 42 Let The World Know 5

People in the village were afraid to see Sairaorg coming with many people. They are afraid that Sairaorg is a subordinate of one of the pirates on Coco Island. Seeing this situation, Sairaorg understood that the residents were very afraid.

"You don't need to be afraid. Although we are Pirates, we are different from the other 4 groups," Sairaorg said, shouting to attract the attention of residents.

"All pirates are the same. What makes you believe we can trust your words?" asked one of the villagers.

Sairaorg looked towards Bepo, Liban, and Auger. The three of them understood Sairaorg's intent and went forward. They then brought out the head of the bag they were carrying. The people shouted out of fear that they would be killed until one young man shouted "that's the head of Dem, Fenzo, and Delen!"

Hearing those words, all the villagers began to see the head carried by Sairaorg more closely. And it's true that the head is a pirate.

"Thank you, young man"

"Although there is still one more pirate at least 3 pirate captains are dead hahaha"

"At least this island can be more crowded because 3 pirate captains are dead"

"If you are worried about other pirates then you can calm down. He is on our ship for a reason. And of course, his entire crew will not bother you anymore. And this island is free from pirates," said Sairaorg explained.

"I am the village head of this place, is that true?" asked the old man with a long mustache.

"Yes, if you don't, believe me, you can see it on our ship. Do you want to see it?" Sairaorg asked.

"There is no need," answered the old man and began to cry.

"Finally we are free !!!"

"We don't need to be afraid of pirates anymore"

"Hahaha I can finally open the bar at night"

"Let's all celebrate this by partying with our savior," said an old woman.

"Let's party! I'll bring alcohol and sake from my place," said the bar owner.

"You also have to come," said the village chief.

"Alright we will join the party," answered Sairaorg.

After preparation is done everyone was partying and laughter could be heard everywhere. The villagers are happy because it seems like Sairaorg and the others are really different from other pirates. But adults are still a little uncomfortable with bears who can talk and drink alcohol. Young children feel happy playing with Bepo even though he is often angry because he is called cute.

"What are you going to do now?" Sairaorg asked while eating meat.

Hearing this, all the people near Sairaorg were silent. They do not know what to do. Because in a few months they are used to living in fear. The village head thought for a while and spoke "maybe we will renovate some houses that were destroyed by pirates. If this place is good then many people will come here to buy the chocolate that we sell. That will make the village crowded again and maybe this village can become a city. "

"I have a suggestion," said Sairaorg.

"Just say it," said the village chief.

"You can ask for protection from the Diablo Family," Sairaorg said casually.

Hearing Sairaorg's suggestion everyone shrank. Because according to them the mafia and pirates are equally evil. Misla saw the faces of the villagers understanding what was on their minds.

"The Diablo Family is different from what you think. They are made because they are not happy with a marine who cannot maintain peace. And also many of them are pirate victims," ​​Misla said, explaining the Diablo Family is a different mafia from the others.

"Ah, I think they are currently the only mafia in East Blue. Not long ago they fought with 10 families and won," Shizuka said.

"Is that true?" asked the bar owner because he felt he could not believe what he had just heard.

"Yes, they were in the paper recently as family number 1 in North Blue and East Blue," Law said.

"But wouldn't the payment they asked be very expensive? What if Marine didn't want to help us anymore because we paid protection fees to the Diablo Family?" asked the village head.

"They only ask for 10% of the village income. I don't think that's much considering the chaotic sea and pirates can come anytime. And if you rely on marine? The proof is clear, they aren't even here to fight pirates out of fear. The world has changed old men. Marine isn't always good and pirates are not always evil. Even the Diablo Family can be more reliable than marine. You have to remember that if you want to live long "Liban said with an annoyed face because the villagers still believe in marine.

Hearing this they realized. 'Did marine come here when we needed their help? No! They only accept reports and do nothing! They call themselves the guardians of sea?! Don't make us laugh !! '

"You're right, is there a way we can contact the Diablo Family?" asked the village head.

"You can contact him with this old man," Kohta said and gave denden mushi.

"Thank you, and you can call me Har," said the village chief and accepted the denden mushi given by Kohta. Then he called the Diablo Family.

Pere ... pere ... pere ... pere ....

Pere ... pere ... pere ... pere ....

Kacha ...

"Diablo Family here"

"I'm the village head of Coco Island, I heard you can provide protection to an island," said Har, nervously. Because he was afraid that if he made a mistake the Diablo Family would not give protection to Coco Island.

"Where did you get the Diablo Family contact?" asked the Daiblo Family members.

"A pirate gave it to me," Har replied.

"Isn't Coco Island in a peaceful state? Why are you asking for protection?"

"A few months ago the island was still peaceful but suddenly there were 4 groups of pirates who came here. They made people scared and businesses on the island declined. But now 4 groups of pirates were gone because there was a group of pirates who had just come here killed 4 other pirates and they suggested contacting the Diablo Family, "Har explained.

"I will send some members there within 3 or 5 days to hear more detailed information and decide whether we will protect your island or not," said a member of the Diablo Family explaining the actions to be taken.

"Thank you," Har said and hung up.

Seeing Har's conversation go smoothly, Sairaorg stood up and prepared to leave.

"I think our business here is finished and you can have 3 pirate heads to exchange for money when the Diablo Family comes here. Don't exchange the heads without the help of the Diablo Family because marine might cheat you," said Sairaorg.

"Thank you," everyone said and lowered their heads.

"What is your name young man? And what is the name of your group?" Har asked.

"My name is Sairaorg and you will find out when we are in the newspaper hahaha," answered Sairaorg and walked to the Black Pearl.

'I don't think it's bad if there are a lot of pirates like them,' thought Har.

enjoy and don't forget to comment and review this story~

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