
Chapter 39 Let The World Know 2

_in an abandoned port_

"Why don't you follow Auger?" Sachi asked Penguin.

" You know that when he talks about fate, he won't stop," answered Penguin.

"He was a bit spooky when he talked about fate. I hope captain doesn't bring a freak to join him when he returns," Bepo said, thinking why Auger could join them.

"He's weird like Bepo," Sachi said mockingly.

"He really looks like Bepo," said Penguin following Sachi

"Hmm, he's weird like me ... Eh? You bastard !! What do you mean I'm weird?" Bepo asked angrily.

"You won't understand that you are weird," Sachi said.

"Sorry," Bepo said gloomily.

The three of them continued talking and suddenly a man with a scary appearance approached them. The man watched Sachi and Penguin from head to toe. Then he saw Bepo and felt strange because the bear walked on 2 legs. Bepo wanted to hit the man because his gaze was very uncomfortable but was stopped by Penguin and whispered "we must follow him to the hideout so we can kill all the pirates in this place. If anyone can run away from here then it will be dangerous for ordinary citizens. "

"Fine," answered Bepo because he understood pirates like them to be very dangerous.

The man saw Penguin whispering annoyed and asked "who are you? And why are you here?"

"We want to become pirates," Sachi said.

"Are you strong?" asked the man.

"You can test our strength if you don't believe it," said Penguin with a confident smile.

"No need, captain will test you. Follow me," said the man walking toward the hiding place.

"You lie very smoothly" Bepo whispered to Sachi.

"Captain said when talking to pirates it shouldn't be too honest. And if you talk to marine just say 'don't know' to any questions" said Sachi teaching Penguin and Bepo.

"Doesn't that mean you lied to marine and pirates?" Bepo asked.

"Of course, if you want to talk honestly then just talk to the other members. Captain told me that," said Sachi.

"Captain is really cool. In the future I will be cool like him," Bepo said with shining eyes.

"That's impossible," said Sachi and Penguin together.

"Bastard!" said Bepo irritably.

"Don't shout," said Sachi while kicking Bepo's butt.

"Sorry," Bepo said gloomily and grabbed his ass that had just been kicked.

They walked for about 5 minutes and arrived at the old warehouse. When they entered the warehouse they saw that the pirates were having a party. Someone saw Bepo's group come in and shout "hey Dee who did you bring?"

"They want to join us," answered the man who guided Bepo to the hideout.

"Hahaha, captain's bounty just went up and now someone wants to join. You can go there to see captain," said the man who was a little drunk and showed him where the captain.

They walked closer to the captain's place. "Dee, are you back? And who are they?" asked the captain.

"They want to join us," Dee said.

"Are you Sorza?" Sachi asked.

"That's me hahaha the pirate who has a bounty of 17 million berries. If you want to join me you have to show your strength. I don't want weak people to be my crew hahaha" Sorza laughed like crazy.

"I'll go," said Penguin. He prepared to fight by clenching his fist.


Penguin suddenly disappeared and kicked Sorza in his stomach. Sorza was thrown and crashed into the wall behind him. The whole crew just paused to see Sorza thrown violently. From the ruins of the wall, Sorza came who was still laughing and saying "hahaha you are strong. I will accept you as my crew."

"I changed my mind. Bepo! Sachi!" Penguin shouted.

Sachi and Bepo immediately hit the people near them. The person who received Sachi and Bepo's punch was immediately thrown.

"Ayee!" Bepo shouted and posed strangely.

Sorza saw this getting annoyed. He shouted "shoot them !!"

*Bang* *Bang* *bang*

Everyone fired at Sachi and Bepo. But no one hit because Sachi and Bepo dodged all the bullets. Penguin ran straight to Sorza and kicked Sorza's head. But Sorza said nothing and Penguin saw what happened become surprised.

"Zoan," said the surprised Penguin.

Sorza's appearance became a little bigger and his teeth become bigger. Now Sorza has a lot of furs. Sorza's appearance is similar to that of a wild boar.

"Hahaha, so you know what power I have. You can carry that information to hell. Die !!" Sorza shouted and tried to hit the Penguin.

Penguin tried to resist Sorza attack with tekkai but he was still thrown. Sachi saw Penguin being thrown want to help but was stopped by Bepo. "We have to kill everyone then we can help Penguin. Don't kill him Penguin! Captain will be happy if we bring him alive," Bepo said seriously. Seeing Bepo say seriously Sachi knew that they had no other choice.

"Shouldn't Sairaorg fight someone like him. We can't kill him, but he's very dangerous. Damn it!" Sachi shouted complaining that he had just talked Auger who was crazy about fate. And now fate is playing with him.


Sachi uses rankyaku in all directions. Bepo also uses soru to kill people who want to run away from the battle.

"I just want to act cool but it seems like I can't. Unfortunately, in my first fight against a pirate, my opponent is a power type zoan. I am sure I will win if you are the speed type" Penguin said irritably and covered his hands with haki.

Sorza and Penguin hit with each other. And Penguin lost the power battle. When Penguin was thrown, he used geppo so as not to hit the wall and immediately used soru to kick Sorza's face. Sorza was thrown a few meters and held his face in pain. Sorza got up again and ran towards Penguin to hit Penguin's stomach. Penguin avoids Sorza's punch and kicks Sorza's hand. Penguin and Sorza fight lasts about 4 minutes. After 4 minutes Sorza and Penguin's bodies are bleeding everywhere.